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Keep going. Don't stop. Don't look back.

At least...that was her mental state at the moment, and who could blame her. One look at her and really anyone could tell she didn't really belong among the regular crowd down here. Which is why she felt the need to keep going you see.

The version of rain hell provided wasn't helping her situation either.....Ok. In a way it was. Most demons were inside or seeking shelter somewhere from the black liquid raining from the sky, which left her some freedom from their eyes. Not so much the weather. She was already dripping wet down to her skin with her fur now died grey and her wet clothes clinging to her....When was the last time she even had a proper meal or drinking water?...Oh great. Now she felt hungry and thirsty. No time to think about that now. The thunder had gotten louder and the rain began to get worse.

This was getting ridiculus!

Sure. She could've stayed where she was. Caged, treated like an animal, and displayed for others' to gawk at...But who'd want to be treated like an animal? Enough of that though, the main focus was getting out of the streets and into some shelter even if it was temporary-


The world went backwards as did her body before colliding with the hard, wet ground. She groaned but slowly opened her eyes towards the sky above. A dull pain throbbed from where her head hit the sidewalk. Just her luck that she'd slip on a puddle that was right in front of her. Her eyesight was clouded by the black rain that continued to pour on and around her...but the flashing green was new.

Wait. What kind of rain was green?

She blinked and slowly sat up. Her vision cleared up enough to where she was able to make out the neon green lights flashing against the building in front of her.

"Poison Ivy Casino. All abominations welcome."

A casino huh? She'd heard of these sinful gambling places before but never thought she'd actually come across one. Slowly getting back up, she turned to leave-the very last thing she wanted was to be surrounded by loads of demons- but stopped when another rumble and slight pain from her stomach rang out. She grabbed it lightly. She really hadn't eaten in a while. Her purple eyes glanced to the sign.....It DID say all abominations welcome, and who could've been more weird than her? She contiplated the idea-


She let out a high pitched squeal at the sudden thunder crash and ran to the doors. They flew open and automatically shut behind her with a bang. She stood there like an idiot. Her usual white body now a dull grey from the black rain outside. Luckily no one was in the small space where she was. Another pair of double doors was in front of her, and without much more thought, she walked through the other pair of doors and into the next room. A high ceiling met her along with what sounded like....jazz music mixed with modern tunes(?), laughs/voices, and what sounded like metallic noises. Though there was a fair amount of in what she thought was the lobby, the loud noises were coming from the giant room to the right. With the smell of food.
Normally, the huge crowd of demons would be a MAJOR red flag for her, but the emptiness of her stomach and the pain it caused tossed out any rational thinking as she headed straight towards it. Rubbing her arms in a failed attempt to warm her up. Maybe she could swipe someone's food when they weren't looking.

What she saw wasn't what she expected-

This one room....was HUGE. The ceiling had to at least be five or six stories high with a second floor and giant crystal chandelier. Her neck hurt just looking up at it. Some people pushing behind her made her walk in more. The weird metallic noises she heard earlier were coming from machines lined up against the far wall, demons pulled levers connected to their sides to make some panels with pictures spin. She gave them a confused look before proceeding. The constant pushing and shoving of others was starting to get uncomfortable. Better go make her way up. That's where the smell was coming from. She passed a few other weird tables with games she didn't recognize but tried not to draw any attention to herself-

"Ah! Why don't you watch where you....step?"

"I'm so sorry!" She whipped around and met the face of the taller demon for a split second before quickly ducking her head and walking away. Great. One minute in and already tripping over someone else's tail. How graceful.

She didn't look back as she scurried off, but if she did, she would've seen the red ringed eyes following her.


"Lou. You were saying?.....Lou?"

The much taller man ignored the pink haired woman as his eyes trailed a....very unlikely guest. He'd usually tear into the idiots that dared to foolishly step on his tail (lightly though there were customers around), but he had to do a double take when he saw the culprit. He could've sworn he was seeing things-

"Lou, you're acting weird." His friend leaned sideways to look at his face. "Is something wrong?"
His blank face slowly morphed into one she knew all too well. The smile he made when he knew something would end up in his favor or when he saw easy prey.

"On the contrary. I see something quite...interesting." He quirked a brow. "Tell me, what are the chances of a pure being down here?"

She gave him a confused look but answered, "Besides the occasional captured angel sold on the black market, highly unlikely. Is someone trying to do some illegal selling in here again?"

A red clawed hand grabbed her chin. "What would you say to-" Her head was turned. "-that?"

At first she had no idea what he was pointing out, but spotted the person he was talking about. "....Is that a walking pony with a horn?"

He chuckled and let go. "I think the correct term is unicorn."

".....Wait. I thought those were extinct."

"Apparently not." They eyed her disappearing form through the crowd. "Now what do you suppose she'd doing here?"

"Dunno. Being sold?"

"Hmm. Perhaps....I want you to go keep an eye on her. If there's something going on that I don't know about, I want to know what."

She shrugged but complied and started off in the same direction.

"I'll get back to you shortly. Now-" He turned back to the pink haired lady in front of him. "Where were we?"

She scowled. "You wanted to hire some of my dancers as temporary entertainment."

"Oh, of course."

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