Chapter 4: Dathomir

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"Is it always so dark here?" Zakya commented as we walked off the ship. 

"During the winter months, it is," I comment as we head towards the town. 

Last time I was on Dathomir, it felt different. The planet that used to feel serene now feels cold and empty. My fear that the force left no trace began to weigh heavily on the back of my mind. If I cannot find even a small amount of force, our mission will be impossible. 

Walking into the town, we immediately notice that it became a ghost town. No one was out walking around and most of the shops, restaurants, and various buildings were closed. 

Stopping at the center of the town, I break away from the rest and head towards the fountain located to our left. Closing my eyes, I begin to reach out, trying to feel any resemblance of the force knowing that the fountain is a force nexus. 

"What is she doing?" I heard Zakya say, her voice coming closer. 

"Let her be," Obi-Wan responded. 

Sighing, I try and block out their conversation as my fingers softly brush the marble fountain, which was cool to the touch. Furrowing my eyebrows my concern grows slightly, knowing that the fountain should feel warm to the touch. 

"You won't find the force there," I hear the faintest whisper glide through the air. 

Opening my eyes, I see no one around, making me believe that the witches were calling out. 

As I begin walking away from the nexus, I feel it. 

For a fleeting moment, I feel a surge of the force as it violently rips through me. 

My vision blurred as my mother's face flashed before my eyes, bringing me to my knees. 

Keep trying Satara, her voice whispers You will find it.

I try focusing my energy on my mother's voice, but the power coursing through me was too painful to do anything but remain curled up and shaking. 

I feel someone pulling me up and trying to get my attention, but I frantically ignore them, trying to hold onto the force as it begins rapidly leaving my body. With the last bit in my body, I manipulate it to activate any force beacons that might be left in the galaxy. 

As it leaves, I find myself coming back to reality and I meet Anakin's concerned gaze. 

"We need to find the witches," I mutter, trying to stand but am still too dizzy. 

"Easy there, smalls," Anakin chuckles while grabbing onto me. 

"What happened?" Qui Gon asked. 

"I felt the force for a brief moment. It felt different though. Chaotic and unbridled," I respond, trying to ignore nausea rising in my stomach. 

The force felt raw in a way I never felt it before. Not even my experience with the true nature of the Darkside felt that way. 

"Did it help you find any answers?" Ahsoka asked and I shrugged. 

"We'll see."

"We'll see?" Zakya scoffed, earning an annoyed look from me. Zakywa was nice enough but was a little too sarcastic for my liking. She didn't really know when to stop. 

"We need to find the Witches. They may be able to provide me with answers," I remark, leading them towards the forests of Dathomir. 

The forests in Dathomir are dangerous and always dark. Rancor's here grow up to eighty meters tall because of the lighter gravity on the planet. Everyone and everything here is generally taller than in most places for that matter. 

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