Chapter 8: The Temple of Exar Kun

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"Do you want to know what I hate almost as much as sand?" Anakin asks, swatting at the swarm of bugs we accidentally walked through. 


"Tropical planets," he muttered, quickly becoming irritated with the amount of life on Yavin IV. 

"What don't you hate?" I chuckle, finding joy in Anakin's suffering. 

"Well for starters, I don't hate you...Even though you are testing me right now," Anakin retorts, slipping on a mossy rock, causing me to catch him. 

"Pay more attention to your surroundings. I don't need you to injure yourself because you slip on some vegetation," I respond. 

"I don't need your sass right now, smalls," Anakin groans. 

Our journey to the temple remains uneventful, except for Anakin's incessant grumbling about nature. 

We approach the island where the building resides, which is in the middle of a giant body of water. The only way to get on the island is by walking across the stepping stones, which are submerged under a few feet of water. 

"I did not sign up for this," Anakin complains as I lead the way, stepping into the murky water, watching the bottoms of my boots disappear. 

"You have tall boots, twinkle-toes. Get over it," rolling my eyes, we begin the treacherous journey across the path, trying not to slip and fall into the brownish water. 

"Do you know how expensive these boots are?" He retorted. 

"No, and I don't care."

I hear Anakin sigh heavily behind me, I don't know how we made it through the Clone Wars with this attitude, he's been on much grimier missions than this one, that's for sure. 

As we approach the courtyard of the temple, I feel a heaviness emitting from the temple, signaling that something is active on the inside. 

"Be careful, we don't know what lies ahead," I warn as we walk towards the door, which opens for us. 

Inside the temple made of black-obsidian was a single, plain room with ancient sith hieroglyphics and pictographs. 

Welcome, my children.

A sinister voice echos through the room as the hairs on my neck stand on their ends. Anakin pulls me back slightly and angles himself in a way where he stands slightly in front of me. 

"Who's there?" He asks. 

A deep chuckle bounces off the walls as a ghost materializes in front of us.

"I was wondering when the two of you would show up," The ghost of Exar Kun muses with a smirk. 

He walks in a slow circle around us, taking in our appearances with an intense gaze, one that could intimidate even the most powerful of Jedi.

"My, my, my. Sheev outdid himself with you two," Kun states as he comes to a stop, right in front of his throne.  

"What do you mean?" I ask, confused as to what Anakin has to do with my father. 

"Well he created both of you, did he not?" Kun raises an eyebrow, waiting for a response. 

"That's impossible, Anakin is not my brother," I respond and chuckle at the thought. 

"You are correct, Anakin is not your brother, but Sheev did create him," Kun responds coldly, not amused with my antics. 

"How is that possible? I was born on Tattooine and my mother was Shmi Skywalker," Anakin questions. 

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