Chapter 7

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When we last left Mark he was hiding under a desk, trying to figure out what the hell came in behind him. Thankfully he had a sheet of metal between him and whatever was on the other side. Will he survive? Will he see his loving y/n again? Or will he be ripped apart by his unknown enemy. All of that and more happening now! (Author's Note: Sorry I had to make this joke. -^_^-)

Mark smiled at y/n's message and put his phone away. He used the flashlights through the holes to see what was on the other side. He began to hear voices off in the distance. "Hi... Who's out there?" Mark was hoping that his fears were getting the better of him, but all he heard were heavy footsteps getting closer. "Who wants to face me?!" He raised his hands like he was getting into a fighting stance, gulping hard. The footsteps grew closer. "In a battle to the death..." His voice wavered showing his inner uncertainty. 'Am I gonna be able to get out of this alive?' he thought. 'I'm literally cornered right now.'

He heard a higher-pitched voice he hadn't heard before.

"Hello in there..." Mark saw them trying to look into his hiding spot, along with the sound of scraping metal and a low growl.

'Babeh?' He thought it could be the elusive Circus Baby. He continued to listen. More metallic scraping could be heard as he waited, hoping that nothing bad was going to occur. Little blue eyes were trying to peek inside his hiding spot anything beyond the metal sheet. 'Ohhh!... You still there?... Hi... okay... so you... Oh!' Mark notices the eye again and the voice speaks again.

"Someone is inside..."

'No. That's a lie. You don't know that! I was just hired here. I'm was a nobody. Why would anyone here want to kill me? You don't know...' Mark's thoughts raced as he tried his hardest not to make any noticeable sounds.

Another higher-pitched voiced chimed in. "Is it the same person?"

'Um... Yeah... I'm different...' Mark thought. The sound of a pipe hitting the floor in the distance made Mark raise his eyebrow. The sound of metal scraping continued, but this time it was joined by a hollow clanging noise. There was silence for a few seconds, then short quick taps of metal of the floor, like a batter getting ready to hit a ball in a baseball game. This caused Mark to tense his muscles trying even harder not to make a sound. He took a breath and began scanning the holes with the flashlight. (Author's note: Probably not the best idea in the world.)

"Knock, knock."

'No...' Mark thought to himself hoping that they weren't thinking of doing what he thought that they were about to do. The metal sheet that was the only thing between him and whatever those things were, began to move slowly to the side. 'NO, No, no... NO!' Mark screams internally desperately trying to pull it closed and keep the sheet of metal between him and them. 'AHHH! NOOO! OH GOD! AH! WHAT DO I DO!? MY GOD! AUGH!... CLOSE IT' He quickly came to the realization that whatever those things were... they were strong. 'Close it!... Holy shit!... NO!!!... NO!' The metallic scraping was loud and almost ringing in his ears. He managed to close it, but knew that there was a possibility that they would try again. 'Oh, my god...'

"We always find a way inside."

'No?' Mark was hoping beyond hope that those things were wrong. He quickly looked around again and realized that there was no other way they could get in. Mark had to focus and hope that the voice that told him about this spot was right when she said that they would lose interest. They began pulling again and he held the metal sheet in place pushing aside all other thoughts, with the exception of getting back to y/n in one piece. After a few agonizing seconds that felt like hours to Mark, they stopped. He heard the first voice that spoke after getting under the desk once again.

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