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The time it took to actually get dry and into a spare dress Cyber had given her was a little longer than usually. Cyber didn't know if it was because of all the fur that covered her body and how hard it was to get black rain off a white coat, or because she was still slightly shivering and took a long time in the warm water to warm herself up. Either way, the end results were better since she looked better in white and she didn't smell like a wet dog covered in ashes.

She didn't really question much until Cyber left, then a slight panic set in as the reality of what exactly she just got herself into hit her harder then that crash landing when she first got there. What just happened?! One minute she was being cornered between weird machines and two demons and then the next she was given a whole job, free room 'n bourd, and other things. This wasn't a good sign at all. Nothing was for free down in this hell hole. She had to think of what to do next and not panic. Panicking never helped her before. Making she could just leave and run. There were millions of demons in the nine circles. There was little chance of being found again....then again she didn't know anything about these demons. They may have had higher connections and then what? A unicorn is a pretty hard thing to miss in a crowd of sinners-

Knock, knock.

A sudden knocking at the door made her yelp and spin around just as it opened and the familiar she demon stuck her head in.

"Hey, you. I see you found the closet," she said gesturing to the dress she wore, "About time too. Lou wants you to start on something-"

"Now?" She raised a brow at the strange question. "I-I haven't even settled in yet, a-and nobody told me what I supposed to do. Or-"

"That's what this is for. Lou said you might as well meet everyone and get started. You'll learn quickly that Lou's a guy that likes to get things done and started as soon as possible," he said nodded towards the door," C'mon."

"Well, that seems paced." She started towards the door.

"You don't get anywhere in death being slow."

The walk to where he assumed this Lou person was just as nerve racking as all hell as when she was cornered by him in the room with the strange noisy machines. One woman had yelled her lungs off in sheer happiness when her machine made a loud ringing noise and little gold coins came out at the bottom. She fiddled with a part of the dress she wore and gave another quick look around the room. What would happen if she just bolted right now for the exit? Would she run after her? Trap her? Would this make Lou mad enough to drop his offer...or something worse?! There was no telling what this man was capable of.

She looked back to the demon beside her and gave her a curious look. Maybe she could provide some inside to this 'new boss'.

"Um..So-" Cyber hummed and tilted her head towards her letting her know she was listening. She gulped before asking, "W-What kind of job do you-..I mean-"

"You want to know what I do around this place, you mean?"

"Yes....If it's not too personal. I understand if you don't feel comfortabl-"

She snorted making the unicorn flinch before giving a smile. "It's no big secret really." She shrugged. "Just a guard. Nothing more nothing less. A lot of people know that."

"Oh." That would explain why she trailed around this Lou person. "That's nice...Where are we going again?"

"Right here." She suddenly stopped and gestured to a door next to her. She stopped a little ways from her and stared at the door. It didn't look any different from the other doors in the hallway they were in, Cyber motioned towards it, "C'mon. He doesn't like waiting too much."
Before she could get a word out she knocked on said door and waited-

"Door's open. Come in."

The door was swung open and in she went leaving her standing there in the doorway. Inside the room was Lou himself...along with two other people she didn't know. Lou welcomed Cyber and exchanged a few words before looking back over towards the unicorn in the doorway who was still staring in at them, and he raised a brow.

"Are you going to come in? It's not very polite to keep one's employer waiting.''

She flinched at his voice making the other male in the room snort and the woman next to him give a scowl at his behavior. Lou raised a hand and motioned for her to come in. Which she did but after staring at the other pair for a few more seconds.

"I'm glad you decided to join us. I've been meaning for you to meet some of my more....trusted and useful employees." His smile widened, curling at the ends before lifting a hand from the desk to point at the two. "Meet your new coworkers. I trust you'll find them just as interesting as I do."

She gave the two another look over before awkwardly smiling and giving a small wave. "H-Hello. Nice to meet you?"

The other male flicked a snake like tongue out before eyeing her form to....get a better look at her she guessed? But she really didn't like the look in his eyes, or the drool pouring out of his mouth. The woman next to him scowled further and gave off a small growl before nudging him in the gut hard making him give off an 'Oof' and bend over a bit. She rose a brow and glanced over at Cyber who only shrugged at her.

"Disease, please," Lou groaned before reaching up to rub his temples, "Try to control your ungodly self for once in your miserable existence. Especially around her."

Disease, as Lou called him, chuckled nervously while glancing at the other lady. "Sure, Boss. I can do that.....I love you.~" The woman rolled her eyes but a tiny bit of pink rolled over her cheeks.

Lou sighed before looking at Amalfia with a smile. "Forgive him. He has the mind of decent worker but the social skills of a rock. *ahem* That lovely lady beside him-," She noticed the woman give off a groan of her own at the compliment. "-is my residential supplier.~"

"She's a witch," Cyber stated beside her.

"...Oh...Uh, It's nice to meet you?" Said witch only hummed and gave her a studying look similar to Disease but only this one seemed like she was looking right into her soul instead of just her body. Someone cleared there throat getting her attention and she turned back to the blonde demon.

"Back onto the topic on hand if you will. Now, we should start out with something to test the waters so to speak." He grinned and held out a paper from the top of his desk out towards her. "I know this is all fast, but I prefer to see if I got my money's worth of anything I purchase as soon as possible."

She rose a brow at the odd wording but slowly reached a hand over to take the paper from him. He gave her one of those smiles that you know that they're trying to make themselves look innocent before she looked at what was written on it-........Her ears dropped and her eyes widened at the amount that was written on it. She looked at him. Then back to the paper......Then back to him, and opened her mouth to say something but nothing came out.

"Cat got your tongue?~''

"H-How much work do you have backed up?"

He simply shrugged. "My business with the casino and other things sadly doesn't leave me much time to take care organizing and taking care of less important things. That's where you come in, my dear, and why I want you to get started as soon as possible."


"Good. Now, Cyber will show you where everything you need should be." He nodded towards Cyber who seemed to understand the command and turned to her.

"I get it. C'mon. I hope you have a good memory. Because this place can get a little confusing."

She turned to say something to Lou but was quickly nudged back towards the door with Cyber following behind. Once the door was closed behind them, Lou turned his attention to the other two demons in the room.


"I didn't get any powerful energy off her," the female complained, "A waist of time if you ask me. But I could always put her to good use-"

"No dissecting. We talked about this."

"...Fine. Have it your way. But mark my words, she won't amount up to much."

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