A best friend to his girlfriend 🌸

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Everyone has a crush on the one and only King Dice because of how charming he is. With charm, deep voice, and his elegance it's easy to make any girl fall for him in an instant. I also have a crush on King Dice, but not much for those reasons..we've been best friends since he made deal with the devil. I was working here in the casino for my parents. They were hard working, but they needed more money to provide the family so I joined here and once I saw him, we instantly became friends. He was 12 at the time and I was 11, he showed me many cards tricks and even how to steal. I never wanted any of that, but he was fun to hang around with. Here and there he would get in trouble by the Devil himself, flustered and scared he would beg for forgiveness. Let's just say the Devil was very creative in the ways he would punish him. I barely got in trouble and if I did it was a night cleaning the ENTIRE casino.

Anyways, tonight King Dice would sing which was rare..yet it was nice to hear him sing once a while. He would make me HIS audience as he practiced and took advice from me to becoming a better singer in which he did. "You comin' tonight? I mean, it'd be nice to see you there." "Of course I will silly, I'm not going to miss my best friend's singing night." "Yes I know, but what if there was change in plans?" "I'd make time for you then." He smiled giving up before sitting down beside me, "So many girls come to my show to see me sing and give compliments." "Ha, they would worship you if you asked them too, maybe the ones that have fallen for you hard." He laughed shaking his head, "Yes I guess so doll, you are beautiful and sweet yet don't have a boy for yourself, what went wrong there?" I look down remembering the times I've rejected people who asked me out, I didn't want anyone but Dice. "Eh..i'm just not interested in them. I'm still waiting for that someone to come. I do have a crush, but i'm afraid they'll reject me." He wrapped his arm around my shoulder allowing me to lean on him. "I'm sure he or she will love you back. They'd bring breakfast to the bed for you, comfort you at your worst, put those insecurites at rest, make sure to spoil you with gifts and affection, and that a smile would appear everyday." I smiled looking up at him as he was already looking down at me, "That would be amazing..sadly those kind of people are rare. I wish to have someone like that." Nodding he looked at the time quickly getting up, "Show starts in an hour and I have to get ready! See you there doll." he disappeared leaving to think how he said those words..like there was some part of him hurt.

I got home early from work to change quickly into something elegant or just something to bring to the show, not wanting to embarrass myself maybe I could wear my purple off-shoulder dress which hugged me right and curled my hair. Makeup was just natural..don't understand why someone put a ton on their face just for one day and headed out towards the casino.

Was she really going to come? What if something unexpected happen and she didn't have a choice, but to do what happened? "What are you so nervous 'bout?" "Has she came yet?" "Who-Oh, Y/n? You have a crush on her or somethin'?" "Yes-NO-" "Dice Dice my old buddy Dice, you don't have to lie to me. I've seen the way you look at her when she's not looking and the way you talk about her in your mind." "Since when did you read minds?" "I'm the Devil idiot." I looked up nodding that it was obivous.."The show starts in two minutes, I suggest you to get up on there and get ready." I looked from the curtains watching as everyone chattered and the group of girls that always followed me fangirled. A small figure moved across the crowd to the small corner, she was dressed in purple and her hair curled down, Y/n?! The curtains opened as everyone whooped, cheered, and some even fainting..but she was here at last..I never knew she looked beautiful in purple..she waved and I smiled blushing

I waved signaling Dice I was here, he blushed looking over at me and straighten himself to sing.

"I'm Mr. King Dice, I'm the gamest in the land I never play nice, I'm the Devil's right hand man.~"

Some of the words brought memories when he got in trouble with the devil making me giggle,

"I can't let you pass 'cause you ain't done everything
Bring me those contracts, come on, bring 'em to the king!~"

the group of girls started fangirling as he walked down the stage and roamed around near them, he sure hasn't changed so much,

"If you haven't finished your task, haven't worked assiduously
No, I cannot you let you pass, don't you mess with me.~"

Well, can we call the doctor? They're all dead by now..I walk over to them after he gets back on stage and fan them awake, "You wouldn't want to miss the whole show now get up ladies!" They nodded quickly getting up before looking over at KD and fainted again, giving up I head back to the corner before noticing Dice wasn't on stage again,

"Don't mess with King Dice (Don't mess with King Dice)

Don't mess with me (Don't mess with him)
Don't mess with King Dice (Don't mess with King Dice)
Don't mess with me!"

Right toward my direction he was coming and motioned me near him, refusing, he walked over to him as everyone chanted the rest of the lyrics.

"Here take it quick," He whisper taking a note out and handing it to me. He smiled walking over back to the stage singing the rest of the song, I turned around opening the note carefully

My dear doll,
I've wanted to find the perfect moment to hand this to you, but I never can being so busy and having girls following me trying hard. I understand if you don't want to, but give me the chance to tell you my feelings..Y/n your eyes glisten everytime I see you, your personality shows off how beautiful it is, a soft calming voice..everything about you is beautiful and special that losing you would bring immense pain. What I'm tryin' to say is will you be my girlfriend?

-King Dice

I blushed feelings my heart pound with delight. The person I crushed on for years loved me back, I just don't know what to do! Or what to write! I search for my notebook and pen in my beg and wrote back.

-King Dice-
After giving her the note, my heart pounded feeling anxiety rushing over me. I seriously didn't want to lose her. I've liked her for so long it would hurt so much if she rejected me. I saw her dig around her purse and writing back bringing more panic into me. Thank goodness the song had ended and everyone cheered as the curtain closed back. "Dice!" Looking back was Y/n smiling with the letter in her hand, "You were spectacular! I knew all that hard work would pay off!" I nodded going up to her giving a small hug before anyone could see us. "Well see you tomorrow! Oh yes and here." I smiled taking the letter from her gently then watched her leave the stage. Opening the letter with my heart unable to control itself soon became harder,

Oh silly Dice,
I would love to be your girlfriend. I've had feelings for you since the second week we were friends. Being with you would make me the happiest girl in the world. See you tomorrow Dice!~
-Y/n L/n

I let out a loud whisper, "YES!" throwing my fist in the air. Happy that she accepted. I vow to make her happy in the relationship knowing it would last a lifetime.


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