Chapter 11: Tython

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Anxious feelings course through my veins as we approach Tython. The planet is a vital part of our history, pivotal in the creation of both the Je'daii Order and, later, the Jedi Order. 

This planet is considered the mother of the force, as it was where force-sensitive beings first came into contact with the energy, establishing nine-different temples, each with their own specializations. The two temples I want to make sure we visit are Akar Kesh, which was the temple of balance, and Qigong Kesh, which is the temple of force skills. 

According to ancient Je'daii manuscripts, both temples serve as a nexus and it is said that unlocking those two nexus will provide answers on the force's whereabouts. 

It took us four days to reach the Tython system, leaving us three more before a bounty is placed on our heads. 

I hear a knock on the door and see Zakya, who asks if she can come in. 

"Everything alright?" I ask as she sits next to me on the bed. Her purplish eyes look towards me for a moment before refocusing back on her hands, where she picks at the skin around her nails.  

"I'm just a little...nervous I guess. I've never been on such a high-stakes mission before. Sure, Ahsoka and I faced our fair share of danger when we were sent on missions, but nothing quite like this, and especially not without our force-connection," she murmurs, obviously embarrassed by her explanation. 

"Everyone is a little nervous right now. We just lost everything we've known and turned our backs on our future lives," I explain, calmly. 

"I keep thinking if it's worth it. Ahsoka and I-" she begins, but stops herself. 

"You and Ahsoka could build a life outside of the order and help others on Geonosis if you go back," I finish for her as she turns to me with a shocked expression. 

"Why are you surprised? You chose to associate yourself with very observant people," I try and lighten the mood, causing a soft smile to cast over her face. 

"We talked about going back, if I'm being honest. Master Jinn told us about what our jobs would be if we did. It wasn't until he later told us what they would do to you and Anakin after your fight that we realized we couldn't go back, knowing they would lock the two of you up," she explains quietly. 

"Neither of us would've judged you for the decision, y'know." 

"Ahsoka would've regretted it if we had. She would feel like she betrayed two of the most important people in her life," Zakya countered. 

"I know I haven't exactly been the nicest to you. I'm having a hard time adjusting to the emptiness that I feel following the whole 'force leaving' thing." 

"You don't have to apologize, you've seen more than enough of my emotional breakdowns too," I chuckle a little. 

"You have more of a reason-"

"-No I don't. In fact, as the leader, I shouldn't be spewing my emotions out in the way I have. I haven't controlled my feelings enough and that is something I fight on a daily basis. Don't invalidate your experience just because someone else has a different situation," I respond firmly. 

"I've always believed that one of the biggest flaws of the Jedi Order was the idea that we need to suppress our feelings and attachments. We are all emotional beings and asking us to become emotionless is not the answer," I explain. 

Zakya was about to say something else when Ahsoka popped her head in the door, "there you are! I was looking everywhere for you!" She cheerfully exclaims, plopping down onto the bed behind us. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2020 ⏰

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