Chapter 3

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Mark thinks to himself out loud, "I don't want to! Why are you making me crawl? I have a funny feeling that all of these animatronics are gonna start crawling through these vents to kill me!" He bends down reluctantly and begins to crawl through to his next designated stop on his tour of this new madhouse. Crawling on all fours isn't what he thought that he was gonna be doing literally... He thought of it in more of a metaphorical way. Mark had no desire to deal with any kind of animatronic in his life again. He was hoping that he would never have to work in this kinda field again... He just wanted a decent paying job, and live out the rest of his days with (y/n). It was thanks to Fazbear Entertainment that he was in this mess to begin with.

"Motion trigger... Circus Gallery Vent," said a female voice. This wasn't Hand Unit so this unsettled Mark.

Mark let out a small scream and crawled faster through the vent. "Wait is that me? Or is that something else?... Cause if that is something else I'm fucked. If that's me... ugh..." He crawled out of the vent quickly dusting himself off once again. Standing up he quickly looked behind him and hoped that it was just him in that vent. He turned around and saw on the large window in front of him with a poster of Circus Baby on the wall to the right of it... the same poster that was in the elevator coming down here. There was a large control panel in front of him with buttons and knobs and it reminded Mark of a recording studio. There were four lights above the main control panel, one blue, one green, one red, and one yellow and a white flashing one off to the left side of the vent he just crawled through. There were a lot of wires hanging down and that's when he noticed something that reminded him of the odd heads in the P. M. C.. He didn't like this one bit but he reminded himself once more that he was doing this for (y/n). Then Hand Unit spoke once again.

"On the other side of the glass is Circus Baby's Auditorium. Let's check the light and see what Baby is up to."

"Maybe we don't... maybe I should quit this horrible job. I mean I'm literally being talked to by an artificial intelligence. What kind of sicko decides to do something like this? Who sets up a madhouse like this and expects everything to be hunky-dory?" Mark sighs realizing that he is more than likely just talking to himself and looks at the small panel off to the right with the same light and bolt patterns as the last area he was in. Walking over, he closes his eyes and presses the blue button, turning on the light inside the auditorium. 'Of course, she isn't there!'

"It looks like a few of the lights are out, but we can fix that later. Let's encourage Baby to cheer up with a controlled shock."

As Mark presses the button he notices sparks flying from what can be assumed is some of the lighting overhead. Although it does kinda look like water, but what would an animatronic want with any kind of water. It would more than likely fry their circuits and that wouldn't be any kind of good for anyone involved. "Something tells me that angering Baby might be the worst decision..." Mark continues to look around the room before Hand Unit begins to speak again. Over to the left of the larger control panel were what looked like oxygen tanks. Hanging from one corner of the window was what looked like Balloon Boy. Shivers went down his spine and he knew that he wouldn't be able to keep this job for long. It was creeping him out too much. This reminded him far too much of his job at Freddy's. Hopefully (y/n) would understand when you got home and explained everything that had happened tonight.

"Let's try another controlled shock."

'Looks like Hand Unit is having me shock Baby again... I really hope that she doesn't break through the glass or something...' "Habooski!" Mark proceeds to give Baby another shock and attempts to turn the light on again with no success.

"Let's try another controlled shock."

"Why can't you do this? Why does it have to be a physical button, that way you can place the blame of me?" He proceeds to shock her one last time.

"Great job Circus Baby. We knew we could count on you. That concludes your duties for your first night on the job. We don't want you to leave overwhelmed, otherwise, you might not come back. Please leave using the vent behind you and we'll see you again tomorrow."

"Well, I didn't see Baby!... I don't see her!" Mark replied as he attempted the futile effort of turning on the broken lights inside Baby's enclosure. "Where is she?... Maybe I'm just gonna forget about this and go back... Alright. Goodbye." He turns around and quickly goes through the vents thinking to himself, 'Is this really worth the possible pain and suffering that could be caused by these animatronics? What would (y/n) do in this kinda situation? Damn it... Why do these vents have to feel so small? I swear I am gonna kill the person who designed this place.... Who in their right mind would even think to put vents in such places? I am gonna need to take a really hot bath when I get home.' Mark continued through the vents when suddenly there is pounding on the vent. He rushed as fast as he could through and let out another scream as he got out the other side holding his hand against his chest. His heartbeat was now the only thing that he could hear. He quickly moved through the other vent that led to the elevator and he slammed his finger on the big red button to close the doors and get him the hell out of there.

- Time skip to Mark's house -

Mark came through the door and looked at (y/n). He gave a weak smile in their direction before closing the door behind him.

"Are you okay? Did you have a decent day at work at least?" (Y/N) asked as Mark slowly looked down next to you on the couch and flopped down rubbing his face with both hands and then giving you a huge hug.

"This has been one of the weirdest days that I have experienced so far in my life." Mark gave (y/n) a kiss and pressed his forehead against yours.

"Okay... what exactly happened? It couldn't have been that weird." You gave him a skeptical look and tilted your head to the side slightly showing that you really wanted to know what had happened to him to say something like that.

That's when he told me everything that had happened.

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