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Warning: Mentioning of past abuse

-This takes place about 3 weeks from last chapter-

Could you call someone having an interest in you weird if they were also your boss? Yes. Yes you could. And that's what exactly she felt when it all began. Slowly but surely. Cyber introducing her to a few new strange foods. She quite liked the soft foods called iced-creams, she never knew one food could come in so many flavors. The wide eyed look she gave to everything made Cyber chuckle and Lou smirk more in triumph whenever she reported back to him. Oh who said flattery couldn't get you anywhere? Right now it was one of his biggest tactics to help him win this little game of his. And he was surely making a very good win streak thus far-...But maybe with a few minor set backs.

Perhaps he was a bit too eager in the beginning of this just a tiny amount, she still flinched away whenever she attempted to kiss her hand. Or ducked whenever he made any sudden movement near her. That wide eyed startled look was now fairly common. And she still wouldn't accept his advances too easily. It was starting to become tiresome these days, but he could wait. He had all eternity and beyond to wait of course, but wanting and waiting were too separate things and if he saw an opportunity to speed things up you sure as hell he wasn't about to back down from a challenge. Especially since so much was at stake now. Luckily he had the perfect person to sneak info to him now.

"So? What's wrong with you? You look more tired than Disease with a hang over." Cyber smiled as the pony groaned and landed her head onto the desk. Ears flopping to the sides of her head. Making Cyber raise a brow. "So Im guessing things aren't so hot?"

"I-It's so....uncomfortable for me!!" Her voice replied muffled by the desk her head laid upon. "He's been having me clean everything of his and running back and forth doing all these chores!" He face looked up from the desk but still laid on it. "And I-I-it's not helping when he's constantly flirting with me!"

"Is that so bad?" She leaned onto the table and smiled. "Lou's a pretty smart guy for someone resembling a walking leaf." She chuckled at her own joke, but shrugged. "But what's so wrong about him likin' you? I mean, I would think having a rich guy like you and getting a bunch of free stuff was every girl's dream?''

"THAT'S THE PROBLEM!!" The desk chair was pushed back with a noise and she stood up to give Cyber an...almost scared look. "I-I don't WANT any d-dresses, o-or fancy jewelry, o-or....Or ANYTHING flashy. Just some food and a room is q-quite enough!!"

Cyber paused, before shaking her head and smiling. "Well, all he wants to do is show his interest for ya-"

"I don't want any interest in me!" Her purple eyes became wide and looked at cyber with...fear? "I-I don't want to be forced to..." She stopped. Breathing heavily and blinking. Cyber rose a brow as she sat back down and stared at the desk. "B-be with someone again."

Cyber blinked at her before getting a thoughtful look on her face and hummed. "Im taking it the uh...other guy wasn't too friendly huh?" She flinched and curled in more. Just shaking her head no as her answer. Cyber hummed. "Look. I'll...have a talk with the boss and just tell him to ease up on the whole wooing you stick, ok?" She didn't answer. Not that Cyber was expecting her too, with a sigh she reached out and patted her hands in a reassuring manner. "It'll be alright."

It was....kinda alright. Lou's face gave her a look of confusion as his brow rose and he gave Cyber a look as to what information was actually laid back to him. She stood there waiting for an answer from him but it seemed the plant man was calculating his next move as she spoke. He always did seem one step ahead didn't he. Without another word he slowly reached for the cup of coffee beside him while looking back down to the papers he was holding. Probably another sucker signed their life away to the powerful demon. Making him one percent more powerful than he last was. One percent more dangerous. And he wasn't afraid to show it if needed.

"....So, what you're telling me is that you think this..."He waved a hand, "Mysterious other lover used to be-....What exactly?"

"To put it bluntly I think she was...forced into a pretty unhealthy relationship, and the guy left some bad views on guys showing interest in her...If you get what Im trying to say here."

"I think I have a pretty good idea, Cyber. And trust me when I say that I have no problem with adapting to what's thrown my way. I've come to get used to that down here." He went back to the paper and smiled. "Have a little more faith in me."

"Trust me I do. Buuuut-" She leaned into the wall and sighed. "I would suggest handling this case with some care. She ain't the usually hard to get woman who eventually swoon into your arms."

He laughed and gave her a serious but calm look. "Oh, you don't think I know this already? You wound me Cyber.~ Really you do.~ But there's a fortune just lying under my feet and you know once you give me a shovel, there's no stopping me from getting to the buried treasure.~"

She hummed and nodded but her eyes shifted back to the papers he was holding again and rose a brow. "...Is that what I think it is?" He only smiled and pulled the first paper from the stack in his hands out, shifting it around for her to look. It was a purple pink color instead of white like the rest of the stack and in fancy gold writing words curved and danced into sentences as her mind scanned over the whole thing...And smirked. "I should've known." She pointed at it. "Your old pal still throwing those once a year ball parties?"

"Oh, you know Cyrus. It's a great way to lure in big hot shots. Scrounge up a few deals- " He looked back down to the paper as he turned it back to his face. "Scope out competition. ..Maybe bring along a guest?"

"I don't know if that'll be a good idea-"

"Why not? She came from a privelidge family before coming down here." He took another sip from his cup. "It should be her kind of crowd."

"...She doesn't seem like the kind to fair well in that kind of environment. But it's your call of course."

"Yes. And don't forget that...." The papers were shuffled and the chair made a scraping sound as he slowly stood up and reached for his hat. Placing it on top of his head and turning to her. "I think it's been a while since I've gone out anywhere...Cyber, when's the last time I've actually gone out anywhere to enjoy myself?"

His eyes glanced out the window and looked out at the other giant buildings from his tall window view. Homes. Other businesses. And all those little lives just below him. All waiting to be groomed and be ruled under the iron fist of his hands. Oh! His mind was already disecting and gutting the whole neighborhood. He didn't want too much, not yet. After all if someone else more powerful caught wind of his little pet, there could be trouble. If he just took over a small portion of the city, barely anyone would notice since it literally happened ALL THE TIME down there. ....He'll make it too his liking. First thing gutting that disgusting workhouse in the middle of the square and making it into his own giant personal garden, his own garden on the top floor was beautiful, but his little babies could use the bigger room. And he'll add cut marble walkways, all kinds of exotic plants especially roses.Maybe he'll even get one of those multicolored roses with different colored petals. Midnight could fix a dome to keep everyone out he didn't want, or perhaps he'll cash in one of the favors his colleges owed him? And of course he'll add a fountain, small pond, he was sure there was somewhere he could purchase some small not too dangerous fish. And of course hell need some bees to help pollinate, and butterflies. They added to the colorful asthetic of it all. He had a lot of work to do. The rest of the buildings he knew exactly what he wanted to do with them. He'll knock them all down. Make ONE giant living conditions for his loyal subjects living under him, but he'd make them work in turn for his 'protection'. No soul was useless if you knew how to work. Then of course there was the wine brewery, MAYBE he'd let his top three minions pick one buildings for themselves. Midnight would benefit greatly from a whole lab to herself. She didn't care about power, as long as she got to do her experiments. Disease...he had no idea. Probably a giant bar or something...On second thought, he could make a bar attached to the brewery and have Rouge run it for him. She'd like that. Cyber might want her own workshop....Not that he cared about his minions or anything. He just wanted to be sure they were rewarded for their loyalty. After all loyalty gets rewarded....And of course he wouldn't forget his little pet.~ He'd make sure she'd be very rewarded for her work. Just let him pull the strings and be a good girl and they'd all get along just fine.~

He could feel Cyber thinking behind him before she spoke again. "Around...five months before you even met Amalfia."

He chuckled. "Almost a full year. Tsk, tsk. This won't do at all. I think I deserve some quality time with my dear fiancé. Don't you?"

A hiss came instead of her voice as an answer and he turned around raising a brow. It wasn't Cyber who was hissing at him, but a giant plant in the corner. It's petals flared open and it's one eye blinked at him.

"Hmm? Rita? What's she-..OH! Of course." He walked over to the door waving the plant off and it closed as immediately as it came. "It's about time she came back with a reply to my little proposal. Though I didn't expect it now. Better make this quick after all.~" The door opened and he motioned for Cyber to follow. "It's best we wrap this up fast. After all. I can't wait to show how much better a man her new suiter really is.~"


Within the hour Cyber had left, she had simply gone back to work with the small stack of chores she had been given. Blank purple minds glazing over the small list in her hands, when she smelt it. The faint smell of smoke. Which was strange since the living courters was a none smoking area, for the safety of Lou's precious plants, he made that very clear to her. Which meant something was on fire, the thought made her panic for a moment. Maybe one of Midnight's spells went wrong, or Disease did another oops. But all that stopped when she saw it..Or HER. Heels clicked against the floor and fancy tail feathers swished behind her as the small woman made her way down the hallway. Cigarette and burlesque like someone that just walked out of the 1920s. The small lady looked bored but her eyes peered up as soon as she made contact with who she presumed was the secretary.

The two ladies looked at each other until the smaller one sucked on the end of her smoke and blew it up at her. Making her cough. "Well?"

She coughed a few times waving a hand in front of her face and looked down to her. ''W-Well what? Don't you k-know L-Lou doesn't a-allow smoking?"

"He knows I was coming, would've been here a lot sooner, but recently some very good clients have been...'investing' with my establishment." Her red eyes glazed over her again and she huffed. "Why don't you know this? Aren't you in charge of knowing his schedules?"

Her ears went back in guilt and her hands gripped the small list tighter. "W-Well...Im still getting used t-to everything here. Im sorry, Ma'am."

The woman gave another look over her. Smoke coming out of her mouth and a brow raised. "...You said you're new?"

"Um. Y-Yes?"

.....She snickered and gave a couple laughs. Looking at the top of her head where two little ears flickered and a horn jutted from her forehead. Was this the new pony that Charles and Rubix spoke of? How amusing. She certainly didn't look like much, guess Lou needed another pretty face to help put on the act. "Oh, so you're the pony Rubix spoke of."


"He's Charles's husband, and one of my best workers."

Her face lit up in realization. D-Did she mean the white skeletal man they had a run in with a few months back? "..D-Do you mean the small one eyed man?"

She hummed. "You work fast. Keep that up and maybe he'll-"

"RITA!!" Amalfia jumped and whirled around and spotted the very plant boss himself walking down the hall with a smile hands behind his back and Cyber on his heels. Rita just calmly looked up at him and blew another puff of smoke once he got got enough to look down at her. "Still ignoring my rules I see? Then again it's hard to see you anyways."

She rolled her eyes at his jab at her appearance. "Let's cute to the business. Im here for two things. The main one being your question. You want to use some of my people for entertainment?"

"That was the idea, yes. You took long making up your mind. Have you decided an answer?"

"I have and it's no."

"Marvelous!! That wraps up things now doesn't it!" Rita rose a brow. Wasn't he going to argue or try to use sarcasm to make her change her mind. But he waved a hand and looked to the pony who jumped slightly. "Now, if you excuse me I wanted to treat my dear fiancé here to a dinner out. Dear, why don't you go with Cyber and put on something nice to wear?"

"B-B-But I haven't finished-" She was pulled up off the chair and pushed away by Cyber before anyone could say another word with an eye roll from the computer. Lou in the meantime dusted himself off and noticed Rita watching the two ladies leave before looking up at him with deadpan eyes. Pulling the cigarette outta her mouth and puffing it out.

"You? Fiance? Heh." She shook her head and rolled her eyes. "And what makes you want to suddenly settle down?"

He simply chuckled and inspected his red talons. "Can't a man settle down and want a little lady of his own?~ You act like I'm not sincere with this."

"Because you're not," she bluntly stated crossing her arms, "The famous dealer of the most popular casimo in the whole endless plain of the second circle of hell and out of all the high powerful people you choose to settle with, it's a rat with hooves?" She looked back where the women disappeared off too. "What makes her so special?"

He chuckled. "Oh, I have my reasons.~ And could that be jealousy I hear from you dear Rita?~"

"Not even in your dreams. Who cares if you decide to crush another heart? I have other things to do before I leave-"

"Rouge is handling the bar today.~"

"I DIDN'T ASK YOU!!....*Ahem*" Her tail feather ruffled up with the shout and she smoothed them out and turned around. "Im going to grab a drink since you obviously wasted my time with your question."

"Please don't forget to pay your tab or it'll come from Rouge's pay.~" She rolled her eyes but didn't say anything else when she left. He...maybe wouldn't do that, but his little threat always ensured Rita paid whatever she was due. One thing he could always count on working, but he had bigger fish to fry right now.


The waiting in the lounge was possibly one of the most nerve wracking things there....Well make that one of the least. What she didn't like was being forced into some fancy get up and practically sweettalked into wearing that small rose studded ring on her finger, how weak was she to let Cyber sweet talk to her like that. God she really was pathetic wasn't she? No wonder she landed herself down here in the first place- She groaned and reached her hand up to rub her face-

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." The unicorn gave a small squeak and jumped a few feet away. Turning around and the familiar smell of cigerette smoke and red eyes hit her senses. Rita gave an uninterested look at her and rose a brow at her reaction. Ears back and hunkered down into a pose like a submissive hellhound. Making her scoff and roll her eyes. Oh, boy. Lou must've been pretty bored to start swooning someone even below Disease. "You'll smudge your make up." Amalfia blinked and could only watch as the woman gave her a studying gaze and ever so slowly walked behind her, twisting her neck to follow her. Flinching when she pulled at a wrinkle in her dress and tugged at another. Srill continuing to slowly look her up and down and study her. "Rita, you probably heard about me from the weed. Name?"

....She blinked. "U-Um...Amalfia. L-Lou didn't mention you before-"

She chuckled. "Lou hasn't mentioned me? Here I thought we had something special."

She blinked and watched as she stopped right in from of her. "W-Well he knows Mr. Charles-"

She gave off another laugh. "Oh! Trust me. Those two know each other very well. They have past connections through their second businesses...Still do."

Her brow rose down at Rita at the smiling woman. "W-What?....What second business? I thought he just owned the casino."

Rita just smiled with a chuckle, rolling her eyes. "Oh deary me. It seems I've said far too much. You're pretty easy to talk to, Sweetie." She reached a hand into a purse she had slung over her shoulder and pulled out a small pink card with gold writing. "My card. Pop by my place sometime. It's good to find some half decent company 'round here." ...Amalfia slowly took the card from her and she turned. "Even if you do look like a half washed up tramp. No offense, but that eye shadow job is NOT helping."

...One of her hands went up to delicately touch her face and Rita took that moment to leave, so when she turned back around the peacock tailed woman was already long gone. She blinked and looked down to the small pink card in her hands. On it was engraved an address and the name of some fancy sounding club. Sighing, she put the card into one of her pockets-

"Dear!~" She jumped and whirled around to the sight of the plant demon, only this time he was adorned with a black cloak thrown over him. Giving him more of an villain appearance, behind him was Cyber looking the same as always. "Are you ready, Pet? Im so sorry if I kept you waiting, but I had to take care of a little dispute in the gaming courters." His eyes glazed over the outfit she was wearing and smiled. "Ah! And did I mention that you look absolutely lovely in that outfit.~"

"....Thank you."

Well, not certainly quite what he was expecting but she didn't look away from him this time. So that was one thing he should work on more. "Shall we then?" He gestured towards the exit and they were off.

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