Chapter Eight

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I woke up to the engine cutting off and to Nik and Stefan getting out of the car, making me follow them. We were parked in what looked like a warehouse.

"Welcome back to Chicago, Stefan," Nik said while opening-up the door where you could see the outline of the city.

"What are we doing here?" a confused Stefan asked.

"I know how much you loved it here. Bringing back memories of the good old ripper days?"

"Blacked-out most of them. A lot of blood, a lot of partying. The details are all a blur."

"Well, that is a crying shame. The details are what make it legend." I added before Nik could.

Flashback: Chicago 1920

Nik, Bekah, and I are in a bar called Gloria's. I saw Bekah watching a man who has blood on the corner of his mouth. He was a vampire. I followed Bekah when she started walking over to him, I see him grab for a glass of champagne, but Bekah beats him to it.

"Ooh. Please, help yourself." The vampire said

"Oh, I always do." Bekah leaned closer to him and licks the blood of his mouth with her vampire face out. "Careful, Mr. Salvatore. You're still wearing your date. She's lovely." Oh, that's right, he's the guy Bekah's been staring out for a couple of days now. She turns to me and lightly nudges me to start walking, but the Salvatore guy grabbed her arm.

"No, no, no. Who are you?" But Bekah didn't answer, just told him to be quiet, grabbed my hand, and walked away. I could feel his stare on the back of our heads.

End of Flashback

"Chicago was magical," Nik said, breaking me out of my memories.

"Yeah, well, I'll take your word for it. As I said, I don't remember most of it."

"Going to get down to business, then?"

"Why am I still with you? We had our fun, your hybrids failed. I mean, don't you want to move on?" Stefan asked Nik.

"We're going to see my favorite Witch. If anyone can help us with our hybrid problem, it's her." Nik said while walking back to the car. I followed him to the car with Stefan hot on my tail. We were only driving for about ten minutes when Nik pulled up to a very familiar bar. Right when he parked I jumped out and ran inside, I missed Gloria so much. The bar looked precisely the same; then it did in the 1920s.

"Octavia?" I turned around to see one of my oldest friends.

"Gloria!" I screamed as I pulled her into a bone-crushing hug. "It's been forever since we saw each other." I pulled away to look at her face. "Well, I could see the age-slowing spell I showed you worked." Before she could reply, my brother and Stefan entered the bar.

"So a hybrid walks into a bar, says to the bartender..." Nik tries to joke.

"Stop. You may be invincible, but that doesn't make you funny." Gloria said cutting off Nik making me chuckle a little. She then looked over to Stefan. "I remember you."

"Yeah. You're Gloria. Shouldn't you be..."

"Old and dead? Now, if I die, who's going to run this place, huh?"

"Gloria's a very powerful witch," I said to Stefan, making him look at Gloria with a semi-surprised look.

"I can slow the aging down some. Herbs and spells. But don't worry, it'll catch up to me one day."

"Stefan, why don't you go and fix us up a little something from behind the bar?" Nik said, wanting Stefan out of the room.

"Yeah, sure thing." When Stefan walked away, Nik looked back to Gloria.

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