Chapter 5: Visions

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Walking along the shoreline felt peaceful. The cool, damp sand pushes itself between my toes as the water barely touches my feet. Crashing waves methodically hit the shore as the smell of sea salt fills my nostrils. 

I always found myself here when an important vision comes to me. My subconscious blocks this part of my mind off, reserving it for significant moments. 

 The world around me began changing, signaling the beginning of a vision. Surprised, I free my mind up to the possibilities as I lay on the sand, looking towards the sky. 

I see the Jedi Temple deserted, run-down, covered in graffiti. Smells of burning flesh filled my nose as the screams of the dead ring through my ears. 

You were the chosen one! 

Obi-Wan's face appears in the sky, full of sorrow and pain. 

I hate you!

Anakin appears in a flash, eyes glowing yellow. 

You turned everyone against me!

He shouts once again, launching into battle with Obi-Wan. 

The scene fades out as Obi-Wan appears once again, a couple of tears silently falling down his aging face. 

And you-

He makes direct eye contact with me. 

You were supposed to bring back the Jedi and establish a new order! This is not the will of the force, padawan! 

His face disappears, leaving me distraught. I hear lightsabers clashing as I see Qui Gon and Anakin fight before Skywalker stabs his old master through the chest, evil consuming his presence. 

I appear but exude Darkness, anger, and power. Igniting my lightsaber, I see myself engage with Obi-Wan. He cuts off my right hand, but that leaves him vulnerable as I run my lightsaber through his stomach. 

Watching my old master fall limp, I find myself screaming, unable to process the vision unfolding in front of me. 

The vision fades as I see a planet, one I have never seen before. It looked vibrant, full of life and hopeful. It called out to me, chanting my name over and over. 

The vision disappears and the ocean comes back, making me believe that the visions were over. 

Suddenly, an iron grip grabs me by my throat as I'm met with the evil gaze of my father. 

"You will fulfill the ancient sith prophecy, my child," he sneers as I choke from the lack of air. 

"It's cute that you think you can escape me and our family legacy. You will fall alongside Skywalker, ruling the galaxy together and advancing the sith!" He spat. 

Struggling to get away from him, he suddenly disappeared, being replaced by a vision of Anakin and I walking hand-in-hand. 

All rise for the Supreme Leaders of the Galaxy: Darth Xess and Darth Vader. 

The room erupted in applause as the two of us stood before what appeared to be the senate.

We both ignite our lightsabers and proceed to kill everyone in the room. 

I once again hear the screams of the dead, but this time they grew louder and louder before seeing the haunting faces of ancient Sith and Jedi. Both trying to yell over the other in an attempt to sway me. I felt the force tangling inside of me to the point where I couldn't tell the light from the dark. 

Between the screaming, smells of rotten flesh, and my conflicted feelings, I found myself gasping for air, feeling panic rise within me. 

I'm suddenly pushed from this area of my mind as the giant black door slams shut. Hearing the deadbolts lock, I know that was all I would see tonight. 

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