Chapter 10

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Previously: He went back to the Primary Control Module thinking to himself about what had happened since he took this stupid job. He rubbed his neck and steeled himself for what was about to happen. He could feel it in his bones that something bad was about to happen... something real bad.

Mark lowered the vent hatch and there was a familiar female voice that spoke. "Funtime Auditorium maintenance door opened." Mark took a small breath of relief knowing that it was just the automated voice recognizing that he had gone inside. That's when the vent door slammed behind him. He tried to look back, but there wasn't enough room to do so. 

He shook his head in an attempt to refocus and he continued to go through the vents as quickly as he could and that is when Hand Unit decided to speak. "Unlike Ballora, Funtime Foxy is motion activated. For this reason, it's important to keep the room dark, as to not accidentally activate her." This is when something hanging from the top section of the vent hit him in the face. 

Mark looked up to see if anything had done that to him on purpose. All he saw what looked like a small hook, apparently to keep the device in place. 'Stupid asshats,' Mark thought to himself. He tried to see what it was exactly but it was getting darker the further he went in and it seemed a lot longer than he initially thought. 

He carefully took it off of the hook as Hand Unit continued to speak. "You have been provided with a flash beacon." Mark scoffed at how that was so perfectly timed. "Use it if you need to get your bearings, and to ensure that you don't bump into anything." 

Mark shook his head and thought to himself, 'If you had just left it on the table in the Primary Control Module and told me about it earlier... that would have been BETTER than getting HIT IN THE FACE WITH IT!'

"However," Hand Unit continued. "Use it as sparingly as possible. Proceed forward to reach the Parts and Service Room."

"Okay..." Mark thought out loud. Mark crawled the rest of the way as quietly as he could. He held one hand in front of him just in case there were any other surprises waiting to smack him in the face and that's when he noticed that he had crawled out onto the concrete floor of the Funtime Auditorium. There was no vent door on this side. 

He slowly got up with the device in his grip and he carefully felt it to make sure that he pressed the right button. It felt like an old 80's style bar like camera. He hadn't used one of these since he was a kid, but at least he knew how to use one. He felt around the device carefully to find the flashbulb and it was pointed right at him. He turned the device in the right direction and pressed the button that was now located at the top. He tried his best to focus.  He stood there a moment... this was going to be MUCH harder than he initially thought it might be. His eyes widened in fear, and he bit his lips to make sure he didn't think out loud. 'Oh boy.'

He pressed the button again, and in that split second, he saw Funtime Foxy twitching about 15 feet in front of him. He waited there for about 5 seconds waiting for the device to recharge so he could use it again, thinking only one thing. 'I knew this was gonna be bad, BUT WHY DID IT HAVE TO BE LIKE THIS!'

Mark took a slow deep breath and heard what sounded like movement from where Funtime Foxy was standing. 'So uh, don't just walk forward in the dark is the uh-thethethe name of the game here... Okay, alright... when I hear movement in the darkness, I'm pretty sure that's her moving around. Hopefully, I can time this right.' He waits again to hear Funtime Foxy's movement. When there was rustling off to his left he used the flash beacon once again. There was nothing in front of him, so he quickly moved until he could no longer hear the beacon charging, and waited for the sound of movement once again. Off to his right this time. He flashed the beacon and quickly ran until the beacon was done charging once again. This continued until he almost ran headfirst into the door on the other end of the Auditorium. The only reason why that didn't happen is that he was about 2 feet away when the charging sound had stopped and he flashed it once again. He slowly reached out and found the doorknob and quickly ran inside slamming the door behind him, leaning against it.

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