Chapter 4

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Previously: "Okay... what exactly happened? It couldn't have been that weird." You gave him a skeptical look and tilted your head to the side slightly showing that you really wanted to know what had happened to him to say something like that.

That's when he told me everything that had happened.

He finished his explanation saying, "And then I got into the car and rushed back here. I'm just hoping that nightmares don't consume my dreams tonight."

"Mark... That's horrible. Maybe you need to find another job. I need to go to the doctor tomorrow to have them check out my ankle, see how it's healing and I will see what I can do to help you out tomorrow night." I hold Mark close to my chest. He was obviously shaken by what had happened. I kissed him on the cheek and he began to blush.

"How did I end up so lucky.... to be with someone as kind and caring as you are?" Mark looked deeply into my eyes and it seemed like he was trying to lose himself, to get his mind off of what happened during his first shift.

"Well, considering we both lost so much when we were younger, and we both worked for that company that never seems to leave us alone, although this time it's just a subsidiary... I was going to ask you the same thing when the incident happened... Or did I already?" I let out a soft giggle and look back into his eyes.

Mark smiled and just kissed me tenderly. I wondered what was going through his mind, but I knew more than likely he wouldn't want to talk about it. I ran my hands through his hair and began to hum some video game music that had been stuck in my head all day without thinking about it. "Trying to get my mind off of things, aren't you?"

I smiled and then a sudden pain shot through my ankle. I did my best to ignore it and pay attention to the man that had saved my life a month or so ago, then an idea popped into my head. "How about we both take a nice warm bubble bath to relax a bit? You go in first and I will be in after I wrap up my ankle so the damn cast doesn't get wet." Mark giggled softly.

"I was just thinking the same thing. I'll make sure to get it nice and bubbly for us." Mark got up and proceeded to go to the master bathroom that had a bigger tub so both of us could fit in there without much trouble.

I heard his tool belt fall to the floor with a thud while I got up and took care of the ordeal of wrapping my foot. "Just one more day of this damn thing.... Just one more day..."

Mark took off the uniform quickly and set up a nice hot bubble bath with some candles for some mood lighting and soothing scents. He smiled and ran to the bedroom to grab his phone. He had an idea for a picture that he could take so that if anything did happen to him, working at that madhouse, that Y/N would have a happy picture to remember him by. He wanted to make this night special, even if it was just for the small amount of time that he had before he had to go to bed.

 He wanted to make this night special, even if it was just for the small amount of time that he had before he had to go to bed

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After Mark took the picture and relaxed a bit, he began to worry. Y/N was taking their time. He toweled off quickly, threw on his robe and walked to the kitchen to check on Y/N and make sure that her foot was wrapped properly. He walked in just in time to see Y/N grab a bottle of wine and a couple of glasses.

Y/N looked over to see him walk in and smiled. "I thought that this might help in the calming down process. I know you don't drink often cause of your condition, but I thought you may want to make an exception tonight. Besides, I'll be here if you need anything." Mark smiles back, takes everything out of their hands, and offers me his arm, so I can balance a bit better while walking to the bedroom. 

We took our time in the hot bubbly water and just cuddled there for about half an hour. We talked about our childhood, taking extra care not to discuss Freddy Fazbear's pizza at all. We did this due to both of our childhood friends being taken by a maniac and their spirits being connected to Bonnie and Chica somehow. I was just grateful that their spirits were now at rest... or at least as far as we knew due to how my ankle got broken in the first place. We knew that we would eventually have to speak about it eventually, but neither one of us was up to the task so soon. Not to mention the fact that that I knew he was dealing with a new set of animatronics that sounded familiar but wasn't sure if I had ever encountered before. Was there any sort of connection between these animatronics and the... no, it couldn't be... I shook the thought out of my mind and continued to enjoy the night. 

We got out of the bath and watched a couple of episodes of our guilty pleasure The Immortal and The Restless so that we would be able to catch up on today's episode. Although we more listened to the show as we were tired and were on the verge of passing out for the night.

Announcer: Another day, another dramatic entry in the lives of Vlad and his distressed mistress! Where will they go? What will they do? All of that and more happening now!

Vlad: Clara, I tell you, the baby isn't mine!

Clara: Count, I tell you that it is! You're the only vampire I've ever loved! And, the baby turns his bottles into powdered milk.

Vlad: That doesn't mean anything.

Clara: He sleeps on the ceiling fan!

Vlad: Upright, or upside down?

Clara: Why does it matter? You NEED to be part of your son's life!

Vlad: I'm an old man, Clara! I can't be a father!

Clara: Well, then, at least pay your child support, you deadbeat!

Announcer: Will Vlad and his distressed Mistress find common ground? Tune in next time!

I believe at this point we both passed out for the night.

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