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Hello everyone... This is Linthari and I was thinking since I haven't written here in a while I thought that I should let you guys know that I haven't forgotten about this story... I've been REALLY busy trying to keep up with my YouTube channel and other personal stuff has come up since I have written here last...

Don't worry though! I will continue this story when I am able to get some free time to just sit and write, but until then I am gonna go on a small hiatus. 

If you'd like to check out some of my other stories in the meantime, feel free to do so and also come and check out my YouTube channel if you'd like. I am currently doing an interesting set of videos over there. Who knows, I may do a fanfiction of it eventually LOL. In any case, I hope that you have enjoyed my writing so far and I will do my best to get back to this as soon as I am able. 

Hope to see some of you guys in the comments section of my channel in the meantime.

Laters for now!

P.S. There's a link to my channel in my bio. I really hope you come and check out some videos over there... *crosses fingers*

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