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A silence fell onto the three in the car. Those seemingly glowing red eyes calmly met her own worry filled purple ones. The fact that he was so calm in his reply was scary enough as it is but that's not what scared her most, it's the fact his answer was that nothing down there was free. Which meant he wanted something from her-

He leaned forward slightly and held out a hand to her. "How about a story in exchange?" She stared back...Well, wasn't expecting that. He chuckled at the confusion on her face. "Oh come now. You can't blame me for being the tiniest bit curious, after all you only gave a small drabble to the entire tale?"

"...E-Excatly what story?" She got a bad gut feeling at his laugh.

"Yours of course. I can't help but wonder how a pure little thing like you could possible anger a Goddess so much that you'd end up in a chaotic place like this." His smile widened as he saw the suspicious look on her face. "You can't blame me for asking. I have to know everything about the ones I employ, as an employer you should know that the ones I hire also reflect on my company."

Her suspicious look faltered a bit. I mean, technically that was true. You wouldn't want to come back somewhere where you didn't like the people working there, and it didn't sound like he was anything but curious. Then again you could never know with things like this. Would something bad happen if she didn't say anything? Would it be unwise to say anything at all? Try to change the subject? Looking back to those blood red eyes, she decided to play It safe and go for something in the middle.

"W-What's there to know?" She straightened up and attempted to brush it off like her death wasn't really anything important with a shrug. "My stupid consort killed the beloved pet of a God, he lost everything and I being the oh so engaged lady at the time got d-dragged into it all!"

Whoops! Mistake one. Showing emotions. That last few words seemed to get some emotion into her. Because right now she was staring at the floor and it almost looked like she was about to cry. His brow rose and he hummed at the mixture of anger and sorrow in her features, well this was a surprise turn of events. Now wasn't it? It was interesting to see something other than just intimidation or fear on those little features. Don't get him wrong. It was glorious to see such traits he could mold to his use, but it would get tiring if he couldn't get some resistance out of her after all. Where would the fun be then or the glory? An easy win was nice but a rewarding one was much better satisfying.~

He calmly hummed and leaned back into his seat. A fake uninterest coming over him with a shrug. "Lots of lovers doom their spouses down here. It's a sad but common story amongst the crowd...but of course-" His eyes flashed an underlining tone. "Not many people can clam the tragity of the romantic tale gone wrong. Most go on with their new strengths gained from it."

"I don't have anything like that."

Mistake number two. Admitting you're weak in the presence of a stronger demon. She had just unintentionally admitted she wasn't very strong willed or at least didn't have much magic to begin with. Which was exactly what he was hoping she would say.

Internally he smiled, but on the outside he gave a very convincing surprised look. To which cyber smiled and rolled her eyes at as she silently continued to watch play out. Oh Lou, such the actor. "On come now. Surely you must be mistaken. A thing like you must have some remarkable talent if you survived this long down here."

Without looking up she just shrugged and leaned back into the seat. "Not really. All I can do is teleport and explode when Im scared enough, not like it's even useful."

His smile slowly returned. "But...It has killed before? Right?"

She shrugged again. "Only a few times, haven't been out long enough to keep count."

Mistake number three. She had unintentionally made herself the target of another demon's sights. Whether or not dangerous doesn't matter. His smile came back in full swing. OH! What a naïve little delight this was, and WHAT a convenience for him. He would have to remember to thank whatever good luck sent this opportunity his way because this was more delicious than any drug he could possibly eat! Cyber must've been reading his thoughts because she smiled along with the obvious thought plastered all over his face. POWER!! He could gain control over the entire neighborhood with this new tool by his side, all those angry faces of the ones who dared to ever threaten him, turning into ones of fear. Begging for mercy before they would be forever be turned into piles of DUST!!


His attention was snapped back to the smaller demon next to him who was nudging him in his side. Cyber nodded her head towards the open car door and he realized they had stopped driving.

"We're home."


Music blared about around the club and idiots danced and partied to it. He never really did like the whole setting of drunken morons dancing or the flashy lights, or the shady looking people in the corner who would stop and stare you down if you even looked like if you were eaves dropping on your conversations. But the pay was good and his husband worked here. So in some ways the pros outweighed the cons in his opinion, but being Rita's little errand runner all the time definitely wasn't what he signed up for when he agreed to this whole manager position. And he also ran into his most hated person in hell so now that made his day a million times worse. They carried the bags through the tight nit crowd and towards the employee's only door behind the bar.

The door was pushed open and the two made their way in.

"It's about time you two showed up. What took you so long?"

"Shut up, Jasper! I had enough of today as it is." He growled to the lazy demon laying on the lounge's couch and headed towards the table in the corner. Throwing the bags onto it and heading to the employee's fridge above it. His partner being more cool headed watched with a raised brow as Charles helped himself to the canned ice tea in the back. At least he wouldn't have to worry about him getting drunk and angry today.

"What crawled up your skull and died this time?"

"Can it, Jasper. He's not in the mood." The demon mumbled 'When is he ever' but sank back down into the couch, rolling his eyes, he glanced back to Charles who was downing one of the tea cans. "Babe. Take it easy on those. Last time you spit some out of your eye socket."

The can was slammed back to the table and the ghost skeleton slumped onto the table. "I can't help it. You know what I think about him. I don't care what Rita says, Im going to kill him one of these days."

He rolled his eyes and sighed.

"Him who?

He paused and looked around. Ans smiled. "Well speak of the demoness. Hiya Bosslady." The small lady standing there gave them both a raised brow and he shrugged and leaned back onto the table. "Got your stuff. Don't mind the 'extra baggage' we brought along."

Rita smiled amused at him and sashayed her way over to his side, grabbing one of the bags as she did and bringing it down to peer inside. "I trust there wasn't any trouble?"

"No." "Yes!"

She peered back up at Charles with a questioning look and he gave a small growl. "Horrible wilted leaf."

"Oh, it's just Lou again." She tutted and looked back to the bag in her grip. Honestly Charles could be such a drama queen about the whole thing. Even just mentioning the plant demon around him was enough to- excuse the term- rattle his bones for the rest of the week. Which happened fairly often if she wasn't mistaken. "Don't you have anything better to do with your time than just mope on him?"

"She's right. Cheer up, Baby." He gave the skeleton a playful shove which earned him an annoyed glare. "Oh come on.~ Don't be like that. Could be worse. You could've ended up with a furry fetish like plant boy." That one earned him a couple chuckles from his husband finally, making him smile wider. "See! I knew you could do it."

"Furry fetish?" Rita gave him a questioning look before chuckling and pulling one of the more expensive looking clothes out of her bag. "So he finally convinced...oh what's her name- Midnight to fall for him. Heh. Ever persistant."

"No actually...Well I don't know, but that's not what I was talking about." Rita giving him a 'What do you mean' look made him shrug before continuing. "Looks like he got a new toy ta mess with. Don't know what he's gonna do this time though. Mostly horse around. hehe."

"Really?" Interest peeked in her voice. Well of course this wasn't any of her business, the opportunity to snoop around and get a leg up on her frenemy-.....rival was always too good to pass up. Besides, it was always fun to tease him and get under his skin given the chance. A smile curled on her lips. "Oh. Well he wanted an answer from me anyways. Maybe it's time I do a little wellness check on his place."

"Are you sure it's just not to see the lovebug-"


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