Chapter One

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My family lived with werewolves as our neighbors one thousand years ago. We lived peacefully for over 20 years. Everybody who was not wolves went to the caves to hide on full moons. Our mother, Esther, was a powerful witch but Finn, Kol, and I were the only ones who got our magic. I was more powerful than both of them combined. My older brother, Niklaus, and our youngest brother, Henrik, always wondered what the wolf's transformation was like, so one full moon, they snuck out of the caves to watch them transform; Henrik paid the unfortunate price for that. Our whole family was devastated, especially our parents, because they lost their oldest to the plague before they moved to this land. Our father vowed that he wouldn't let anything happen to the rest of his remaining kids. He forced our mother to call upon her black magic to turn us into what is now known as the first-ever vampires, the originals.

They secretly gave us the Petrova doppelgangers blood, and then our father drove his sword into our hearts. Our mother is the only one who didn't change because she wanted to keep her magic, even though she didn't think to give us the same choice. We became stronger and faster than the wolves, but the sun kept us inside, and our neighbors, who once welcomed us into their homes, could now keep us out. But the bloodlust was the most challenging part for all of us. On top of that, Finn and Kol lost their magic, and so did I, or so we thought. When Niklaus and I made our first kill, we discovered that our mother had an affair with one of the wolves twice.

Mikael was furious and called us abominations. He again forced our mother to call upon her black magic and keep our wolf sides dormant. When I saw my father holding Nik down, something snapped inside me. I could feel my magic explode through my veins. It turned out that I hadn't lost my magic. But I was too late to stop her from making Niklaus' wolf side dormant, although it did stop her from doing it to me. The next day, Nik couldn't control his anger and ripped our mother's heart out of her chest. At first, I was angry at him but realized if she had put the curse on me, I would've smacked her head off her shoulders. I helped him convince our siblings that our father had killed her instead. Nik, Elijah, and I helped Rebekah say goodbye to Esther and agreed to stick together, always and forever.


I just moved to a small town in Washington called Forks for a fresh start. My brother, Nik, went to Mystic Falls, Virginia, because of the new Petrova doppelganger. I told him to call if he needed help with anything, and I will be there. Compelled humans were unpacking my stuff into my new house. I didn't want to get in their way, so I decided to take a walk through the woods. I was hoping to find a lone hiker that I could drink from.

While walking, I noticed it was eerily quiet, like something scared all the animals away. I focused on trying to hear anything when I heard people talking.

"Why are you here?" The girl voiced asked.

"I came as a favor to Victoria." The male voice said.

"Victoria?" The girl asked, scared. I tilted my head walking closer to them so I could see them, noticing that I only heard one set of heartbeats and smelled a sickly sweet scent that I am very familiar with. There was also a hint of wet dog.

"She asked me to see if you were still" He paused, licking his lips while looking her up and down, making me gag. "Under the protection of the Cullens." Mmm, more cold ones? Interesting. "Victoria feels it's only fair to kill Edwards, mate, given he killed hers. An eye for an eye."

"Edward would know who did it! And he'd come after you." The girl said desperately. I leaned against a tree, watching the cold one and the teenage girl closely, ensuring he didn't do anything to her.

"I don't think he will. After all, how much could you mean to him if he left you here unprotected?" Unprotected? Does he not smell the wet dog scent on her? Stupid cold one, I thought while rolling my eyes. "Victoria won't be happy about me killing you. But I can't help myself. You're so mouthwatering." I have to agree with him on that. She would already be dead if I didn't have a thousand years of experience with my bloodlust.

"Please, don't! I mean, you helped us."

"Shh! Don't be afraid. I'm doing you a kindness. Victoria plans on killing you slowly, painfully, whereas I'll make it quick. I promise. You will feel...." He didn't get to finish because I ran to him and started to choke him so hard his feet lifted off from the ground, and his skin began to crack under my fingers.

"That's no way to treat a lady." He looked so frightened; it almost made me smile. I was about to rip his head off but heard the shapeshifters running.

"What a shame; I won't be the one killing you." I pouted and threw him across the clearing as the horse size wolves stepped out of the trees. I almost forgot how big they are. The teenage girl gasps in fear and stumbles back. Just before the shifters pounced at the cold one, I grabbed her and ran her away, following her scent to an old orangey/red Chevy truck.

She wavers a little when I set her down next to her truck. I quickly grab her shoulders to steady her. When she gains a little of her color back and looks like she can stand alone, I take a step back from her.

"Are you okay?" I gently ask.

"Um yeah, I'm fine." She stutters out, leaning back on her truck. "Uhh, who are you?"

"Oh, sorry, I'm Octavia Mikaelson, The original tribrid." I smile at her, offering her my hand. "Pleasure."

"I'm Bella Swan." She says while shaking my hand hesitantly. " Um, what does the original tribrid mean, and why did you save me?"

"You remind me of someone I used to know." I simply explained.

"Oh" was all she said, I could tell she was going to ask about the whole tribrid thing again, so I stopped her before she could.

"Well, I should get going." I turn away from her. "I'm sure we will see each other again soon," I said over my shoulder. But before I could speed away, she called out.

"Wait!" She waited until I was looking into her eyes to continue. "Thank you." She said sincerely.

"No problem. After all, us girls have to stick together." I said, winking at her before I sped away from her to the hospital, where I found a nurse and fed from her. Then I heal and compel her to fill a bag with blood bags. I also compelled her to do this every week and to never tell anyone about it or me.

Once I make it back home, the movers have already left. I put away the blood bags and took out my phone to send a quick text to Nik saying how I made it to Forks safely, sparing the details about Bella, the cold one, and the shifters. He replied with a quick Be safe. I then went through my contacts and pressed call on the one I was looking for. It rang twice before I heard the familiar sound of my close friend's voice.

"Octavia, it's been too long since we last talked. How are you? Are you okay?" Her voice reached my ear, making me smile.

"I know, it's been so long," I replied. "And yes, I'm fine. Guess what I just found in Forks, Washington."

"You know how much I hate the guessing game, O."

"I know, I know, sorry." I roll my eyes. "Do you know what happened to your sister once I turned you?"

"No, why."

"Because I just met a teenage girl named Bella Swan. She looks exactly like you except with brown hair and brown eyes."

"Wow, I guess she finally got the kids she wanted and continued the family line."

"Well, Caralyn." I pause, smiling. "Would you like to come and meet your great great great whatever niece?"

"I will, soon. I just have some stuff to handle and some people to kill."

"Okay, call if you need any help. Be safe."

"You too. Bye."

With that out of the way, I head upstairs to my new room and pick out an outfit for my first day of high school tomorrow. 


Hi! This is my first story. So if you see any mistakes, please comment. 

I hope you like it!!!!!


This chapter has been edited.

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