Chapter Three

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I've been in Forks for a couple of weeks now. When people say that nothing ever happens in small towns, believe them. To say I was bored was an understatement. The only thing interesting was keeping Bella from accidentally killing herself. However, it got somewhat interesting when Bella finally learned about the shapeshifters. I haven't got the pleasure of meeting them, but Bella said that they smelt my scent in the woods and are trying to find out who and what it's coming from. I wanted to spice things up a little, so I stood by the edge of their territory, waiting for them to notice. It seemed that none of them were around, making me pout.

I was now sitting by the stream, interested in the frog staring back at me. My thoughts were interrupted by a scream that sounded much like Bella's. Without a second thought, I rush towards where the cry came from. Since I saved her, Bella and I have gotten close. I reached the La Push beach in just a few seconds and saw Bella lying on the sand, unconscious, with a shifter performing CPR on her. I quickly ran to them and kneeled next to Bella.

"What happened?" I asked the shifter. I think his name is Jacob.

"Go away, leech." He glared at me. "We don't need your help." I released a low hiss with my vampire face showing. He looked like he had peed himself and got a shade lighter. He was so scared that he didn't notice that I moved closer to Bella. I hovered my hands over her and whispered a spell under my breath that expelled the water out of Bella's lungs.

"O-Octavia? Jake?" Bella stuttered out.

"How did you-" Jacob started to ask, but I quickly stopped him, muttering Silencio while clenching my fist, making his mouth disappear.

"Bella, what the bloody hell were you thinking?" I shouted. Jacob was clasping at where his mouth usually was, trying to speak, panicking, that he didn't notice that another shifter was approaching.

"Take her home. I'm gonna go help over at Harry's place." The shifter yelled, only sparing a glance at me. I wonder what happened that was so bad that he didn't care about an unknown vampire was on his territory and that one of his pack members no longer had a mouth.

"What happened at Harry's?" Bella voiced my thoughts. Jacob turned to me with a pleading look, motioning to his mouth.

"Oh, right, sorry." I unclenched my fist. Jacob sighed in relief now that his mouth was back and turned to Bella with a sad expression.

"Harry Clearwater had a heart attack. Charlie and my dad are at Harry's place with his family."

"Is he okay?" Bella asked.

"He's gone," Jacob said, blinking back tears. Aw, he looks like a little puppy. "Come on. I'll give you something to dry off on and drive you home."


On the way to Bella's, Jacob was driving Bella's truck with her in the middle and me on the passenger side. He kept on glaring at me over Bella's head. It started to annoy me. When I was about to snap, Bella began speaking, drawing Jacob's attention.

"God, my hands are freezing."

"Hundred and eight degrees over here." Bella leaned closer to him, wrapping her arms around his arm. Making me roll my eyes and gag.

"It must be nice not getting cold."

"It's a wolf thing," Jacob said, making me mumble shapeshifter, but they both ignored me.

"No, it's a Jacob thing." I stopped listening to them because the conversation started to bore me. I must have zoned out because the next thing I know is Bella thanking Jacob and nudging me out of the car. Before I could even open the door, Jacob reached across us and stopped me by grabbing my arm. I was about to rip off his hand, but he began to explain.

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