Chapter 6

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Mark looks at his watch quickly as he enters the elevator for the night. He was right on time. Hopefully, nothing weird happened tonight, but more than likely it would considering what he knew involving these creepy characters... As soon as the descent started, Hand Unit began speaking.

"Welcome back for another night of intellectual stimulation, pivotal career choices, and self-reflection on past mistakes. We're committed to creating a unique and fulfilling work experience. One part of that commitment is ensuring that you don't get tired of the voice that you're hearing right now." The screen on Hand Unit showed the same glitchy keyboard as before only this time some times it would show the letters backward then flip back to where they were supposed to be. "Using the keypad below, please select a new companion voice. For male, press 1."

Mark looks at the glitching keypad wondering if he would be able to spot numbers within the glitching screen.

"For female, press 2." But no matter how hard he looked he couldn't find any.


"For text only, press 3." Mark continued looking but to no avail. "For other options, press 4."

"THERE'S NO NUMBERS! I can't put any numbers in here! How in the fuck do you expe... Alright fine... Boop." Mark touches the screen and it immediately shows an error.

"It seems that you had some trouble with the keypad. I see what you were trying to type," Mark anticipated what Hand Unit was going to say and thought out loud, "Oh, thank you." Hand Unit continued, "and I will auto-correct it for you."

"Oh, cool," Mark muttered to himself knowing that more than likely that it was just gonna mess up again...

"Thank you for choosing... Angsty Teen."

'Oh boy... Oh, no. Am I gonna get an angsty teen here? Are you an angsty teen, bruh?' Mark thought to himself before hearing the voice. 'You gonna give me some angst? You gonna be Hand Unit's dark persona?'

The elevator became dark as it reached the lower floor, and a loud buzzer went off. The bright red button from before started to glow in the darkness, but off in the distance a strange noise could be heard. Mark didn't pay attention to it at first and just thought it was his nerves playing with him. 'Should I be worried about that? I can't remember if that happened the last time I was here.' He ran his fingers through his hair, trying to regain his composure.

Night 2

"Oh boy, night 2..." Mark said with a little pride that he wasn't killed on his first night.

"The elevator stopped. You know the routine. You can get out now, or... whatever. Stay here if you want."

Mark raised an eyebrow. "Really? Can I stay here? What'll happen if I stay here?" He reaches out and pressed a button on the wall that had a speaker above it and listened to the resulting burst of static. "Hello?" Mark waited for a moment. "Hello, hello?" He pressed the same button again with the same result. He waited once again with no response. "Okay. Alright. Goodbye." He pressed the red button allowing the elevator doors to open revealing the vent in front of him once again.

"Oh, boy... Here we go..." He said bracing himself for the horrors that he may encounter tonight.

Hand Unit's angsty teen voice spoke once Mark began crawling through the vent. "So... funny story. A dead body was found in this vent once... Okay, so not that funny. But... it's a story."

Mark laughs nervously. "Ah, yeah. That's a great story. Well, not a great story... but, yup, it's a story alright." Mark continued through the vent thinking to himself. 'Was it my dead body? Are you reporting from the future? Because I'm pretty sure I'm gonna die here.' Mark finished crawling through the vent and looked around at the Primary Control Module once again. He slightly slouches knowing what is going to happen next.

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