Harry Styles is My Student, And I Think I'm in Love

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"Miss Waterbow do you realise how serious this is? You could be going to jail for years, you abused your authority! If this comes out you will be all over the news, I hope you know that"

The police officer explained for the millionth time, I sat in my chair, I could feel my body shaking from the shock and realisation of what had just happened. I had been caught. I knew what I had been doing was illegal. Everyone knows a teacher and student aren't allowed to be together, it's a well known fact.

But what are you supposed to do when you fall in love with one of your students, and they feel the same way for you, or so you think. What are you supposed to do then? Do you ignore your feelings and hope they go away or do you act on them, hoping no-one will every find out about your dirty little secret. 

"You don't understand, we love each other."

"That makes no difference! You've been having a sexual relationship with one of your students!"

The officer shouted, banging his fist hard on the table, making me jump slightly. I wanted to get out of this place, get some fresh air. My head was spinning, just half an hour ago I was in the classroom, teaching my class like any other day, now I was in a police station facing who knows how many years imprisonment. It wasn't fair.

"It does to me, I did not abuse him, I did not break any forms of trust. He knew what he wanted and I gave it to him, I wanted it just as much as he did. He is above the age of consent, he's eighteen for christ sake, he's a man!"

I laugh in desperation, I knew it was no time to be laughing but this whole situation seemed so pathetic. Yes I had had a relationship with my student, was that so bad? Could anyone really blame me? He was funny, famous, charming and most obviously gorgeous. How could anyone resist sleeping with Harry Styles?

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