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"What the hell are YOU doing here?"

The voice was enough to make Amalfia jump and Cyber take a quick defensive stance just in case one of the few known enimies came for them, but Lou on the other hand kept the devious smile on his face. A chuckle escaped his chest, with a turn of his head, he turned that smile around to the mysterious owner of the voice.

His brow rose. "Ah! Well if it isn't dear old Charles." His body fully turned to the intruder now. "What a nice surprise!"

"Save it for someone who cares you dried up leaf!" A growl escaped the new comer. His white face contorting in a frown, a finger pointing at the plant demon. "What do you think you're doing here?"

"Same thing you are I presume. Strictly business related."

The new demon looked rather....dead to be honest. He was literally made of bones and what looked like ghostly ectoplasm? She didn't know but Cyber relaxed back out of instinct at seeing them so maybe they weren't a danger? To them at least, she didn't know about her, but the way Lou was looking down at the smaller demon amuzed and how displeased the other one looked to see him there definitely meant they at least knew of one another. This new demon wasn't alone though. Behind him was another muscular looking demon bags(?) and giving a tired but interested look at them all. So does that mean they were there picking up stuff as well?

The one with the skull scoffed and rolled his one good eye. Strange. What happened to the other one? "Did your ego grow so big you needed a new suit to accommodate it? Or has your hat grown too small for your fat head?"

Lou mrerly chuckled. "Neither. I just happen to be picking up a few new...items for a new employee." His red eyes cut over to the demon behind him. "And you happen to be shopping for Rita I presume. Tell me. Did she enjoy make up her mind on my business offer yet?"

The skeleton ignored what he had said and tilted his head around to stare behind him. Amalfia flinched at the sudden staring and he made a huffing sound before looking back up at him. "So. You got a new toy, huh?" His eyes slightly narrowed but he didn't say anything to that. The skeleton thing took this as some kind of yes to his question and shook his head, "I shouldn't have expected less from you. I wonder how long THIS one will last you-"

"Babe?" The demon behind the skeletal one gave a small smile. "As much as I like to watch you stand your own, I don't think the boss lady would appreciate us being late yknow?" He held up one of the many bags on his arms as to make his point when the skeleton looked over his shoulder. "C'mon. You know how she gets? Let's go somewhere else, kay?"

There was a pause before the demon looked back over to the still smiling plant and again to the ladies behind him. Raising his brow at the pony looking girl, but seemed to back off for the most part. What was with all this trouble stirring up around them? Another look to Lou and seeing his just idly staring at his claws gave her an almost uneasy feeling about this whole thing. "Aren't you ever going to get tired of the same old tricks?" No response from him other than a side glance and the curl of his lip as the two demons left with a small wave of his talons. A turn of his heel, he turned face to face the two women still behind him and smiled that grin of his.

"Ladies. Might we continue our little trip? Wouldn't want to get side tracked again now would we?" A couple steps and he was already next to her wrapping an arm around her shoulders and turning her towards the opposite side from the way the new demons went. "Now, why don't we see about those new arrangements? Nothing too flashy now. This is my money we're spending."

"W-WHo were they?," she asked meekly.

He waved a hand. "Oh. No one important. Just a few weaklings that work for Rita?" She gave a confused look to which he chuckled at. "Rita is what I guess I could call one of my business rivals. She runs a business downtown and employs those two. Why I haven't the faintest clue."

"C'mon Boss." Cyber rolled her eyes. "They aren't that bad."

"I agree. They're worse." The two shared a chuckle so obviously this was some inside joke between the two she didn't know about. "But! They aren't important to talk about right now." His red eyes looked at her with some unknown authority and she lowered her head. "Right now I want to you showing interest in work."

There wasn't much else of a given choice for her afterwards about that strange run in. Not that she would really wanted to think about it anymore, she was basically treated like a doll with how much Lou nitpicked the few outfits she did get. Purple apparently best contrasted with her eyes and a few flower prints were tossed in for whatever reason. She guessed it must've been his logo or something. Either way he seemed to enjoy seeing her in them for whatever reason. But that aside, things were still going to get a little more scary. She could feel it in the way those red eyes flashed at her and how he seemed to be thinking all the time. She's seen that look time and time again. Hoping this time it wouldn't be what she thought it would be-

But since when it anything fair in hell?

It was time he had a nice heart to heart chat with his new employee. After all, all of this wasn't free. Compensation for his generosity would be needed and soon. It's already been at most three days. And you know what they say. Time is money, and this would be worth a lot more money soon if he played it right. Cyber seemed to be noticing his exact thoughts as she gave him a knowing glance every so while with helping the pony, and maybe she herself thought something was up because those purple eyes would turn to him with slight fear in her eyes every so often. It was cute to watch. But nothing too bad would happen as long as things went accordingly, which things usually did when he was the one planning behind it. OH! Midnight's research kept relaying over and over in his mind.

"Beings of purity. Their horns held similar power to angelic essence known to vanquish evil if harnessed."

Oh the power that has yet to be tapped into! The things he could do with a single drop of it! Souls just being consumed by his very being. Everyone begging for mercy, crushing those who defy him under his feet, the sweet sent of roses was nothing compared to the sweet thoughts of expanding his empire. ....He could possibly become one of the elite easily. Those useless angel weapons and black market holy water would be nothing compared to his perfectly molded weapon!

...But of course. He might be getting ahead of himself. First he had to build up the weapon and actually see what he had to work with. He couldn't rush anything right now. An empire wasn't built in a day. ..But it wouldn't hurt to give it a nudge. On the car ride back it was mostly silent. The dark light from the tinted windows overshadowed most of the two's face making their eyes eerily seem to glow red and blue, she silently decided to ignore this trait as she didn't need any more fuel to the fire of fright-

"You've been awfully silent, Pet." She flinched and glanced up at him. Red eyes smiling at her from the darkness. The way she looked at him was satisfying. "You look as if something's on your mind, My dear.~ Don't you like our little trip?"

"Y-Yes Sir. B-But I-...Nevermind."

"No. I want to hear what you have to say." She looked up skeptically but the look he gave when he tilted his head still made her keep her mouth shut. HE hummed and rose a brow. "You know it's rude to not answer the one who just bought you a whole new onsomble. Tell me. Was there something wrong with them?"

"....It's not free is it?"

His smile widened. "Pet. Nothing down here is.~"

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