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Oh god...OHGODOHGODOHGODOHGOD!! WHAT WAS SHE THINKING!? WHAT JUST HAPPENED?! All she remembered was waking up in a bedroom that wasn't hers and everything was fuzzy but you bet all the memories of last night wa hammered back into her memory when she saw that smile of his when she woke up. She was feeling a mixture of flustered, embarrassed, weirdly fuzzy, and over all confused about the whole thing..But she didn't stay for long. Throwing herself together and running out to the safety of her own room and slammed the door behind her. But maybe or maybe not with the image of those beautiful red eyes smirking down at her- Her hands came up to cover her beat red face and she just felt like screaming into a pillow...You know that didn't sound like a half bad idea. So that's exactly what she did and that's exactly how Cyber found her. Messy haired, red faced, and screaming into the soft pillow like cupid himself had kissed her. She was a bit surprised at this, but didn't say anything except:

"Uh. Good morning. The boss is waiting for you."

Her only response was a very flustered squeak and waving her off from her pillow. Cyber rose a brow but did back out of the room and pondered the pony's sudden strange behavior. But she shook it off for now. When she saw Lou he was..well acting completely normal. There was no sudden sighing this time, or groaning and rubbing his face, or sudden cursing or shaking his head. On the contrary, he seemed really happy and energized as he pushed the blueprints he drew up not too long ago across his desk, pencil in hand and ready to look over it and fix anything he dubbed as unworthy and added things. Which is where Cyber came in. She didn't want to brag, but she had the brain power to calculate this certain thing. By the sound of his happy humming and eagerness to work, she guessed he must've finally took her advice, or finally gotten over it. Who knows? But he seemed to finally able to get his head back into his work as the two were discussing the new design for the building and he asked her to calculate the exact amount of money he would have to pay for the new design and building's expantions. Including all the upgraded stuff he wanted and where they would get all the clean bottles and magic source needed to even start the wine progress. Now it was more complex than that as she thought. He already showed her the furniture and what exactly kind of paint and tiles he wanted to spruce up the place with. None cheap. And that wasn't everything he wanted either. When Lou thought big, he thought big, quick, and very smart. But so, so very expensive. Which was what this would be as she calmly began to calculate every penny this would cost in that brain of hers. As she did so the door to the office slowly opened and someone peeked their head in. Lou snapped up in an instant, smile widening on his face.

"AW! Flower! Im glad to be graced with your presence today!" Her face was still a pretty pink and the flustered look in her eyes wasn't half bad either. She shuffled in the doorway a little bit and he beckoned her in. "Well don't just stand there. Come in." And she did so, but slowly. Closing the door and approaching him with her ears down and he smiled. "I'm going to be rather busy today and there's not much really for you to do. So just relax and keep anyone from bothering us, will you? Oh!" She picked up the empty mug next to him and held it out to her. "And get me another cup of coffee will you? I'm feeling quite creative today.~"

She forced a smile just as Cyber looked up to them. "Ok. It won't be cheap but it should be aro-" She stopped and rose a brow when Lou placed the mug in her hand but his red digits grazed her fingers and she gave a squeak of surprise, pink face turning red as she turned around and quickly exited the room. Lou chuckling after her as Cyber blinked. "...Uh..SO! Did..something happen between you two?"

He simply chuckled and looked back to the blueprints. "Nothing you should worry about. But right now I would like to know those estimates."

It was-...Awkward for the next few days. She couldn't remember the last time her face was red this much. It seems Lou was pretty busy with the building and it was more complicated than he originally thought. Finding good builders and magical items specifically needed for renovations was hard to find even with black markets and high money. So most days was him planning with Cyber in his office about this new project or sometimes taking trips out to try and find certain things or people for it. It was fine with her. She was still trying to wrap her head around what had happened days ago between them. Face red and butterflies in her stomach at the thought. It was a strange feeling. And she tried to calm down her beating heart. It worked for a couple hours, until Lou would say or do something to make her flustered all over again and make her squeak in surprise. Making him smile and chuckle at it.

As days passed, she was starting to feel a bit woozy. She was SURE it was because off all these new feelings bouncing around in her skull still fueled by Lou's small flirts. Butterflies in her stomach in all. But it wasn't until one late night after dinner she really began to feel sick. She was sure it was the butterflies, but the feeling increased as soon as she got to her room which ended up with her rushing to the bathroom and emptying her dinner down the drain. She was feeling aweful by the time she went to bed and woke up the next day. Of course she told Lou about her suspicions of being sick and he was nice enough to give her the next three days off on sick leave. He was still planning and really didn't have much work for her right now anyways. And during those next three days she felt absolutely aweful. She felt like a bowling ball was dropped in her stomach after she ate anything and emptied out her stomach at least once a day. Especially in the mornings. And by the fourth day she woke up with a massive pounding headache. She's had headaches like these before, and this one felt like someone was hitting her head from the inside of her skull. She figured she MUST have gotten sick from the stress and emotions she had experiencing for a few weeks. But strangly she wasn't coughing, or had a stuffy nose or sore throat like most colds. She just felt so tired and cranky- AND OH GOD!! These heasaches and sickness was aweful....Until one day when she TRIED to go back to work. She was just sitting there and looking through a book...when she had the sudden feeling she was thirsty. Which wasn't too strange, she could get thirsty. But she didn't go for tea or water or anything like that. She guessed it must've been because she was curious about what Lou found so delicious about his strange coffee mixture...and she absolutely found it horrendous to taste..but she still felt the urge to drink it..Which backfired an hour later when she once again rushed off to empty her stomach. But that wasn't the only thing. It ALL came to a head when Cyber was getting lunch with her-

She was just grabbing her food when Cyber chuckled. "He's really growing on you huh?"

She blinked confused. "What do you mean?"

She pointed to the tray she was holding. "This is the fifth day in a row you grabbed the salad? And another cup of coffee? Maybe that's why you've been getting sick." She rolled her eyes. "I know Lou eats that basically all the time, but maybe your stomach's not used to it. And he's been getting kinda worried about you, maybe he'll end up hiring a doctor or something. But try laying off his diet. It might help your cranky attitude, seriously. It's almost like you were having mood swings or something."

And then that was it....Everything came crashing down harder than an avalanche. Emotions flowing down and if she hadn't excused herself and left to stumble back to her room she might've fainted. She felt numb and she most certainly her mind was blank. She didn't want to think it...but her mind kept revolving back around to that one forbidden thought. ...No. NO! There was no possible way she could've been-....But she didn't....How could she-...She was just SICK! Surely she was just SICK!!...But she had no possible way of being sure...He laid in bed for the longest time. Just feeling numb and her mind almost blank minded as she just laid there....Until she forced her self to get up and turn to the giant full length mirror in the side of the room....She didn't want to do it. She REALLY didn't want to do it...But she couldn't stop herself from standing up. And walking over. Her normal appearance stared back at her blinking blankly back. Until she looked to her stomach...Her mind raced with nervous and her stomach felt like someone dropped an entire BOULDER in it. She didn't want to. She REALLY didn't want to. But that didn't stop her hands from shaking as they grabbed the hem of her shirt. And slowly pulled it up. The flat of her stomach didn't look different..and even when she blinked and turned sideways staring at the reflection she still didn't look any different than say a few weeks ago. A HUGE wave of relief came over her as she sighed and smiled. Shaking her head. Oh thank goodness....But that still begged the question. Why was she getting all these simptoms? Her mind still raced with the one word that still shattered her peace.


Maybe she was wrong. What if she was wrong? A whole new set of problems came tumbling down onto her and she turned around to weakly crawl back into bed with a strange feeling in her stomach. She-...She w-would try talking to Midnight tomorrow. After all she was already a mother. Certainly SHE would know what to do about this situation, but right now..she felt too mentally tired to deal with anything so she just flopped back in bed and tried to fall back asleep.


Marvelous. Perfect. Absolutely wonderful!!

Those are the words he said when Midnight called him down to look at her newest magical thing-a-ma-jig she whipped up that could age things like grapes. Though it was still a slow progress, and she CERTAINLY needed a lot more work on it, but it was progress none the less and he was sure Cyber would be happy to help her out. But for now he wanted to go over the entire plans he had come up with so far, which Midnight and Disease were both not very excited for but Cyber silently agreed once he laid out the blueprints and began explaining the basics and handed out a few documents and business deals involving it to help better explain the details of what he wanted to do with the building. Soon the four of them were looking over the papers and were discussing (well, Him and Cyber were discussing it. Midnight just looked at the papers boredly and Disease kept making stupid questions like- "So when can I drink all this beer?") the best ways of actions to take with this. His mind raced with the possible paths he could take. His mind slowly revolving back to the ideas of making It an exclusive club for just the top notch demons around town and the one who suggested it in the first place. Soon his train of thought loosened from whatever important thing Cyber was going on about. His smile widening as those purple eyes and cute red faced pout came to him. Her little squeaks and the way she would fumble over herself just to recover and try to get a word out. From a cross from his Midnight saw that familiar smile over his face and she groaned. Rolling her eyes and sighing. Here we go again. She waited for him to give her somekind of useless flirt or compliment to her again and for Disease to give that frown he always gave when Lou flirted with her....but despite the chuckled that escaped him...He didn't even so much as look up from the papers. Which seemed to raise her brow as she slowly looked to him. Cyber had long since finished her suggestions to him about cutting some costs without the value but he didn't look at her at anytime. His chuckle making her also raise a brow. The two women looked at each other before looking back to Lou who STILL was off into space. Disease caught on to their look and just looked confused.

Cyber cleared her throat. "Boss?"....He still didn't even look at them. Cyber slightly nudged his shoulder. "Boss!"

He hummed and looked up at her. "Yes, Cyber. I still need those calculations of yours." The three blinked and exchanged look with one another, making him raise a brow. "Is something the matter?"

"You're spacing off, and you haven't told me one of your unwanted comments for a long time now." Midnight rose a brow.

He smirked at this. "Oh? Does that mean you miss me complimenting you, Midnight dear?~"

She wrinkled her snout in a scowl. " NOT even remotely. I'm merely stating the obvious. You've been acting not you for a long time now. If fact, I would even say you're going soft on us."

Lou visibly jolted, eyes blinking for a moment before he resumed that calm facade and blew her off. "I have no idea what you are referring to. I've never been better."

The three exchanged looks again before Midnight sucked in a breath and sighed. "Alright, since no one else is going to say it I will." She looked to Lou with a dead pan tone. "We don't buy your bullshit. You've been acting like someone gave you one of my calming potions and haven't even tried to dupe anyone outside your comfy little office. No remarks or teasing either." Her eyes narrowed. "Admit it. You've been coddling up to that girl for more than was needed. You!" SHe pointed at him. "Have. Grown ATTACHED!!"

He sat there frozen. For once, at the complete loss for what to say about what he was acused of. But he looked back down to the papers in his hands. "It's...not that. She is a worker, I am her boss. There's nothing more than that and what I plan to do."

Disease rose a brow. "Then why the hell did you invite her to tea? You never invited me to your dumb tea parties."

Both women immediately looked to the snake with even more confusion and Lou jolted. Snapping his head up to him and demanding. "THAT is PRIVATE business!! How the hell do YOU know that?!" Disease simply shrugged confused.

" told be to keep watching her??"

No one noticed the approaching footsteps starting to anxiously come up the hallway towards the lab. She was...really nervous about this. Who wouldn't be? But one thing was for sure, she wasn't ready to share her suspicions with anyone yet. And the only reason she was doing this was because Midnight might've had past experience with this stuff, or maybe one of her books could tell her if she had some sort of illness. But as she drew nearer her ears perked up at the sudden yelling and she stopped...Blinking in confusion as she slowly approached the open door.

"You invited her to tea?" Midnight questioned before she huffed and rolled her eyes. "Like I said. Going. SOFT!!"

"Im telling you this is absolutely NOTHING but a part of the plan Im thinking up! It's takes flattery to get you some places!" They still didn't look convinced so he looked to Cyber. "Come on, Cyber. You can't honestly be siding with these two over me! Right?"

Said woman looked off to the side for a moment...before sighing and looked up at him- Just as a certain someone stopped in the doorway. "You have...certainly changed since Amalfia has come here. In fact, you did admit you were falling for her a bit-"

By this time both Midnight and Disease had noticed the girl in the doorway and both froze. Cyber raising a brow as since she was standing beside Lou and also had her back to the door, she hadn't noticed her yet. But all that changed when she looked over her shoulder and her eyes shrank- At the same time Lou, still holding the papers, slammed his fist on the table he stood at and glared at the three in front of him his annoyance and something he couldn't quite explain. And shouted what could've been the WORST thing to say at that moment before Cyber could stop him-

"OH FOR HELL'S SAKE!! SHE'S A WORKER!! A WORKER I TELL YOU!! SHE'S NOTHING TO ME THAN SOME SIMPLE LITTLE TOOL TO AID ME ON MY PLAN!!" Disease gave him a look and made a cutting motion across his neck, trying to signal the plant demon to knock it off. Slitted eyes glancing between him and the doorway, but Lou didn't listen. "IT'S A MATTER OF BUSINESS!! AND IT'S ALWAYS BEEN BUSINESS!! AND AS SOON AS WE'RE DONE WITH 'ER, WE'LL SELL HER OFF TO THE NEXT CHUMP ON THE MARKET!! IS THAT OK WITH YOU LOT?!?!"

He heaved and everyone froze in that moment. The three of them shuffling awkwardly and giving looks to each other and the frozen gal standing the doorway doing her best impression of a statue. Eventually he sucked in a deep breath and looked back to the papers in his hands. This discussion was over and he made it clear he didn't want to bring it up again. He looked to the papers he held before back up to them...and rose a brow. Disease was giving him a horrified look and Midnight was blankly looking to the papers in her hand with an obvious fake interested look. And he blinked, and turned to Cyber to ask what was wrong with them- When he paused. Cyber was looking blankly behind her before slowly looking to him with an almost guilty look. And he was so confused by this point. Before he heard a sniff- He jumped and looked behind him.

And. Absolutely. FROZE!!

Sparkling purple eyes were dripping with tears and her terrified face was like the day that man attacked her. Once she made contact with those red bright eyes staring back at her-


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