Chapter 3: Preparation

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"Are you sure these Jedi are the ones you want to accompany you on this mission?" Master Windu asks as we wander the halls of the temple, Windu listening intently to my plan. 

"Who do you think I should take off or add?" I ask, curiously. I chose the Jedi I am closest too for my part of the mission while I assigned Jedi powerful in the force to search the galaxy. 

"Master Yoda and I sense a dark shift within Skywalker. While the Darkside has always been strong in him, we fear he gets closer to turning with every passing day," Windu explains.

"In order to find where the force hides, I need the strongest force-users on my team. Anakin is one of the strongest in the force out of the whole order. Plus, who better to keep an eye on him than his old master?" 

"Why not taking someone like Koth?" 

"I need knights who believe in the force as the life-force of everything around us, not someone who believes that the force exists to bend to our wills. Knights like Koth only use the force when it benefits them instead of living through it," I reply, growing tired of Windu's doubt. 

"You have one shot at this, Satara. Make it count." With that, Windu bows before heading towards the archives to find manuscripts about channeling the Darkside without succumbing. The Jedi want to be prepared for the worst-case scenario: the light side not coming back. 

Heading towards the hangar, I alert my team to our imminent departure from the temple. I stocked our ship with all the manuscripts I found on the nature of the force, plenty of medical supplies, and anything else we may need. Even if the two months run out before we find the force, I intend to search until I find answers. My team agreed with me and were ready to go rouge if needed. 

My team consists of Anakin, Obi-Wan, Ahsoka, and Qui Gon. I know that I always pick them for my missions, but each of them will be beneficial to our quest. 

Anakin's usefulness is pretty self-explanatory. Since he is the chosen one, Anakin's connection to the force is more powerful than most. His role in the disappearance of the force makes me believe that he will play a role in its return. Anakin's extensive knowledge of the galaxy will also come in handy. 

Ahsoka's combat expertise will help us immensely. Even though her connection to the force is weaker than many Jedi, her knowledge of war, lightsaber style, and of the sith will prove to be useful. She knows many individuals throughout the galaxy due to her extroverted nature which will help us in more hostile planets. 

Qui Gon was one of the first Jedi to adopt the "living force" ideology. This ideology teaches that the force is in everyone and everything, uniting all of us for a greater purpose. Living force ideology also teaches that there are light and dark aspects to the force so one's choices will be subjective. Qui Gon's wisdom and knowledge will be useful whenever we need to decipher ancient manuscripts. 

I chose Obi-Wan as my final member for several reasons. Many Jedi assume that I picked him solely because he used to be my master; however, a lot more went into this decision. Obi-Wan is one of the greatest diplomats of our time. He will provide useful if we run into hostile situations. Obi-Wan's knack for thinking quickly on his feet will help us in sticky situations. His knowledge of ships and piloting will help us whenever our ship inevitably breaks down. Not to mention his strong connection to the force and skill as a Jedi Knight.  And yes, he used to be my master so I trust him with my life. 

Master Mundi, Windu, Yoda, and Koon will explore different force nexus areas for the next two months. A force nexus is when the force is especially strong somewhere on a planet. The Valley of the Dark Lords is an example of force nexus. I'm hoping there will be answers within those areas. 

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