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He stupidly, STUPIDLY sat there for a few seconds...and in those few seconds she was bolting away. ...She heard..She heard everything he said. The reality of his stupidity was thrown at his face and without him even hesitating- Papers. Useless. Unimportant. Were tossed to the floor at his feet and he scrambled to the door way, shoving his head out of the halls and looking down either way. She was still there, pressing the button to the elevator doors frantically trying to get it to open.


She jolted and whirled around to the man. Her wide eyed look and open mouth something like a horror movie. She looked..As if she was afraid of him and he was the monster, but she didn't stay there for two long. She bolted again, this time for the stairs. He jumped and did something he'd never done before, he ran after her. 'LOU!' 'BOSS!! Whaddya doing?!' He heard behind himself, but screw them, they didn't matter right now. What mattered right now was the absolute REAL possibility of her getting away. There were no gambles, or other possible roll of dice this time. No sweet talking, deals, promises or words was gonna stop her from getting out and once she did...She was going to run. Run and leave him. All that and more came flooding into him as he ran after the sounds of running hooves, and his heart rate picked up, caught in his throat just as he turned the corner. The door too the stairs was flung open and already the sound of retreated footsteps were already starting to get further away from him. Adrenaline was already starting to pick up ten times as hard as the frown and fear spiked further and he ran to the door. The spiral of staircase went down and he looked down it and saw the unmistakable figure of the woman running down those steps.

"Amalfia!! Come back!! I-I can explain!!"


She didn't even stop. Every single word of that man back in that office was rebounding. Sell her off once they were done with her huh? She was nothing huh? Well that was fine. She'd just leave before any of that happened again. F*ck Lou. F*ck him and all those stupid fake sweet words. He could shove it! She didn't care about that...even if she was-...It didn't fucking matter. Right now she was a little busy trying NOT to fall over her stupid self running down these steps and ignoring the voice begging her to stop or the tears currently running down her cheeks- Until something wrapped around her arm. She screamed. Not yelled. Not shout. Screamed, as if the monster in the horror movie had grabbed her. When in reality it was just a green vine. A green vine that wrapped around her arm tightly and refused to let go when he yanked and used her other hand to try and frantically wrestle it off her. To her horror Lou was two flights away from her and closing. Her breath picked up and her desperate attempts became more and more frantic. Panicking before In a last attempt, she wretched the vine towards her and bit down as hard as she could down on it. Some foul tasting liquid filled her mouth and the thing finally let go, with a curse from the plant demon who stumbled a few steps. Could-....Did he feel that?! Didn't matter. Taking the chance, she starting running again. Down, down, down the ever on going steps and her breathing picking up! THIS WAS RIDICULOUS!!! She was feeling fear and adrenaline pumping through her she hadn't felt since she tried escaping from the last man to chase her down and she kept going.

"No, no, no, no, no." He cursed under his breath as she still went down the stairs and went away from him. She was much faster than he gave credit for and he was started to fear her head start on him, if she got outside the casino his chances of finding her and stopping her would be much, MUCH more difficult. Which is why he jumped. Literally. He jumped over the railing and down he went. Only not hitting the floor by the green vines that came out to cushion their master's fall, barely even a thud was heard when he sprang back up to his feet and found himself at the bottom of the stairs. And she stopped. Almost tripping over the next step and she was MUCH closer now. He was staring at her with a mix of annoyance and fear mixed into one giant before he started back up the stairs to her.

"Boss?!" Cyber's head appeared faintly over the railing near the top of the stairs and it was made very clear that there was no way she could escape back up the stairs.

So she did the next best thing. She busted through the door next to her and Lou cursed again as she bolted down the hallway. The fancy red carpets and polished floors greeted her sore wet eyes as she ran and sharply turned a corner and stopped. Where was she?! Her scared brain couldn't register the difference between the fancy halls from each other and her tears and chokes weren't making it easy-

"Dammit! Come back!!"

She booked it down the hallway to the left the close footsteps right behind her fueling that fear and she didn't dare turn around to see how close he was now. She tried to take a sharp turn again and shouted as she slipped and slammed hard to her side. She scrambled to get up- Two arms wrapped around her and pulled her against someone in a vice grip! SHE. SHREIKED!! The taller plant demon winced and gritted her fangs at the loud noise. Her struggling form was certainly not what he expected but his more powerful strength was still no match for her.

"LET ME GO!! LET ME GO YOU B*ST*RD!!" Her body thrashed in his grip and her hands clawed at those green arms holding her hostage.

But he didn't instead the two struggled and he barely managed to force one of the doors next to them open and push her in. She stumbled and only didn't fall over because of the desk she fell back against and he finally sighed as he slammed the door behind them by pushing his body against it-...Which only lasted two seconds before he yelped and ducked his head just as a very expensive looking vase flew at where his head used to be and shattered into a million pieces.

"YOU F*CKING S-STAY AWAY FROM ME YOU...YOU-...PERVERT!!" The angry lady grabbed a heavy looking book from the desk and lunged it at Lou who jumped out of the way from the speeding book which left a dent in the wall behind him.

"Please! Will you not?!" He have a sad look to her and his frown became more desperate. His hands lifting up to show no harm." I said I can explain-"

"Can you now?" She grabbed another thing from the desk his red eyes widening. "How about that part where I was gonna be sold!?" He ducked when the ink pot flew passed him. Shattering and leaving a black stain on the pretty wallpaper. Before she picked up another book. "How about that part where Im just a tool for your fucking plan!?" The heavy book almost hit his left leg before he managed to jump out of the way. There wasn't anything dangerous left on the desk she could throw, but in her crying and hiccupping state she didn't care. "HOW ABOUT THAT PART WHERE I DON'T FUCKING MEAN ANYTHING TO YOU!?" The flimsy folder was thrown at him, papers falling to the floor as it hit his chest and he just stared. Her lungs heaved as her tears made her eyes shiny. The snarl on her face was..well it was intimidating as a teddy bear, but the rage behind it still didn't let up.

He stood there and ..didn't say anything. He couldn't force any rational words out. "It-...It was a mistake-"

"Oh, it was a mistake. REALLY!? A FUCKING MISTAKE!!" One of her hands slammed on the desk and her voice broke between chokes and hiccups. "Well then you tell me w-w-which part of all this was a f-f-fucking mistake!! W-Was taking me in a mistake? How about all that time you spent with m-me? Was that the mistake you couldn't stand?" Her hands came up to wipe as her eyes. He wasn't even moving or showing any emotion beyond that stupid shocked face. He was shocked because his plan was all exposed now wasn't it! The thought made her even choke more. She had been stupid. Breaking the one rule that she always promised herself. NEVER let anyone close like that again...Now what was gonna happen to her? She choked on a sob and couldn't stand to look at him anymore. "Was me finding out your plan a mistake? That I wasn't stupid enough fall for this sooner....T-That I'm n-now not just gonna let you use me anymore!"

...What was he supposed to say...As those purple eyes blinked down at nothing as her body shook and her gritted snarl grew until both hands slammed down onto the desk between them.

"DAMMIT!! WHY WON'T YOU ANSWER ME?!" That glare was back and she was angry. "Is I-I-it because you're trying to figure out the best way to shut me up maybe?! Maybe you're just upset because you don't have the balls to say this to my face!! Probably upset your little 'pet' isn't acting like a l-l-love struck puppy!! IS THAT IT!? ....ANSWER ME YOU COWARD!!"

"NO!!" He yelled out. He wasn't thinking about any of that now! His brain was desperate, telling him to spout out something to calm the angry woman in front of him. "NO!! That's not what Im thinking at all I assure you!! If you just me explain I can tell you why!!" He made a move towards her and she scrambled back against the wall like a caged animal, halting his movements towards her. "Please."

"NO!! Why should I trust ANYTHING you say to me now!? Charles was right!! Y-You're NOTHING b-b-but a yellow livered polecat and a d*m womanizer and I was stupid enough to believe anything different!! D*MMIT!! I TRUSTED YOU WITH EVERYTHING!! I LET YOU GET CLOSE AND WE....w-we..."


A heavy dead silence set down between the two of them and he felt like he was going to fall over. It was like someone literally took an entire anvil and dropped it down his throat and into his stomach. Usually if someone said Charles was right about him and he was nothing but a lowlife, he wouldn't have batted an eye or had a second thought, but ....coming from her. The only person outside of his small crew to give him the time to say she didn't believe any of it at all. To his shame, he just stared at her. The weight and FULL realization of what he was loosing hitting that weight in his stomach like a sledgehammer working on the railway.

"Y-You really want to explain some stuff to me?"

The sudden question made him flinch and blink at her, but he forced a smile. "Yes! That's why I ran after yo-"

"How long?" He stopped when she interrupted him. "H-How long have you really been using me?....Do the others know?"

"I-...." A thick lump made it's way into his throat and he gulped it down. "I haven't really used you for anything..." Both were very aware he should've put the word 'yet' at the end of that, but neither said anything about it. "And...yes they knew."

She froze. So...All those times Disease was spying on her, it was just to keep an eye on her? Every time Cyber smiled or polite it was because she was in on the act?! And Midnight-...Well she didn't have an excuse for Midnight. She always didn't seem to like her a lot, but she was just as guilty if was agreeing to this whole scheme he was planning up! Was..W-W-Was anything really genuine between them then? Any single part of it!? All smiling, dancing, sweet words, kisses...ALL OF IT!! She gave a huff of a choked chuckled and those tears started again, he watched pathetically as she turned up to the ceiling. Her mouth was quivering with the next sentence.

"A-And what exactly w-w-what were you hoping to use me for?"

".....Unicorns have a magic source similar in purity to angels. It's....aura is tempting to mortals and demons."

She choked. So that was it then. It wasn't because she was herself. It was because she was simply another person with a pretty face. All because of her bad like. She could never really catch a break could she? She reached a hand up in a failed attempt to stop the tears. "W-Well? What now? Are you planning on selling me then? Maybe kicking me out."

He...Catiously approached. Slowly. "No. I don't want you to leave."

"*sniff* W-Why?"

He didn't say anything. Not that he didn't have an answer, he most certainly did. It just the matter of saying it that made his throat clench. "I..." He gulped down the lump in his throat hard. "I think I have...feelings for you." She didn't answer and he slowly reached a hand for her. "I promise it's not what it looks like." He froze when she finally snapped her crying, angry face up.

The crying of the girl in front of him was almost as surprising as the frown on her face. Her angry glare turning the normally smiling man into nothing but a mix of emotions as he stared down at her...Until she shook her head finally and hiccuped. Whipping her face with a hand. "Fine! You wanna talk about what I heard back there?...Then you tell me!'' Purple wasn't usually an angry color, but he felt anger burn behind those eyes. "Why the HELL would I stay here after that? I-Im just a f*cking person to be used by e-every single person in my whole existance as a pet, t-t-trophy wife, or some weapon!?" Her hand poked him hard in the chest. "After what you said, you're trying to make up with me? What reason would I ever trust you?..." Her ears drooped down and she shook her head with another hiccup. "What's so special about me you would ever consider worth l-l-love with, Lou? Because I sure as hell don't see it."

Something in his chest hurt, this was new. It was like his own heart was pushing a metaphorical red hot spear through his chest. Words failed him, lost on his tongue, his throat suddenly dry as if he'd lost the privilege of speaking clear English. And what's worse, while under the gaze of the livid female, he felt curiously small. He gulped dryly, and he found his tail nervously wrapping round his legs. "A-Amalfia.." another sharp tug pulled at his chest when her predatory eyes looked to him, seeming to glow in the dimly lit room. "I-I..what you heard it-... it was-.. I didn't-" he couldn't seem to form a secure sentence, stuttering like a fool. He wanted to punch himself for it. He NEVER stuttered. "W-What you heard it-...that was..that wasn't me talking I-" she cocked a bold brow "..I-I mean the REAL me that- t-that was.." he sighed "..I-I only said that because I..I was is-.. I-it's not something I'm USED to feeling!" He pathetically looked down at his palms, and then up to her "And YOU! You-..Y-You didn't look at me for of the first demons to look at me as if was..well..just some person making a living!" Her angry face slowly turned to one of surprise as he stood there, until he suddenly grabbed her forearms and his face looked as if he was honestly fighting tears. "You-...You gave me a c-chance, a REAL chance. N-Not looking at me like Im a token to power o-o-or...anything than just a man. Y-Y-You-" He closed his eyes and hung his head in shame. "You're not just some pretty face or object just for someone to gawk at! I know coming from me, you might think It's just more sweet talk from me, but I truly mean it!! I swear on my dammed soul rotting here! Y-Y-You're kind and polite! And FUN! You believe in second chances and gave someone as spineless as me one and you had every right not too! You could've left anytime! But you didn't!" He finally opened his eyes and those red eye shined with something different this time. Not some anger, or glint hiding something. But with affection, "You stayed, and let me have that trust. And that chance. A-And I...I never deserved it. And I blew it....... I've never felt this way and..i-it's frightening to me. But it's a dam good feeling I don't want to loose."

She stood there stunned...not knowing what to do, until she shook her head. "I can't-...*hic*" More tears stained her eyes and she hiccuped it his grip. "I-I can't-..You would change your mind once you find out."

"F-Find out about what? Everything about you is beautiful to me!"

She only shook her head more. "I c-c-can't tell you! *Hic* You'll hate me! I CAN'T!!"

He lightly shook her, but only to get her too look at him. There was no way he going to back down this far in. "I promise you whatever it is, it won't affect anything!"

"I think I'm pregnant!!" That was it. She choked and looked away in shame.

Everything went quiet again. Except for the sobbing of the lady in front of him as a million thoughts hit him at once. S-She was-....p-p-pregnant?! No, no!! She said she THOUGHT she was pregnant, there was no real yes or no to that question. ...But if she was that meant he....His red eyes shrank in size to an almost horrified look and his breathing just a bit heavier. If she was, that meant he would very most likely be the father of that child. He couldn't help it, he slowly turned his gaze down to her stomach-...It-..It didn't look like she was even-..But that still begged the question-

"H-How l-l-long have you...suspected?"

She shook her head. "I-I *hic* I don't know!! M-M-Maybe a month!! *sob* I-Im sorryImsorryImsorry!!"

He watched as Amalfia went completely limp in his hold falling over into his chest and he caught her still half stunned but the other half of him kicking in and against his usual nature held her. Watching someone break down wasn't something he hadn't seen before, but seeing someone he loved, broke down- He was angry, happy, scared and now it all broke the lady who was currently sobbing into his chest, apologizing over and over for it. And she stilled for a moment when those arms wrapped around her and he shushed her, his mind still racing with a million thoughts a minute like his brain usually does, but one thing he knew for certain without a doubt. If he refused to do anything now, he would most definitely regret it later.

"No. Don't apologize. Stop apologizing right now!!" One hand shakily came up to the back of her head and she stiffened. "You've suffered enough from someone else's actions and Dammit I won't stand for it any longer!! Don't ever be sorry for something you had no control over again! Im at fault for all of this!!And-...." His eyes widened a bit. His gut was telling him what he needed to do but his throat clenching and his dammed pride spiked up- He growled and shook his head. "I am s-s-sorry."

She stopped. Her eyes widening against his chest and her shaky breathing almost stopping for a complete second. Did he just- "W-What did you say?," she ask barely over a whisper muffled by his chest. She wasn't even sure if he could hear her.

But he did. And he gulped. Forcing more words out. "I a-apologise for my actions."

She didn't answer again and the two stood there holding each other in silence for a long moment. Letting the words and all the actions of the past half hour sink in and fully register in their minds. Already it was exhausting- He blinked when he felt her shift beneath his hold, she was doing something, but he didn't get a chance to ask what she was up to before she pulled herself away from him. Amalfia gave a last sniff before wiping her dull purple eyes away with the back of her sweater sleeve, she didn't look angry or really heartbroken anymore. Just...a sad calm as she reached out and pulled one of his hands to her, placing one of her smaller hands in it and looking him dead in the eyes. That happy shine not present in them anymore.

"I forgive you."

...He blinked. "What?"

"I forgive you, but I don't think I can have this anymore." Her hand pulled away and he blinked at the small twinkling ring in his hand...and his stomach dropped to the last circle of hell. "...I'm sorry."

He stood there. Staring at the shiny thing in the palm of his hand...No. NO! No no no no no no!! This was NOT how this was supposed to end up!! His arm began to shake slightly the longer he stared at the tiny small gift it held. He barely registered the movement of the female as she had calmly just been blankly staring at his reactions. Before she side stepped around him and took a few steps towards the door, she got as far as touching the doorknob before something green whipped out and wrapped around her chest. Making her yelp and jump in surprise before that powerful tail of his came pulling her back. She cursed and began pushing at it and made grabbing motions towards said door, but it was no use as she was dragged back to his now calm looking face and stopped right next to him.

"DAMMIT, LOU!! LET ME GO!!," she yelled as she pushed against him.

"I-..W-We are not done talking yet." He calmly looked down at the struggling woman who was now again glaring at him from her position. "If you-..w-we are indeed going to have any children we need to talk about what we're going to do about it- AH!!"

She bit down on the tip of his tail hard and it loosened, only for his hands to grabbed onto her again when she pushed past him. And that one grab flipped a switch. She turned with a snarl and angry hiss, a few white sparks emitting from her horn. The sight stunned him enough for what happened next to happen. Her free hand came up and with a stinging sensation in her hand- A slapping sound vibrated through the room. The grip from his loosened and he stumbled back, falling over against the desk and his top hat toppling onto it from his head, a demonic hissing escaped his throat as a hand came up to rub his poor sore cheek and he winced when it stung. Not that he hadn't been slapped my a heartbroken woman before, but this caught him off guard.

Those red eye angrily glared at the equally annoyed looking unicorn giving that cute pout. "WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT FOR?! I SAID I WAS SORRY!!"


He grunted and pushed himself off from the desk still rubbing his cheek. "WOMAN!! I AM TRYING TO MAKE UP WITH YOU!!"





She froze. "....W-What did you say?"

"Oh for the love of HELL!!" He threw his arms out to her. "I SAID MISS SUNSHINE THAT I LOVE-...You..." He seemed to press pause in his mind as the words finally registered to him. "..I..I love you."

Both were standing there a foot away from each other as their bodies heaved from the short yelling match that just took place between them and both stared at each other is disbelief. He-..He did it. He had said it and..Nothing stopped him this time. No clenched throats. No pride or weird feelings getting in the way, he just blurted it out in the heat of the moment. And now..It was finally out there. Lou, Thirteenth Strongest Overlord of the Second Circle of Hell, was in love...And dammit did it feel good- SLAP!! Another slap, but not as hard or hurtful as before hit the cheek that WASN'T stinging but now it was a little, and his other hand came to cup it as he hissed and glared down at her lightly crying face.


"T-T-That was for not saying it to me sooner."

He stopped. And she dared to give him a small smile with a hiccup, the small sparkling of those purple eyes coming back- Two hands suddenly cupped her cheeks and she didn't even flinch from his touch this time as those red digits pushed tears from those shiny purple eyes. The distance of the two was short lived and she gave a small giggle before she was pulled into him and the distance was closed within a kiss. The weight in his stomach from quickly replaced by butterflies and that was all fine and dandy with him. He was all fine with pulling the smaller woman closer to him, one hand holding that beautiful face of hers and that tail thumped against the floor. She slowly pulled away first and noticed the goofy grin on his face, giggling again- But she gave a squeak when he surprisingly pulled her against him in a hug. Chuckling at her sudden red flustered face.

"S-So...would you still mind me pursuing you?"

She opened her mouth- another small squeak coming out- before she coughed and looked away. "I-..f-f-fine. I don't know w-why but I-I feel like I can trust you. B-But if you screw up again I'll water you w-with holy water!"

He rumbled out a purr. "Trust me. They say third time's the charm after all, and I will not blow it this time."

...She blinked. "Did you just purr?" Her hands came up to squish his cheeks with a giggle. "That's adorable!! You're like a little kitten!!"

He sputtered and blinked. "Kitten? My dear flower. I am more of a snap dragon than a kitten. If anyone here is a kitten-" One of those red digits poked her nose. "-it'd be you. I have teeth." He grinned. "Sharp teeth. Im a feared man of my area."

The door behind them slowly opened with a creak, not that they seemed to notice at first and the blue haired head of Cyber poked itself in. Taking a look at the mess of the once clean office and little peices of vase under her feet. "Uh. Boss? Are you-" She stopped and blinked at the sight of the plant demon smiling happily in the unicorn's hold, his tail thumping and a light red dusting his cheeks as she giggled and cooed over him. ...And she blinked. Disease poked his head right behind her, tongue flicking out but he stopped and froze at what Cyber was staring at too.....And the two slowly looked at each other.

She giggled before her eyes tilted to his hair."...OMG!!" Her hands went to the sides of his head and he soon found out why. "YOU HAVE ELF EARS!?!? THAT'S SO CUTE!! WHY DIDN'T YOU SHOW ME BEFORE!?"

He growled out a plesent chuckled..Before those red eyes glanced behind her and he froze. All movemets from his tail stopped and he stared with a frozen grin and red face at the two in the doorway. The three stood there for a good long moment before Amalfia finally looked over her shoulder at the newcomers and blinked at them as well....Disease was the first to move as he cough and turned around, mumbling something like 'Gotta help the misses with a flea dip' and Cyber finally smiled.

"So...I guess this means everything's alright, eh?"

"...You three still have some explaining to do but-" She looked back to Lou and giggled. "Everything is..mostly ok."

He sighed and reached a hand up to hold one of her smaller hands cupping his cheeks. "A-Agreed. This has been a very exhausting day as it is."

Cyber nodded and leaned against the doorway with a smile, raising a brow and looking around the room. "Well you two sure had an interesting heart or heart."

"Nothing that can't be replaced, unlike something I nearly lost."

She rose a brow further at the soft look he was giving to the gal and smirked. "Uh huh. Well I guess that begs the question. Are you guys painting the baby room pink or blue?"

Both froze and Lou looked at her. "...You heard that?"

She shrugged. "I wanted to wait until you were done with your love confession, but now it just got more interesting."

"...So you heard everything?!"

With a smirk she said the one thing he didn't want. "Yes."

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