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You know what? It was kinda awkward at the start.

Amalfia made it VERY obvious he was going to have to work to make it up to her and he was glad to oblige. He screwed up and he had to make up for that. But she wouldn't accept anything less but talking and trying to sort everything out with him, which he was more than happy to do if it meant she would listen to him and stay. And she did. But still a bit cautious towards the whole gang. She was still pretty peeved that they all just blatantly lied and wanted to use her for some grand scheme to take over the whole territory, I mean who wouldn't, and would give them four of them a few snide comments or scowls. It also didn't help that she was STILL throwing up randomly and feeling like a whole slew of emotions were running around in her mind at a million miles a minute...It also turns out Midnight wouldn't be as much help as she thought as Noodle wasn't exactly really born to her the same sense one would think. But I don't think they really needed anymore evidence to come to any conclusions when a teeny little bump pertruded from her middle. Not too much since it was still fairly early, only maybe two or three inches but slowly grew as days went by...Which absolutely changed everyone's behavior. Especially the expecting parents.

Amalfia wasn't surprisingly too worried- Yes, she was absolutely terrified and worried about the whole thing, but it was hard to keep those two specific emotions when you were constantly dealings with mood swings and other new symptoms. Lou acting especially worried with a flurry of emotions and problems on top of that. The plant demon could barely work on anything for more than an hour before getting up and checking on her with a waver in his voice and Amalfia (depending on her current mood at the time) would either wave him off or yell that she was fine and to let her work. More than once the two would have a small argument, leave, then usually ended up with Lou feeling horrible all over again and Amalfia crying and begging him to come cuddle with her...Barely ANY work was being done and by maybe the second or third month in Cyber had taken the tired plant aside for a talk. Explaining that maybe the two should both take a break from any work at least until this whole fiasco was over with. You bet your behind he out right refused, he was just fine, he didn't need to take any breaks just because he lots a few nights sleep. But Cyber wasn't having it. She rolled her eyes and told him to just put her on maternity leave then! She wouldn't have to work and he could relax more once he knew she wasn't working herself. He paused and blinked at the sudden idea-

Cyber. Was a genius!

But that didn't mean Amalfia was going to like it. To his relief, he caught her in a good mood and she was tired and laying in bed that day. So at that moment she happily agreed if it meant she wouldn't have to worry about trying to throw up all over her work space. It worked out fine for a couple days. Cyber was easily able to take care of anything she'd do otherwise and She helped look after her for a while-...But she could still tell someone was wrong with her boss as he'd just stare off a piece of paper for a while maybe ten minutes at most, before slowly going through it and signing it or whatever he needed And everyone was noticing the bags under his eyes. Until one day Cyber walked in to the smell of plant smoke and found him rubbing his head and smoking one of those plant cigars he'd make. The smell wasn't unpleasant like regular smoke and depending on what the plant demon decided to use it could range from lanvendar or some spice used in food like basil or oregano. But this time it smelt of cedar chips. She catiously approached as he continued to rub his face and puff on the cigar in his mouth.

He paused when he felt her hand on his shoulder, and slowly turned his tired face up to her smile. "Hey, Boss. You're looking tired there. Are you feeling alright?"

He sighed and placed his head back into his hand. "...I don't know. This time, Cyber...I really don't know."

Her smile became more understanding if that was possible and leaned over to try to look at his face. "Well, what's eating you up now? I thought you and Fuzzy made up. You should be over the moon right now."

"That's just it." He looked at the desk and waved his hands as if gesturing to his problems. "I SHOULD be happy and I AM. I almost lost the dame I fell for because of my stupid pride, and I couldn't be happier we're patching things up and working through them...." He brought the cigar up to take another deep suck on it.

"Buuut?" Her brow rose.

A puff of that cedar smoke blew out. "But the truth of the matter is, Cyber, ...I-Im..I-I'm not ready for this. Not this soon at least. I-Im-.." He finally slowly turned those wide red eyes to her. "The fact of the matter is is that..I'm not ready for a child of m-my own. I mean really." He shrugged and held his hands up, smoke trail following after his cigar. " I JUST got into a relationship with a woman and as soon as it happened now a c-c-child is being thrown into the mix of this pot! W-W-Who does this even happen to?!"

"Disease and Midnight," she stated matter of factly and he looked at her again. She only calmly smiled back. "They were pretty much thrown into the same situation you're in right now." She pulled the hand off his shoulder and started counting off holding up fingers to her points. "Disease started liking her, Midnight was basically like Fuzzy in the sense she was really apprehensive, the two eventually got together and made it work out, a kid was all of a sudden out of the blue thrown into the mix- Not nessasarily IN that order, but if you really want something to talk to about in a similar situation you could Always ask them. Sure they might be..a little teasing but I think they'd help out-"

"Cyber, talking to them does not sound appealing to me at ALL," he grumbled and stared back down to the desk.

"...Well, if you don't want to talk to THEM about it, why don't you try talking to HER about it?"


"Amalfia." He looked back to her and she sucked in a breath before sighing. She was about to give him some advice he needed to hear and whether he liked it or not, he needed to get over this state if they wanted to have peace again. SO she crossed her arms and gave a calm look to him. "Look. Whether you like it or not, you're not the only one suffering from this emotional roller coaster. She's laying down in her room right now trying to deal with all this stuff her body is dumping on her and I've heard you two have fights and her crying. You really don't think she'd be even just the smallest bit concerned about the kid that's literally growing inside her?" He didn't answer and instead just looked at her blankly for a few seconds before she just sighed again. "Look, to the gal. It's obvious you two haven't had any real conversation about the situation and I think you two NEED to talk about this before the kid is here and you two REALLy start fighting over stuff."

That was over an hour ago. And no matter how much he wanted to argue with himself or Cyber, he new it was true. Which is why he was now standing in front of her room. Hand held in mid air near the door as he just stood there for a long moment. He couldn't bring himself to knock on the door...until he heard something he wasn't expecting. He barely heard it past the muffled door but it was definitely Amalfia's voice when heard that giggle, and he paused. Those red eyes blinked for a moment, before instead of knocking, he opened the door and began to push his way in slowly. The unicorn perked up from the bed and she whirled to the opening door. It slowly opened and to her surprise revealed the plant demon on the other side, the two stopped when they made eye contact, and he blinked at the lady laying in the bed and had one hand on the bump of her stomach. It looked like she swallowed a miniture pumpkin. She stared at him for a moment before softly smiling.

"Hey there. Did you come to check up on me again?" SHe sighed and leaned back into the mini mountain of pillows piled behind her back with a small giggle. "I'm fine. Just a little tired, a-and hungry."

"Uh..N-No." He came in and slowly closed the door behind him as he looked at her. "I wanted t-to talk to you about something very important."

"Of course!" She smiled and watch as he stood there for a moment...he sucked in a breath and cautiously approached the bed, her smile slowly disappearing when she noticed the clear disgruntled look on the plant demon's face as he sat down on the edge of the bed. Clear bags under his eyes and small frown where that usually smile should be. She extended her hand out to him unsure. "Hey. Are you ok?"

He paused for a few seconds, before shaking his head and clasping his hands in front of him looking down, "N-No. I'm afraid not." He let a small silence fall over them for a moment. The stress and weight of the situation especially since the cause of said emotions was so close and couldn't help but direct those eyes over to her swollen stomach. His brows furrowing in a concerned look. "...I honestly don't know if I should be a father to this child."

Her face was just as he was fearing. A mix of sudden shock and dumbfoundedness at his words. "W-What? Why?..I-I mean." Her hand came back to rest on her swollen middle. "I-I-It's kinda already a little late don't you t-think?"

He sighed and took off his hat, reaching to grip his blonde hair more. "I-I know. But it's just-...This. ALL OF THIS." His hands spread out to the floor. "All of this is happening too fast for my liking! I've never pictured myself with any children once! I mean perhaps it was always a possibility, but I didn't expect it to really actually happen to me so soon like this. It's honestly terrifying to me."

"And I'm not scared too?" He turned to her and she was frowning at him with a light scowl. "Lou. You're not the one dealing with throwing up and have to worry about sudden being angry or crying and fearing you'll do something you'll regret because news flash!" She pointed at herself with a clearly irritated tone. "I can't control when i'll suddenly snap like a twig! Or throw up my lunch! Or-...or if I'll- I don't know- Get pregnant!"

"I know!..I know." He held his hands up before letting them flop to the sides in sight of the pouting female. "Cyber said the same thing, and I completely understand that..It's my fault as well this happened. ..But I'm afraid that I-..." His eyes widened as he trailed off-

"You're scared of being a good dad, huh?" He jolted and blinked at her and she sighed, looking back down to her stomach. "I don't blame you. I have no idea of how to be a good mother. I never even had a mum and barely even a father, so what's the first step for either of us to take in this situation here?"

Both fell silent at that. Neither knowing the answer to that question. He frankly didn't know the first thing of being a good father FIGURE let alone an actual one for his own paternal child, how many times had his own parents fought and left him to sort out his own problems? How many times had his own father forgot his own birthday growing up in favor for going to the local casino and gambling his mother's hard earned money away and getting thrown out? Getting so drunk stumbling home? Getting caught up in this mafia fiasco? it was a lady's place to run the house and take care of the children, his father firmly believed that. Not having to lift a finger to help out as it 'was a woman's place', and therefore should have no responsibility what so ever. He did something wrong? Not his fault, why didn't his mother teach him right from wrong. He got in trouble with some local thugs? Not his fault, his mother should've disciplined him better. Got caught into the mafia?.....Well. You know the rest. But the question was what would his father do this time, and his eyes widened when his brain finally smacked him with that reality. His child was NOT his father's child. His child was HIS. His brain did an absolute freaking restart and full fast forward drive into that realization and completely did an eternal 180 when he slowly looked back to the woman on the bed who was still sadly and confusedly stared at him. It was not whether or not what his past experiences with his father issues was..It was him in control, and he'd be dammed if he let himself spiral out of control over something HE was in charge of now. And he forgot the one rule he made for himself years ago.

Don't let yourself forget you're the one in charge.

"Lou?" He blinked out of his staring state and looked over to the woman leaning forward to him. "W-What's the matter? You're staring off into space."

...He closed his eyes and inhaled for a moment, before slowly letting it out. "I'm fine. And you're right." She blinked as he looked to her. "What is done is done and no matter what we can't do what we have done. But you asked what the next step to do about this is? Well, it's simple, for now at least. We learn the game, adapt, and collect the chips as it goes along. In other words..we step up."

...She blinked. "I-...Y-You mean it?"

He gave a small smile. "On the contrary, I won't let any child of mine just be left to run around in a place such as this, and I'd be dammed if I don't prove at all I'll be a better father than mine and yours was."

"Are you trying to impress or comfort me?"

He shrugged. "A litte bit of both." She giggled again and he remembered something from her giggle. "That reminds me. What were you giggling about earlier?"

Her smiled widened. "Oh! I-I'm glad you asked! Here." She held out her hand. "Give me your hand for a second."

He rose a brow. "Why?"

"Just trust me! C'mere!" He rolled his eyes but reached out to hold her hand- But completely froze when she yanked him forward and placed his extended hand on her mini pumpkin like stomach. He was caught off guard, but went to ask what she was doing when he froze again when he felt it. There was movement. There was movement and it was coming from right under his palm. She giggled at the dumbfounded look on his face and let go. "See? ..Are you ok there? Hehe. You look like you saw a ghost."

He...was slow to react as his hand was retracted from her and ...he suddenly looked horrified. "W-When..When d-did it start-..?"

"Just today!," she answered excitedly and gazed back to her middle, "Isn't it great!?"

He didn't respond to that. "W-WHAT?!" She blinked taken aback as he glanced to her stomach with a wide eyed look. "N-NO! That can't be right! I read somewhere they moved somewhere later than this!!"

"Lou. Calm down-"

He stood and quickly made for the door, throwing it open and disappearing down the hall shouting, "CYBER?? CYBER!! GET DOWN HERE AND DO AN ANALYSIS ON HER IMMEDIATELY!!"

She groaned and flopped back into the pillows as he continued his rant down the hallway...looking back to her stomach. "Daddy's going to be quite a handful, isn't he?"


Well, she wasn't wrong. He was starting to take to the situation much better- And by that I mean he went from almost completely reluctant and unsure...To unsure, extremely tending, and almost suffocating to her needs. To the point where the two would have arguments and he would insist on staying until she got better or the two made up- Until Cyber took him aside for another talking, Amalfia wasn't sure what she said to him but Lou was much more considerate of her personal space now. As days passed it was usually him or Cyber to check up on her and the help was much appreciated...Of course she was still a bit apprehensive with what happened about...four months ago now and Lou still ademently did his best to make it up to her. Taking off some days in his schedule to spend time with her, she could still tell he was pretty nervous as his visits would usually start off with an assortment of questions: 'How are you feeling?' 'Does anything feel different?' 'Has anything about the baby or you felt different?' 'Feel any change?' 'Is there anything I can get you?' 'Are you eating enough? There's two for you to feed now!' 'Has Cyber been treating you fairly?' And so on and so forth. It was sweet, but by about four months of just sitting in that bed and staring at the ONE channel hell gets or rereading the books she had...she was getting maybe..just a little reckless. She just stepped out ONCE! JUST ONCE!! and as if the universe sent her bad luck not five minutes later Lou came to check on her again when he discovered an empty room with no pregnant mate. To say he panicked was an understatement. As Cyber put it, "He was about ready to tear this place brick by brick til he found you. You might not want to do that again." Surprise, surprise. He found her just a few rooms down looking through his private book collection. The frazzled plant demon bridal carried her back kicking and yelling at him back to the bedroom and another small argument insued-





Untilmately...It came round and round until he decided that she wouldn't go anywhere without him or Cyber and that was final. And she very reluctantly agreed.

"If you wanted some more books you could've just asked someone to get them for you. Your ankles are already the size of oranges."

"...A-Are you saying I'm fat?"

"Oh shit. Nonono! I only meant it'd be better if you stayed off your feet-" His answer was a pillow hitting him right in the face.

"Oh just shut up and get me some broccoli and cheese!"

It was actually quite entertaining to watch sometimes. Especially whenever The two were discussing the future babies room of course. She kept telling him he COULDN'T just make the room into a small garden and he kept insisting that there should be some kind of magnificent flora element to it all! Eventually deciding on some flower print wall paper and him getting to decide what else their baby would have. After all HE had the best taste in things!...Yeah. That idea was scraped within a few seconds of it even coming out of his mouth. Which brings us to the sixth month mark of this whole fiasco and her stomach now looked a decent sized cantelope size. Not quite watermelon size yet but definitely bigger than two months ago. And he was getting anxious and nervous every passing second. And that father's adrenaline was kicking in! She ...probably should've seen this coming, but she was surprised when someone just randomly opened the door without even so much as a warning and she jumped. Seeing the small figure of Midnight, grumpy looking as ever standing there with a few things in her hands. Amalfia watched confused as she just strolled in and stopped right beside her bed.

"Uh...Hello, Midnight."

"Save the formalities. I'm only here because I'm being paid extra to teach you how to be a mom." The grumpy woman tossed something on the bed beside her and she noticed it was a bag, some of it's contents spilt out onto the bed and it was an assortment of books, some things an infant would need, and ....a baby doll? She rose a brow and looked to the smaller female in question. "Well what are you looking at me like that for? Lou's getting me anything I want from the stupid black market for free if I taught you basic motherhood, so be quiet and pay attention. I don't want to repeat a whole bunch of nonsense you two should've looked up to begin with."

She grabbed a couple of the books and shoved them at her. All had different titles such as: 'So Your Child Is A Literal Hell Spawn' By Dr. U. Skrewedup. 'How to Raise Your Baby with a Deatbeat Daddy' by R.U. Sirius. 'Baby Care For Literal Dummies' by Ivanna Break. 'Early Demon Spawn Care and Development And What to Expect' by Prof. Imma Tired. 'Tips From A Mother And Father' by Toowa Manny Cidz. And 'How to Babyproof Against Early Magical Powers' by Mr. Pleeze Halp......She rose a brow and looked to Midnight who sat down and pulled out her own book(that was NOT in anyway motherhood related) of 'Magical Antiques and Where to Find Them' and made herself comfy in the armchair across the room. But rose a brow right back at her.

"What now?"

"M-Midnight...T-There's fifthteen different books here." She gazed all around the books, some thinner than others while one was almost as think as a whole brick!

"And you're point is? This is every book Disease read on the matter and he does a...decent job on the matter...B-But DON'T tell him I said that."

...She blinked. "And I'm supposed to read all of these?"

Her eyes narrows before she leaned back. "If they can make someone like Disease decent of the matter they should do the same for you. You have three and a half months anyways."

"..Then what's all the other stuff for?"

"When you're done with all the books. Now hop to it."

"Hey...Where is Disease?" Her snout scrunched up in thought. "I haven't seen him in a while."

...This time Midnight smirked evilly without looking back up at her. "He and Cyber are 'showing' a certain someone how to handle a toddler hyped up on sugar.~"

"....You. DIDN'T."

She chuckled. "Practice makes perfect.~ Devil knows he'll need it.~"

The books were..not very comforting at all. Most were advice on what exactly demon babies would usually do to terrorize and cry about and how most hell parents deal with them and the best magical fixes in case one of them used their powers against you. She wasn't sure how exactly Midnight thought this would be a good idea, and when she asked after her third day of visiting(reading to herself in the corner waiting for her to get done) she'd basically just say that she wouldn't be showing her anything else until she was finished reading all fithteen books she'd shove in her face. Which quite honestly, was starting to get boring. Day after day, chapter after chapter, book after book. It took nearly a whole nother month to finish any of them and by then she could barely move with the watermelon sized middle of her body now, and she could barely get up without some difficulty and she was a little busy with Midnight constantly busy with her 'mother lessons'. From books to making her hold the baby doll and extremely scrutinizing her attempts at following her instructions on how to hold a baby, feed a baby, dealing with a kid's crying, etc., etc. She hadn't seen Lou in all that time and when she asked, Midnight would give a smirk and simply say Disease was teaching him a lesson on early fatherhood. In the meantime, she was starting to feel a lot more anxious and tired with all this 'mommy training' which might've been helpful if Midnight wasn't acting like she was back in her school days.

So imagine her surprise when one day there was a knock at the door before it just opened and it wasn't just Cyber with food or Midnight with another lesson. Instead, the tired face of the plant demon came in but tried to smile when she saw him.

"What happened to you? You look like you haven't slept in a whole month-"

"Quite frankly you wouldn't be wrong about that." He sighed and closed the door behind him with a small click and walked towards the bed. Red digits rubbing his face tiredly. "I've been in a literal new level hell that I never knew existed."

She giggled as he came around and sat right down next to her and sighed. "I don't know what Midnight bribed her child with, but it has not been easy."

Amalfia's hand was placed on his shoulder and made him lay down beside her. "Yeah. I kinda got that idea from what's she's been telling me. Have you been taking it ok?"

He huffed. "Ok is an understatement. At least I'm still alive, can't say the same for my sanity. After that, I'm never letting my child near sugar EVER. It will be banned from their hands and stomach." She giggled a little more and her hand patted his shoulder. To which he rose a brow to her. "Well I'm glad someone got enjoyment from it. And what of you?"

"W-Well, I've learnt some things, but Midnight has a strange way of teaching things."

"As does Disease." He sighed and his hand came to grasp her own. "I don't much care for his thinking of working on the spot to gain experience."

"Coming from the one who gambles his choices on the spot?"

Another chuckle. "Touche. But for now...I am giving the both of us the day off without any distraction for today."

He heard her sigh and mumble a 'thank god' making him chuckle more and raise an arm to wrap around her which she didn't object too. In fact she was very content to lean against him and sighed as he pressed a small kiss to her forehead. All the days of just dealing with stress, sleep deprived, whatever Disease was trying to 'teach' him, all these stressful emotions, and regular work..It was all just nice to just lay down and take a break of it all. Which is exactly what he did when his tired mind went ahead and made him close his eyes, not hearing the soft yelp she made or the way her hand went down to clutch her large stomach for a moment. Eyeing it dor a small moment and rubbing the spot where the pained kick had come from, before an even stronger pain came from her middle and she visibly cringed, both hands going to hold her stomach as she doubled over slightly...and her purple eyes widened in her horror at the realization of what was happening. Fear and sudden panic shot through her veins and she turned and shook that demon awake like he was on fire. The tired red eyes immediately blinked open and stared at the panicked eyes of his lady with confusion.

"D-Dearest..W-What in hell are y-yo-"

"Get up now and shut up!! I think the baby's coming!!"

That definately got him awake. Which was all leading to the now of this event dear readers. With the best doctors money could buy down here (marched at Cyber-point) escorted there by Cyber and immediately was told to check out the heavy breathing and pain the woman was experiencing. Surprise, surprise. Guess what? In estimated eight hours, he was officially going to be introduced to the child he was feeling anxious over for months. The thought both terrorfied and excited him as he was shoved away from the now hyperventilating woman and pushed out the door by the 'professionals' much to his protests. He waited almost nine months, what was eight hours going to make a difference? 'We can't have anyone in the way, which includes the father.' they said. Like hell he was going to let just any stranger professional or not be in there alone with his mate or child!! To calm the crying mother to be and help ease Lou's tention, a compromise was made where Cyber WOULD STAY for her protection and if they had a problem with it they weren't leaving this building in one piece, and if anything happened to Amalfia or the baby Cyber would have orders to also not let them leave in one piece. ...They were oh so happy to agree with the murderous plant demon before he was finally shoved out the door and ....well. That was it. He was stuck there in the hallway for however long it took for this whole process to end. Two hours in and already he had paced a figurative line in the carpet and paused whenever he heard a yell or groan come from the other side of the wooden door before sucking in a breath and resuming pacing. Sometime later Disease had shown up and he barely noticed the snake sit down in one of the hall chairs, he guessed Midnight was on 'taking care of Noodle' duty tonight after so many days of Disease being stuck with her and using her to 'try' and help teach the plant demon on how to take care of a kid, Cyber's whole idea. Watching curiously as his frazzled looking boss was pacing up a store, mumbling stuff he couldn't hear under his breath. The long green tail switching between wrapping nervously around one of the demon's legs and swishing back and forth like an angry snake. And other than Lou's mumbling and the occasional pained shout from the other side of the door, it was completely silent. He wasn't sure how much time had passed between when he was pushed out and when Disease arrived, but he didn't notice him flick that long tongue of his and get up to walk away and disappear into one of the rooms. His mind was too busy running wild with questions about the entire thing!!

Would it be a boy or girl? Would they look more like him, Amalfia, or a mix of both of them? Would they have his or her powers or again a mix? Would they be ok?! Was everything going ok in there? How much pain was she in? Would it be better if he was in there with her? They weren't hurting them were they? How much longer did he have to wait? Would they be born alright?...Would he really be a good father? Was he really ready for this? Would they even like him? Was he already failing as a father and mate? What did he have to do to get a break around here-

He was stopped when two arms grabbed onto his shoulders from in front of him, red eyes blinked up into the form of Disease as he just stared at his boss. Lou hadn't even seen him walk right in front of him. He blinked and stood straight up to look back down at the snake before he produced a familiar looking cigar and silently offered it to him. A few seconds passed before he sighed and silently took it from him, a click and small heat also appeared as Disease produced him with a lighter, the plant demon using it to light the end of the cigar now stuck in his mouth and sucked until the end caught fire and more smoke filled his lungs. The lighter was retracted and a moment later he blew out a puff of purple colored smoke. Remember how earlier I mentioned how all his cigars were all catered to his plants? Well this time instead of cedar chips, the smell of burning lavender flowers filled the air as he breathed and tried to steady his nerves. He was grateful for the silent gift Disease provided him with and he had taken to now just standing there. Tapping his foot, still listening to the pained noises of his mate, and occasionally taking another deep inhale from the lavender cigar in his hand. Staring off at nothing in particular as....he lost count of how much time ticked by as Disease sat back down in the chair. As time flew by, his mind went back between being completely blank to revolving back to those questions and vise versa again in a giant circle. As time ticked on and the cigar slowly turned into a small stub in his hand. Maybe one or two puff left in it. When all hell broke loose-

A high pitched shriek of pain, the likes of which he hadn't heard her make before make him jump like someone had just slapped him. And his eyes whirled to the door. Cigar dropped to the floor and his heart rate increasing as silence followed after that. Disease was quick to run over and stomp the thing out before it caught anything on fire, and both paused when they heard it. Another cry but this one was very different from the pained shriek just a few moments ago. And Lou...actually swayed a bit as if he might fall over, and his legs oddly felt like jello. His head swimming, Disease pulled him back up to a standing position and he snapped out of it. Going to the door and growling finding it still locked. The cries and wailing of the infant inside still present and he hissed. Red eyes narrowing as instinct took over and he was ready to start clawing his way in- When the door unlocked with a click. He blinked and the opened to a familiar blue haired woman as Cyber took a deep breath before letting it out. Smiling up at him from the doorway. ....He looked up and past her into the room. Laying there limply on the bed was Amalfia. Her chest rising and falling and her hair stuck to her body, but he jumped when he noticed she wasn't staring back at him. His heart skipped a beat.

Cyber was quick to hold up her hands when she saw him jump. "Hey, hey! It's alright. She's fine. She just passed out is all." he wasn't sure whether or not to feel releived but again froze when Cyber asked next, "So, Boss. You ready to see the little guy?"

And he blinked....Guy? GUY! Is that what she said? T-Then did that mean it was a-a-a...b-boy? His head slowly turned to the other side of the room where currently one of the two doctors was handling a squirming small bundle wrapped in a blanket and gave him a look. Maybe it was just instinct or just because he wanted to see and ease all the anxiety- But he quickly pushed his way past Cyber and she watched as her boss walked his way over and the nervous doctor holding the small bundle just..Held the baby out to the expecting father and Lou..stopped. He could easily take the baby now from the terrofied doctor but..he didn't. he just stood there and watch as the bundle still squirmed and made small whimpers for their parents..but he couldn't get his arms to mo- The doctor just moved forward and just placed the child in his arms and scrambled back...And that was it. He froze and was now at last face to face with the tiny little guy he had waited so long to see...and blinked. He..He didn't look anything like him at all. Blonde and white hair just like his mother's was surrounding his small little chubby face as he still whimpered and squirmed about in his father's hold. A small bump which could only be described as a smaller horn was protruding from the fluffed up main of hair and his ears were placed against his head....Lou blinked again at the strange unlikeness his own child presented too him until it hit him. Literally. Something kept bumping against his arm and upon further expection, discovered it was a tail. He guessed it must've escaped the blanket from all the squirming he was doing, but that's not what made him pause at it. The small tail was white and faded to a small light pink color at the end and small, almost unnoticeable small bumps that resembled thorns were dotted along it, and at the small end of said tail was a small little bud like that of a rose bud. He blinked at it but a small cough brought his attention back to the face of the child. He had stopped squirming around and instead was staring right back at him. Which he froze at. Small, tired half lidded purple eyes were tiredly blinking up at him, b-but the whites of said purple eyes were a green. Like a certain plant demon in the room. He stared down at the tiny little creation in his arms before he yawned adorably and curled into his father's warmth, closing those eyes in obvious sleep. Disease finally poked his head in after waiting for so long, incase anything went wrong and was confused to see him just standing there. Cyber slowly approached the new father with a smile, she wanted to give him a moment, and leaned over to look at him...Her smile disappeared for a moment and she blinked in surprise- Before an even bigger one appeared.

Green tears streamed down from those red eyes that were fixated on the small sleeping bundle in his arms, a shaky but huge smile on his face. As he slowly turned to the smiling lacky next to him.

"Cyber....I-I made this."

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