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Warning: Past Abuse mentioned

And just when she couldn't think this day couldn't get any worse, she was thrown for a loop when the plant demon escorted her(and Cyber) to one of those giant skyscapers in the city that looked like someone slapped gold paint and a bunch of neon signs advertising this supposedly five pentagram rated resturaunt and the first thing she saw then that limo pulled up was the enormous line of demons dressed in fancy looking outfits of all kinds and two giant looking bouncers at the main entrance stopping anyone from just walking in which means the line was awefully slow. As soon as the limo stopped however, someone from the building dashed out and ran right up to the window, and she jumped, probably thinking someone was rushing them trying to get in. But instead the surprisingly suited up man, pulled the door open and bowed slightly to Lou who was smiling widely the whole time as he got out followed by Cyber. She blinked and peeked out a little bit to the man who was still slightly bowing, before flinching when Lou offered his hand out to her.

He chuckled. "Don't worry. I'm quite well known here, and you haven't got a thing to worry about as long as you stay close.~"

She hesitated, but as soon as her shaky hand grabbed his she was pulled out of the car with one powerful pull. Wrapping an arm around her to stabilize her and looping her arm around his when she stood balanced. The car door was shut behind them with a click and the suited man reran back past them and into the building. Her watching curiously as Lou tugged her forward to start walking forward, as soon as they got new the entrance, angry yelling and curses came their way..Well most were directed right at Lou. Plant boy was the most kindest name she heard him being called, but he didn't seem to pay them any mind...Til one made a move with a face that looked like he was gonna attempt to spit on them. A blur of blue and silver rushed past them and the guy was taken down quickly with a solid metallic clang sounding punch to his head, he went down faster than a sack of bricks but Cyber wasn't done when she latched onto one of his legs. Without even having to wind her arm back, her arm tossed the man over her head and the demon went flying easily three stories into the air. Crashing into the building across the street and falling to the ground with sick cracking noises. Her mouth dropped open and Cyber turned back to them wiping her hands off.

Amalfia's jaw dropped as she just waltzed back over to them but Lou merely laughed still tugging her forward. "Excellent job as always, Cyber dear. That's why she's my top employee after all.~ Remind me to spare a few sou-...extra payment for you later."

She gave Cyber a second glance, clearly not expecting what just had happened to happen- But she didn't get a second thought in about it before she flinched at the sight of the massive guard in front of the door blocking the way, but as soon as they were near enough the giant brute reached a massive hand down and moved one of the sacred chains keeping everyone on the other side. Allowing the three of them in much to the protesting of the other demons outside, she nervously watched the bigger demon as Lou tugged her inside...And the first thing to hit her senses was the most delicious smell of food and on instinct her stomach let out a rumble Lou chuckled at. The second thing to hit her ...was the absolute size and lavishiness of the place. Imagine the best fancy dinning areas with the most beautiful tablecloths, candlelights, very expensive looking decorations hung up everywhere, and waiters in that same fancy uniform running around carrying all that food. It was like the smaller fancy resturaunt Father and her used to visit before-.....Yeah. Or maybe she was staring because the whole place was just so big. An elevator across the room opened and more people in fancy looking outfits paraded out of it. Lou chuckled at her astounded wide eyed face. Oh maybe he should've picked the nickname doe eyes instead of pet.~ She flinched when someone of the same uniform can running up to them again and just like the first man from outside bowed to the three of them.

"Hello, Good Evening. Good to see you again Mr. Lou. Miss Cyber you look as wonderful as ever, as does your date, Sir!" He spewed out so quickly Amalfia could barely follow along before be turned back around, "Please follow me. With have your usual spot waiting for you upstairs."

Again she was tugged along and they followed the man straight forward towards the elevator. Her purple eyes blinked and gave a quick glance around. Barely any of these fancy dressed people were paying them any attention but she caught sight of Cyber giving a blank face and suspiciously scanning her eyes over everyone as they passed. Was she expecting another person to try and spit on them- She lightly bumped into Lou when they stopped and he chuckled, raising a brow. And she looked away in embarrassment. The ding of the elevator doors opened and they followed the man right inside with Cyber giving a quick look around before disappearing inside as well. The first thing the purple eyes caught on to was the long row of buttons on the side in two rows, she counted and it was twelve buttons per row..and she blinked. This building had twenty four floors? ...The man pushed a button she didn't notice which was one big golden one separate from the other twenty four. Oh. So there was twenty five? How could one building be so tall? She flinched when the doors closed and the elevator began to move the four of them up, her ears went back and despite her better judgement, her grip around Lou's arm got slightly tighter. He rose a brow to her but his smile got slightly smaller at her pale face- well paler than normal- she looked as if she was gonna be sick.

"...I don't suppose you won't mind me asking you what's wrong? Don't tell me you get motion sickness now."

She shook her head. "N-No..I d-don't stand well with heights." She could almost feel the emptiness of the elevator shaft below her and her stomach did a flip flop over the moon and back. It was almost dizzying. "F-Falling in really left it's m-mark." ...Without another word he hummed and his eyes drifted over and down to her leg. And the red scars flared across her otherwise pure white body- Under he was given a small shake and he blinked back to her uncomfortable but hunkered down face. "..P-Please d-don't stare at them. I-...I don't like that."

Of course he smiled and gave a small pat to her arm gripping his. "I assure you. You have nothing to fear while myself and Cyber are here to assist you." His red eyes flashed a knowing smile and Cyber smiled back behind her. "Trust me when I say that little stunt from earlier isn't even her at full strength, and you haven't even seen me in action yet. Why else would you think I pay her the great amount I do?~"

She didn't have time to answer before the small ding of the doors opening interrupted them and she was once again tugged almost immediately out still following this uniformed demon out into...back outside? Were they being kicked out for something? She had to blink and look around to realize that..they were outside but NOT on the ground. From her view she could make out the tops of other buildings, the red sky, and the other signs of after life she could see from the top of this building. She still felt whoozy but being out of the moving elevator helped greatly to calm her nerves greatly as she was still pulled along by him. Finally stopping near one table the man bowed again and pulled out a chair on one of the opposite sides.

"Ma'am." She stood there before Lou gently urged her to the seat. She...slowly leaned down to sit in it and the man pushed her chair back in for her before doing the same with Lou on the other side. Simaltaniously taking the coat and hat from him and putting them on the back of Lou's chair to his request. "Your food will be here shortly. Drinks?"

"Uh.." Her scattered brain still prosessing this whole thing. "..W-Water?"

The man looked like she was trying to tell a joke but Lou chuckled and waved him off. "It's fine. You know what I like." The man nodded and ran off the way they came. She blinked and watched him leave before her attention was returned back to Lou who was holding his head and his hands and smirking at her. "Well? What do you think?~" He gestured a hand to around him. There was...barely anyone around them other than Cyber who was standing guard a few feet away and looking very serious, and one other couple on the far side who were lovingly leaning across the table and kissing. "Not many can afford the luxury of getting the best view of the most astounded five pentagram rated place in the second circle of hell after all.~ It's famous for the frequent visits from the many royalty that comes to visit the place...he gestured to the couple in the corner. "That's one of the Prince's sons now. With his lover I believe.~ Like I said few can afford to be seated here, but my reputation asceeds me.~" She blinked and took a glance to the couple still making googoo eyes at each other. Really now? She never saw royalty before- "But enough about me and my acheivements. Are you hungry?"


"Good. There's plenty to choose from.~ Just tell them anything you want to eat, they'll instantly pull it up for you to enjoy. That's why it's so popular.~ Quick and wonderful service if I do say so myself."

She blinked and gave him a confused look. Certainly he wasn't serious. How can any place do that? "So if I just said a pasta with no fats and a side of ..lets say cherries- " she picked something wild, because who would want cherry fruits with pasta? "-they would just bring me that exact thing?"

He only smirked wider. "What kind of pasta?"

"Uh...Agnolotti del plin?" It was one of the only dishes she knew, but she was sure they didn't have THAT kind of food here.

His head eyes looked past her silently and she blinked. Turning around to follow his gaze- And jumped seeing someone right behind her. The same man from before set down the objects in his arms and she stared wide eyed as they happened to be plates of food. The sweet smell of food hit her nose and to her absolute shock, a pasta dish and bowl of red fruit was placed in front of her just as Lou chuckled and received his. She stared down at what was given to her just as he flung a small glowing orb the waiter before be bowed and darted off with one of the much more weaker souls he had on him. He learnt fairly early in life if you don't pay at least a little of what you owe then it'll bite you two times harder later.

"...H-How did he-"

"You shouldn't be surprised." He picked up the small whine glass next to him. "After all there's plenty of things in hell you have no idea could happen.~" He said that last bit with a knowing look to her and let the strong taste of wine shift down his throat. It always paid off to have such a high life. "Don't worry too much about it though.~ Im here to guild any trouble away.~"

The two sat there and ate..well he ate, she took a few bites of the food before her but still silently continplated the whole day in her head....Rita's words still rang loud and clear in her head and she still couldn't forget the small interaction with Mr. Charles a few months ago. She completely forgot about that but after today the skeletan's glare was clearer than glass-

"What seems to be on your mind?" She jumped slightly as he rose a brow at her, holding the wine glass. "You don't seem to be enjoying yourself, Dear."

"N-No, I am....It's just." Her purple eyes cast back downwards and she sighed. She knew what she was about to do was probably stupid and a HUGE part of her was yelling at her to abort this plan and stick to the safe way right now, but that glare and the words bouncing around her mind were just too much. Shaking, she took a giant breath and let it out. Without looking up, she spoke. "D-Demons...l-like making deals. R-Right?"

A silence came over the table. Lou had paused, smile dropping and eyes blinking in surprise for a second...before it came back more wide. ALmost splitting his face in half and those red rings around his eyes doubled. Even Cyber paused to turn around and give a curious look at her question, but Lou- The familiar surged of excitement at making any deal came over him before regained his composure and went back to that regular smug smile of his. Chuckling and leaning forward, raising a brow. "Why yes.~ I think you'll find most demons I associate with do....But the question is, why do you ask? ...Dear."

She didn't answer before sucking in a breath and facing him with a determined look. "How about a game?"

Oh he was starting to like where this was going. "And what kind of game my little flower?~", he purred out, clearly having his attention,

"....Truth or dare. O-Only...we a-ask each other truths and have to answer them as such...D-Does that sound like a good deal?"

His smile couldn't have agreed more as he held up his wine glass in agreement and wagged his brows once. "Certainly.~ After all what is a dinner with my future wife without getting to know her life before I met her? It sounds truly delightful."

Her eyes slightly narrowed. " promise to tell me the t-truth?"

"As true as I can." His lidded eyes stared at her with keen interest as his brain buzzed with amuzement at her strange bravery for even suggesting something so bold, but also with all the many things he could find out and maybe use later if proved useful enough. "Now...What is it you wish to know about me first?~"

...She blinked. Well that went better than she thought it would, but she didn't honestly think she'd get this far into the gig. And judging the face he was giving her he expected a question from her soon. Uh...What should she ask? Her pupils shrank a bit as her mind went blank quickly trying to correct itself and force something out. "Uh....H-How do you know R-Rita?" It was the best she could think of since she was so curious about the strange peacock lady.

Well it was certainly one he was expecting since Rita's little stunt. He shrugged. "Rita and I have known each other by reputations and businesses for quite a number of years now when we both established them. You can say she's one of my more friendlier rivals.~" Oh..Well that explains some of the behavior at least. "But Im interested in your stay so far.~ How are you settling in? Have my staff been treating you well? I would hate to have any show any bad blood for the love of my afterlife.~" He finished that sentence with a small wink.

There was a small pink tint to her cheekbones but only a little. He noticed however and made a mental smirk, getting better results a bit. "I-..They've been nice so far..." She rubbed her arm. "I-I don't think M-Midnight likes me very well."

The plant waved a hand dissmissively. "She never does like anyone...Except for Disease in a strange way- Hell know why- and Noodle."


"Midnight's and Disease's little Spawn.~ You haven't met her yet because she's currently started attending Hell High, but Im sure you two will meet eventually." He smirked back her her batting his eyes. "Now, what questions do you have to ask me, Pet?"

There was a small pause...."How did you die?"

He pause mid sip and looked to her. Ah. A question he knew must've been coming, so he smiled. "Getting straight to the interesting topics I see. Hmhm." He looked back to his drink and watched the red liquid swish around in it. "To be honest it was of my own stupid mistake. Almost funny since I rarely ever made those mistakes in life and now in death." He shrugged. "But I would've ended up in this wasteland one way or another.~"

"...T-That doesn't tell me very much."

"...Ok. You drive a hard bargin.~ It was fertilizer."

........She blinked. Fertilizer?? Was he serious? He died from that? "You mean..plant fertilizer?"

He nodded. "Yes, my specialized invention that went wrong. But since you asked me such a personal question, it's only fair I ask one back." His brow rose. "You died around three years before I ever did based on your description and Cyber's calculations. But I have never even heard of you before you stumbled into my humble business." His head tilted, with some genuine interest. "Being considered a pure creature down here would've attracted a decent amount of attention. How have I not heard of you until then?"

There was a pause and Cyber tilted her head towards them slightly obviously listening as the pony's ears remained dropped throughout the entire exchange. Her eyes closer as another inhale she gave. "....When I first fell down, I was pretty busted up..." She could feel those red eyes shift to where her leg was and the red scars, forming a peice of the puzzle in his mind. "Some scavengers found me and....s-sold me off to a fat aristocrat at the time." She shrugged opening her eyes to glance to the side. "Been no where but a p-pretty pet put on display like an animal at t-the zoo.....Until one of the p-purges finally demolished his home."

His eyes narrowed slightly. He vauguely remebered a few big names being wiped out during last year's purge, it was very possible the person she was talking about was one of them. "...How did you escape the purge?"...One of her hands shakily came up to tap the horn on her head and his mind wondered back to when he asked her if her magic had ever destroyed anyone...And she only ever had a couple outbursts when really frightened. The same excitement from before at the idea of using that magic himself flared up a bit but he pushed it back down for the conversation's shake.

"The day I met you was the a week after it happened I think."

"Well it's fortunate you found your way in now isn't it?" More of the bitter tasting drink went down his gullet. "But now..Since you told me, I want to know the whole story.~"

"But I-"

"Only told us a brief paragraph of a storybook I'd been dying to read."...Her reluctant expression made him speak up. "As someone I intend on marrying some day, I think I would have a right to know eventually....Please. Leave no detail out. I want to know everything, as per our agreement...Unless you want to go back on that word."

That's the key sentence that sucured his win at getting to hear the full story. As she gave a small shiver and sighed before she started. He smiled and stared with a smile and she shaking began to tell him with great detail about herself. ....Nothing he never heard before at first. Mom outta the picture. Father not paying enough attention. He would've rolled his eyes if he didn't want to appear rude in the slightest-....It was when she started getting into said ex fiance did he pause and actually pay REAL close attention, after all if he was gonna sweep this gal off her hooves then he needed to know everything about him and do the exact oppisite....And his wide smile slowly started to fade when what details actually spilt out, he and Cyber exchanged a glance. Confirming any past suspicions and cementing the foundation for clearly what needed to be done next. At the end..she was lightly shaking, rubbing her arms and giving her large purple eyes his attention.

"A-And...t-t-that's about it h-honestly."

....His face a thinking expression with no smile. "..And is this fellow down here by chance?"

She paused...before shaking her head and shrugging. "I-I-If he is...I've n-never seen him again a-and I'd like to keep it that way." She blinked in surprise when someone gently moved aside one of the strands of hair away from her face and she blinked at the red eyes and small smile staring back to her.

"I assure you. That you will be perfectly safe, and if anyone were to try something...Hmhm. They'll be foolish enough to find out where you go when you die twice." ....She wasn't sure how to feel about that but before she could say anything, he went back to his drink and picked it up. "Now. Was there anything else you wished to know of me? I think it's only fair now don't you agree?"

Another small pause followed and he took that chance to grab another sip from his drink- "H-How d-do you know Charles?"

Lou. Paused. The glass stopped an inch from his lips and a blank expression fell over his face for a moment....before he chuckled and an amused smiled made itself known. "Let's just say he wouldn't be someone I would want at my wedding.~" Before she could answer he glanced up, hummed, and put his wine glass back onto the table. "Well, look how the time flew. I say it's almost time for us to leave, but before we do-..I want to ask something of you."

She rose a brow expecting him to ask something again, but instead he reached around to the coat that was still hanging off the chair and reached into the pocket she didn't notice before and pulled out a small pinkish purple paper. Without saying another word he held it out to her to take.....Wordlessly she slowly did take it from him, giving him a confused look as he gestured to it. Blinking and unfolding the colorful paper and being greeted with fancy gold writing. He watched patiently with a smile as those purple eyes glanced over it, reading the invitation carefully before blinking, and looking up to him again.

"...W-What is this?"

"An invitation to one of my colleges yearly parties he likes to throw.~ I always get one but until now I've always just taken Cyber with me. I would like you to accompany me to it."

She blinked before looking back down at it. Her?...Going to a party? "I-...I don't know. W-When is it?"

"Next month, but I thought of this as a chance for you and myself to bond and just have a lovely evening together. Just to have fun and perhaps get to know each other better." She remained silent for a moment before sighing and without looking at him mumbled an 'Ok.' making him smile. "Excellent! I assure you it'll be one of the best nights we'll never forget. For now-" He got up reaching for his hat and coat. "I beleive it's time we take our journey home."

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