.A bit about yourself.

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Hello there! Call me Author-Chan if you can if its to...Umm...complicated just call me Author. I made this "Chapter" to say some info and somethings about yourself.

1. There will be 100% some Typo's because I type fast and don't really look at my keyboard on my phone. I also might type this on my laptop but there will also be Typo's. So if i see comments like you missed spelled this then I'm throwing you out a window. JK I won't say anything but say. "Go to the first chapter and read number one".

2. Updates may be slow due to something really scary called life. I mean yeah everyone has one but I have it tough. I have school, homework, Volunteer work, Group things and Other book to work on as well.

3.I try my best to be a good writer so if you pass some tips please do. I like writing this like>>"Come on! Lets go Ali!" Max Yelled or said./ I don't habe many words for say, said, yelled, exclaimed, explained...Etc.

4. This book may Contain some bad Language.

Finally time for Yourself info. ^_^

1. You live alone since your parents diecide to live in America but you stayed due to studying and school.

2. You can swim a little bit. You learned Karate Like Racheal.

3. You have a crush on you know who.

4.She is a scared-cat.

5.Add on whatever you want.

To be continued

You and Me (Case Closed Shinichi|Conan X reader)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora