Chapter 2: It's Gone

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The past few weeks have been nightmarish. 

After we defeated the separatists and sith at Geonosis, the force withdrew from every living thing in the galaxy, including force-users.  The force left without any warning or inkling on its location. Everyone at the temple is distraught, unable to deal with the emptiness that the force left. 

The council asked if I would sit in their next council meeting, their logic being I may have better insight due to my strength in the force. 

Walking into the room, I take the empty seat between Anakin and Mace Windu, which belonged to Master Gailia before her death on Florrum two months ago. Anakin was recently appointed to the council and granted the rank of master, replacing the late Kit Fisto. 

Everyone in the room talks amongst themselves, leaving me to observe everyone. Pained expressions crossed most of the other Jedi's face, the stress of current events weighing heavily on everyone. I catch Qui Gon looking at me as I hold his gaze, realizing for the first time how old and exhausted he looks. Maybe the lack of force being present in him causes him to reflect his age. 

Soon, Master Yoda entered the room, looking grimly at everyone before taking his seat. 

"Looked through the archives for the disappearance of the force, I have. A clear answer, there is not. Until we find answers, the temple, no one can leave. Satara, Obi-wan, and Plo, search the ancient Jedi texts for answers, the will. Somewhere in the ancient manuscripts, an answer, there will be," Master Yoda explains before the council discusses the next steps if an answer is not found within the next week. 

"If an answer is not found, disband the order, we will," Master Yoda replied before the council erupted in protests. 

"We can't just abandon our cause! We will find a way to make this work!" Kolar responded as several council members loudly agreed. 

Windu sided with Master Yoda, claiming that the Jedi have no purpose outside of the force, to which Anakin surprisingly disagreed. 

"Just because the force is not with us right now does not mean we are rendered useless. We still have excellent swordsmanship, negotiation skills..." he went on to list a few more benefits the Jedi would give to the republic and galaxy. 

The argument grew louder and louder, causing my ears to ring and my vision to blur. I felt a surge of power run through me, causing me to place my head in my hands. 

I started having visions, but they appeared different. Instead of bright, they were dark and tinted red. I saw a bookshelf in the archive room where the Jedi kept ancient sith manuscripts and other dark Jedi contraband. Flashes of light flew before my eyes before I saw death and destruction around me. Younglings lay slain at my feet as I saw my eyes turn sith-yellow. 

The smell of burning flesh hits my nostrils as I see a firey red planet in front of me, the screaming of thousands of people fill my ears. All of them asking me why I betrayed the order, why I didn't do more to save them. As the voices grew louder, they began speaking an ancient sith dialect, much like the one Maul spoke. 

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The voices evilly chanted over and over. I begin screaming for it to stop, but the vision refuses to leave my mind as I see flashbacks from my past. Every time I used the dark force played in front of my mind as the voices of the sith chanted those statements. 

The vision abruptly ends and I open my eyes to find myself back in the council room with everyone staring at me. Qui Gon is holding me from the back and Master Yoda is standing in front of me with a concerned expression. 

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