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| 3rd POV|
Izuku sat nervously in the black SUV next to the blonde who was staring out the window.   The windows were pitch black Izuku wondered the drivers still didn't crash nor bump into anything. Katsuki, on the other hand, was secretly analyzing Izuku, Izuku couldn't tell because he couldn't see Katsuki's eyes through the glasses.

Katsuki would tell he wasn't gonna fire Izuku immediately. Izuku was fiddling with his fingers. Katsuki could tell he was nervous once he got into the car, he understands though he probably knew he fired people off the bat once they made their way into his office or even spoke.

Katsuki already knew who Izuku was Izuku just didn't recognize him..yet. He'll figure it out soon enough though. The ride was coming to an end, Katsuki had taken off his glasses as the car took a halt.

|Izuku POV|

I was on the verge of panicking I DIDNT KNOW HE WOULD BE IN THE CAR TOO!
I thought maybe I would have to meet him at the office I guess. Well, it won't be that bad most of the people I went to high school with will be here Hell, even Uaraka is gonna be there. I'll be fine right?

The car came to a halt.  I flinched at the sudden stop.  The guy who was driving opened the door for me. "Thank you" I thanked the man he nodded back and closed the door.

There stands the man who chooses either I keep this job or not. Our eyes connected, his eyes were so beautiful I could stare into them all day.  I broke the eye contact because I felt my face heat up.

He started to walk towards the large modern gray building and a lot of windows, It looked really nice it probably looked absolutely amazing inside too. 
Someone opened the door for us I followed the blonde man into the most luxurious lobby I have ever laid my eyes on,  It was gold inside, A gigantic crystal chandelier, gold elevators on my left, A giant circle reception desk which was also gold, And finally the grand staircase in the middle back of the gigantic lobby. I was broken by my thoughts by the blonde starting to walk to the elevators, I came after.  We walk into the vacant elevator. The blonde pressed 35 the highest number on the floor numbers, Damn how big is this place.

"You don't talk much do you," the blonde said I knew the silence between us was gonna have to leave but I didn't know when  " U-Uh N-No" I stuttered "didn't think so," the blonde said he had a smirk plastered on his face. "Katsuki Bakugo" his voice was stern but smooth. Katsuki opened his mouth to say something but was interrupted by the ding of the elevator. We walked out to modern office areas it was many people sitting or going back and forth.

I followed Kacchan into his office it was grey the doors were glass with gray blinds that were pulled down as soon as we entered and he sat down.

|3rd POV|

As Izuku sat in the chair in front of Katsuki. He starred in Izuku's emerald green eyes who starred back at the vermillion ones. " I need you to sign this contract it explains what you need to do most importantly what I need you to do for me.." Katsuki said sternly sliding the contract across to Izuku.

Izuku read the contract carefully once he was done a blush was spread across his face. One part confused Izuku.
'Doing things that seem Sexual, Explicit, and etc.' Izuku put it aside as probably meaning some else but was he very wrong.

Izuku signed he was hesitant but did it anyway and handed back to bakugo. Who put it in a file with Izuku's name on it. "Now let's start with your first order I need you to take these to Uaraka she's in the break room," Katsuki said handing a stack of papers to Izuku "And when you come back we're going to explain your schedule." Katsuki said.

Izuku nodded in response taking the papers and walking out the glass door.

𝙃𝙤𝙩𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙏𝙝𝙖𝙣 𝙃𝙚𝙡𝙡 | A Bakudeku Fanfic|Where stories live. Discover now