Octavia Mikaelson

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Octavia Mikaelson

Species: Tribrid

Turned: 16

Age: 1,000+ years


Esther Mikaelson- Mother (Deceased)

Mikael Mikaelson- Step Father (Dessacated)

Freya Mikaelson- Older Half-Sister (Deceased)

Finn Mikaelson- Older Half-Brother (Daggered)

Elijah Mikaelson- Older Half-Brother

Niklaus Mikaelson- Older Brother

Kol Mikaelson- Older Half-Brother (Daggered)

Rebekah Mikaelson- Older Half-Sister (Daggered)

Henrik Mikaelson- Younger Half-Brother (Deceased)

Mate: Jasper Hale


Immortality- The state of having an infinite lifespan

Mind Compulsion- To control the mind of another simply through eye contact.

Accelerated Healing- To heal from physical injuries at supernatural speeds. This allows users to regenerate and fully recover from injuries such as gunshots, broken bones, blood loss, snapped necks, burns, bite wounds, and brain aneurysms in a matter of seconds/minutes, depending on the injury.

Dream Manipulation- Vampires can control dreams and the subconscious via their limited form of telepathy. A vampire's ability to produce and modify dreams bestow nightmares or lucid dreaming is tied to whether their target's minds are weaker than theirs. Other effects of this ability are the distortion of reality and people being trapped in the dream.

Super Agility- To responds to changes in the body's position with supernatural balance, bodily coordination, speed, reflexes, strength, and endurance. This allows users to run, jump, climb, flip, and perform acrobatic feats beyond that which non-supernatural beings normally can

Super Durability- To be supernaturally resistant to physical damage. It allows the user to sustain far more damage than non-supernatural beings normally can.

Super Senses- To have supernatural senses. This allows the user to see, smell, hear, taste and feel better than non-supernatural beings normally can.

SuperSpeed- The ability to move supernaturally fast.

Super Strength- To be supernaturally stronger beyond the peak capabilities of average adult humans of similar stature.

Illusions- The ability to project extremely realistic illusions into the minds of others by altering the perceptions of reality conceived from sensory distortions be it accidental or forcible.

Witchcraft- a practice of magic used by witches that encompasses many different types of activities including astrology, divination, spell casting, and spirit communication.

Lycanthrope Enhancement- An ability of werewolves and hybrids to allow them to channel their werewolf aspect through great emotional upheaval, specifically anger and being under threat. With this ability comes an effect that changes the color of their eyes to an orange or amber color. It makes them more powerful.

Transformation Control- To hybrids, it is the process of voluntary transformation, though, with full transformation, they still risk the inability to control themselves and revert to their animal state of mind that can suppress their conscious minds with a lack of experience.

Werewolf Venom- an ability of werewolves and vampire-werewolf hybrids to generate an extremely deadly toxin that is fatal to vampires and harmful to Original Vampires.

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