Chapter 1

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Mark let out a soft sigh as he closed the door behind him. He was mentally preparing himself for his first day at work. He had left his old job and didn't even want to think about anything involving that company... Fazbear Entertainment was something that he couldn't exactly avoid. He wondered why the characters that were associated with that company were so popular. There was Chica the Chicken, Bonnie the Bunny, Foxy the Pirate Fox, and of course the main mascot of the company, Freddy Fazbear himself. Chica, Bonnie, and Freddy had a band and sang together on a stage at every Freddy Fazbear's Pizza location, but what happened at one location... The very one that he used to work at... it was a bit too much for him to handle. Whenever anyone went missing, for some odd reason, the animatronics began to smell and ooze what looked like blood and mucus out of their eyes and mouths. And the fact that he and (Y/N) had been attacked at that location didn't help things either. There was a man that wore one of the old springlock suits; a suit that you could wear and also run around on its own once the gears and such that were held in place were released. This man had tried to kill them both, but something strange happened that he couldn't explain and prove to anyone that hadn't been there that night. Mark shook his head trying not to think about the past and walked to his car.

On the drive over his thoughts drifted to all the other jobs that he had applied for after the attack at Freddy's. Unfortunately, every time he applied somewhere and they saw that he used to work for Fazbear Entertainment, they gave him a look like they didn't want to take the risk on him and quickly ended the interview. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't escape the fact that he had to work for them again. He needed to make something so that (Y/N) would recover from their injury and that the bills didn't pile up and drown them both in debt. Hopefully, this would be the last time. Maybe he would look into this YouTube thing that he had been hearing about. He shook his head noticing that he had let his mind wander a bit too much while driving.

- Time Skip -

Mark grabbed the large envelope that his new boss had given him, got out of his car, and straightened out his uniform. The employer had told him to use a general looking maintenance looking uniform and come to this spot at 11:30 pm. Mark didn't have much in the way of maintenance experience, but he knew a few things about animatronics due to his job at Freddy's. Apparently this location was different than the pizzerias though. No one wanted to be around this building if they could help it and he had no clue as to why. He took a deep breath and shut his car door. He opened the envelope and took the paperwork that was inside out. He looked at the cover sheet of the packet and let out a low growl. He hated that he had to work for the same company that caused so many issues in the first place.

"Welcome to the Freddy Fazbear family... What a load of bull." Mark looked at the address on the front page to make sure that he was in the right place. At first, he thought he had put in the wrong address, but when it comes to this company, he knew to expect the unexpected. He double-checked the address with his new phone and sure enough, he was in the right place... It looked like a small house surrounded by abandoned warehouses and he didn't know what was going on at this place, but he knew that he had to keep his guard up. He put the papers back in the envelope and took a deep breath. "Well, here's hoping that nothing weird happens tonight."

He walked toward the building and knocked on the door. A guy in his mid 40's stepped out. He looked like a stereotypical mechanic with dark brown hair and he had a noticeable scar on his left cheek. Mark could only imagine Foxy with his hook slashing downward to attack this guy, but he had no way of knowing if that was actually true or not. The mechanic put his wrench in his back pocket and took out a rag that was in another. "You the new guy?"

"The name is Mark and yes, that would be me."

The guy wiped off his hands with the rag and motioned for Mark to follow him. Mark looked around and noticed animatronic parts all over the place. He shook his head and tried his best to stay focused. "So what is this place anyway?" Mark wanted to know from someone that worked here and not just what was said in the packet.

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