Well look who it is

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|Izuku POV|

THE LIGHTS! It was the damn lights outside they were purple then gold or yellow.
Uaraka seem real worried for some reason?
Curiosity gets the best of my I grab my laptop.
" Do the lights have something to do why it was packed and why Uaraka was so worried?" I mumbled to myself.  I type into my password. " what the hell was that club's name?" I mumbled. GOT IT! "K.A.T," I said while I typed a bunch of things popped up.

I went to its website it was had the same color pallet as the club purple slight pink and elegant gold designs. It was organized in sections like the location, Food, drinks, and TIMES! I clicked on times it opens at 7:00 pm closes at 4:00 am...special events... I clicked on special events the date popped up "Gay...night" I read the description
Today at 2:00 am K.A.T is hosting all gay strippers to the polls as an event. We haven't made the decision final as in having it every night from 2:00 am to 4:00 am.
Hope to see you there!
-Mina Ashido
I read what it said so that's why it was so packed to his it looked in there Virgo is probably gonna make it final.
I checked the time on my laptop 3:00 am I yawed as I closed my laptop and put it on my nightstand.


I woke up to my alarm and knocking at my door. I sluggishly walked out of bed I tired of the planar on my phone I walked down the hallway into the living room and the front door. I opened the door to Uaraka shoving some clothing into my hands "the...hell" I said clearly tired.
"look who woke up 20 minutes late," she said clearly about to laugh at me.
She flicked my head "OW!" I yelled in pain as she shut the door as she walked in. " well that what you get for waking up late now go get dressed showered in taking you because in going..that way anyway" she said pushing me towards the hallway.

I got out of the shower after brushing my teeth and washing my face. I look at the outfit Uaraka wants me to wear I open it up and "What in the hell" I mumbled.

I put on the light teal high waist skirt and black crop top.
I put on chapstick and walk out my room down the hallway to the living room where Uaraka is watching TV.
"aww don't you look cute now sit on one of the stools," she said pointing to the stools by the kitchen counter.

I sug on one of the stools as Uaraka asked me too.

She held a clear box with mini drawers in it with..makeup supplies... "You gotta be kidding me" I whined "turn to me and close your eyes" Uaraka say pulling some make up an item out the box I close my eyes as she applies multiple substances on my face she sprays some stuff on my face" Done now look how cute you look even cuter than before" she squealed holding a pink mirror to my face, to be honest, it didn't look bad.
"I actually like it," I said getting from the stool walking to my shoes. " oh here we were the same size too," she said dangling black combat heels " my feet are about to hurt," I said as she was walking to me. " you'll be fine you know how to walk in heels," she said handing me the shoes. I put the heels on and they weren't that bad to walk in better the other heels.
"see not so bad," Uaraka said opening the front door I grabbed my keys and teal blue jean jacket it was the color of the skirt.

I close my door. We walk to Uaraka's car and get in.

We have it there it wasn't far. I and Uaraka sang and talked in the car nothing important.
I get out so does Uaraka for some reason but hell should I ask.

I open the door I to the lady at the desk she had brown hair with pale skin. "Oh Hi Name!" She said her name tag read Tooru. "I-Izuku Midorya," I said nervously Uaraka padded my back basically telling me it's ok. "Oh perfect timing your room is #17," Tooru said pointing to where the interviewing's take place.

I walk down the hallway to room 17 I knock before opening the door. A man with purple hair and bags under his eyes but seemed fairly energized "Izuku Midorya" he sluggish said "y-yes" I stuttered "close the door and sit" he said about to yo to sleep soon he is soon with me
"so you filled the paperwork out so now I'' just gonna ask some personal questions if you're not comfortable just say in not comfortable answering." he said rubbing his temples.
"O-Okay," I said nervously
"1. Are you married or in a relationship" he asked "no" I said as he checked something off on the paper "2 do you have any kids or pets" he said looking down at the paper then at me "no" I said he checked something off again " last and not least are you able to do things most people are not comfortable doing" he said now staring me down " uh yes" I said not knowing what exactly what he is talking about " great you got the job I know most places aren't this quick. So we gave job offerings open so fill this out and hand it back to me" he said as he handed me a pencil and paper.
There were only a couple of jobs open in each category like K.A.T club that had Male stripped and bartender.
There was the hotel I've heard of it before and people say it is huge. U.G.O the hotel has cook the rest of the jobs at the hotel just be taken.

Then there were other things but something caught my eye Bosses, Assistant, the location was Virgo I circled that one. "done" I said sliding the pencil and pen " heh mina said you would choose that" He said putting the paper in the folder "You know mina!" I proclaimed "yeah we work together with you and she must be friends so are Uaraka and her you came here with her right," he said looking up at me "uh yeah she's my best friend," I said "alright you can leave the faster you leave the faster I can sleep," he said ushering me away

I waved bye with a smile he waved back I closed the door behind me as I was walking down the hallway I say something behind me. " Well look who it is"  he said as I turned around to that oh so in forgettable voice.

𝙃𝙤𝙩𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙏𝙝𝙖𝙣 𝙃𝙚𝙡𝙡 | A Bakudeku Fanfic|Where stories live. Discover now