Chapter 8

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Last time we left the endearing Mark he just stepped out of the frying pan into the fire. Will he be able to get out of this room alive, will this story have a shocking conclusion (Who knows with all those sparking wires around), or is there something else lurking in the shadows? These questions and more answered now.

(Quick authors note: I don't know about you but I'm kinda liking these little intros... Let me know what you think about them in the comments below)

"Well, that's not good..." Mark said to himself as he looked at his surroundings. There were pipes and wires all over the place, some sparking precariously. It was really dark with little lighting in far off corners. 

Mark shivered as a spark went off to his right and he decided to look at Hant Unit and see if it would talk.

"You may now interface with the breaker control box. Using the interface may disrupt nearby electronics." Mark looks around and notices the breaker control box as he puts his flashlight in his toolbelt.

Another spark goes off and internally Mark begins to freak out. He sees a shadowy figure out of the corner of his eye. His head snaps in the direction of what he saw as another spark goes off. He gets a better look at what he saw and it looks just like Freddy only white and a light purple. 

This is when Hand Unit decided once again to speak up. "If you feel you are in danger, feel free to disconnect the interface temporarily until it is safe to reconnect."

Mark walks up to the control box and spots a tape recorder next to it. "Mascot Response Audio?" He presses the play button and a voice begins to play.

"Calm down, and go back to sleep. No one is here." The recording stopped before he heard something.

In the direction of where he saw whatever it was, he heard glitchy laughter then it spoke, "Well, hello again!"

'Who the fuck is THAT?!' Mark took a deep breath and placed Hand Unit back in his tool belt. 'WhatamIdoing?' Mark tries to figure out how the breaker control box stand thing worked, looking around it to see if there was a popup screen or something like that so he could see more details as to what was going on in this madhouse. 'WhatamIdoing?' He presses a button and a screen pops up out of nowhere.

"OHHH!" Mark quickly covers his mouth. Hoping that whatever it was he actually did see, didn't hear him as well. The screen shows nothing but static at first and gradually clears. 'OOOHHHH GOD NO!!!' Mark internally yells to himself as his eyes grow wide and his jaw falls slightly. On the screen, it showed the entire building in white lines on a dark background. there was some code going by quickly to the left with several touchscreen buttons left of that. There were areas that branched off and were slightly grayed out but each area had a red mark saying that it was not in working order. 'OH GOD NO! HOW BIG IS THIS PLACE?!' 

'Restart?' He presses the button underneath Circus Control and as Mark's finger touches the button a percentage number appears and begins counting upward from zero, and a small beeping sounds

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'Restart?' He presses the button underneath Circus Control and as Mark's finger touches the button a percentage number appears and begins counting upward from zero, and a small beeping sounds. 

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