Chapter 19

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I took one long look at what happened to my lovely Meliodas. And screamed as loud as i could.
"MELIODASSSSSSSS!" After that i felt a new power enter me and immediately be released.

Everything went black after that...


My eyes snapped open. As that single memory replayed itself in my head. What had happened after? I don't remember. All i know is that my head really hurts now. The ten commandments. Am i dead? They won't of kept me alive. But what had happened? Tears started to swell in my eyes at the thought of Meliodas. He's gone. I... I can't believe it, he's really gone. All seven of his hearts were destroyed, that means he's gone forever. Why couldn't i protect him? I could of saved him, i just... Why?

If i am alive, where am i? I've just been staring at the sky for a bit. I can see the tips of some purplish-pinkish coral thing. I've never seen a place like this before. And I've been alive for over 3000 years. Well as alive as you could be as a ghost. The ground beneath felt like it was also the coral. It was quite smooth but not the most comfortable. I guess it's too smooth. I never knew that could be a thing to complain about.

I wiped my eyes with the back of my hand and began to sat up slowly. The headache would get worse if i sat up quicker. I started to look at my surroundings.
Some sort of coral was covering all that i could see. The coral has that purple pink colour on the top but underneath is black. The coral was layered up and some parts were higher than others. The ground was also covered in this black coral. Every part of it though was gigantic. I think even giants look small to this thing. What was i doing here? I couldn't of been dead because for one, I can't see through my hands and the second reason is that I'm not back where i though i died. If i died, i would be there unless after that thing i can't remember I ended up here. But because of the non-see through hands thing, i know I'm alive.

My clothes don't seem to have any major rips in it. But there were some scrapes on the armor. And a small rip in the ribbon things around my waist. But the scarf is missing? What the hell happened? I've said that so many times in my head but i still have zero idea. I looked around, i did see some figures sitting or standing on one of the platforms above me. I wasn't super high up but i was like two layers up. I couldn't focus to see what they looked like, my head still hurt really bad.

"Ah, so you're finally awake" I looked in-front of me. That mysterious girl from before. She was sitting cross-legged looking at the sunset. How long have i been knocked out for? She was facing towards me in anyway she must of sensed me waking up or something. I don't understand who she is? She must be another demon that got out when the seal was broken. But i feel like i should of seen her before. She does look a bit different than the other demons. She used her left arm and patted the spot next to her. Gesturing to sit by her. I shouldn't trust her but i need to know what happened and where I am. I crawled my way over to her slowly. What? My head still hurts and i don't want to stand up. I sat next to her. I got a semi-closer look at her face. She had some chains over her face that were signs of her demon side. Her eyes were closed, she looked like she was just enjoying the light breeze and the warm sun on her face. She slowly opened her eyes until they were have lidded. She had the classic demon eyes. She continued to admire the sunset as she spoke.

"When i had first saw you appear i just thought you were just another of Meliodas's human friends that we were going to kill. But turns out i was wrong. Who knew that you'd be the person I've been looking for, for a very long time. Being stuck in the demon realm didn't really help"
"What are you talking about?"
"Ah. So he never told you anything did he? You and me have a lot in common, you know. Especially involving how we were created" Created? But no, no. I was born just like everyone is.
"What are you talking about? I was born not created"

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