First day of school

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can you hear my heartbeat~

Tired of feeling never enough

i close my eyes and tell myself

when i was sleeping i heard my alarm go off so i got up and started singing alittle

after five seconds of mumbling to the song i got up and went to change into my outfit i picked out for school when i was about to go change in the bathroom i heard yelling coming from downstairs i went to go check it out because i was wondering who was yelling at five in the morning not to mention its why to early to be yelling at the top of your lungs. once i went downstairs to check out the noise i was not surprised at who it was so i went back upstairs and went to the bathroom.

after i was done with the bathroom i found Katsuki standing outside my room so i walked up to him and asked Akiyama: "hey katsuki what are you doing outside my room"Bakugou: "i just wanted to say hurry up i dont have all day waiting for you to get ready oh and also the old hag said to come downstairs and eat breakfast when you are done"Akiyama: " alright i'll be down there and stop calling mom a old hag"Bakugou "Oi who said you can tell me what to do im the oldest you got it" Akiyama:" Ok Ok i get it jeez im just saying our mom is not a old hag" bakugou:"Tch Whatever hurry up before i leave your ass behind"

sometimes katsuki can be a pain in my ass sometimes tho not all the time its just that he never acted like this towards me yea he would be mean to other people but that doesn't mean he was mean to me now he is rude to me i even try to avoid bumping into him because if i bump into him at all its all hellfire for me because its not a casual growl under the breath than just walk away it's all insults and sometimes he even would slap me or punch me for it and he doesn't think twice about he just does it walk away like its nothing and i even have the scars to prove once I was done I went downstairs and ate breakfast once I was finished me and
Katsuki headed out to U.A High School i'm really excited because I always wanted to go to U.A its the best school ever and i'm equally excited because I get to see Uncle Toshinori and Uncle Aizawa (and uncle sir nighteye)They always understand when Katsuki Acts Out towards me or my mom sometimes I have to keep my cool or my eyes will change how do i know well lets just say i'm going to just keep my very own cool when katsuki makes me upset or something bad will happen. once we made it to class a red haired boy came running towards and asked Kirishima: "hey Baku bro whos this"Bakugou: "Just My stupid brother" Kirishima:"oh well nice to meet you..." Akiyama:"akiyama... akiyama Bakugou" Kirishima: "So Wait... YOUR BAKUGOU'S BROTHER" Bakugou: "I just Said his my brother Shitty hair" as katsuki and kirishima was talking or more like katsuki insulting him I was feeling like I was being watched so I turned around and saw a green haired guy staring only for a little bit because once he noticed that I caught him he went back to doodling in his notebook i just giggled to myself and continued to hear katsuki and kirishima's conversation once the teacher came in we all quieted down and sat in our assigned sits well except me because im i was making my way to the teacher until someone had an outburst and was yelling at someone so i turned around and saw that katsuki was yelling at the green haired guy that was observing me earlier and of course he got sent to principal nezu's office and i found out that he was yelling at him because he caught him staring at me again but he doesn't know that he stared at me the second time in the row just the first and to be honest with you i was pretty pissed at katsuki because he shouldn't have had a out burst like that his going to make people think i do the same thing. anyway when that was handled mr. aizawa told me to sit right next to the green haired guy his name is appearently midoriya but he goes by deku once i sat down i started a little conversation with him to get to know him becuase we were having a break since Aizawa went to have a talk with nezu about bakugous out burst and how his actions were very dumb. once i turned around to face him he jumped a little causing me to jump to i dont know why but i just did Akiyama: hi nice to meet you my name is akiyama if you may or may not know this by now but katsuki is my brother and im really sorry for him yelling at you he was not supposed to do that no matter what kind of history he has with you and again im truly sorry. Deku: hey its ok this happens all the time so im used to it plus everyone here is used to him yelling so dont worry about it. akiyama: ohh i see now thats why you did not look that scared and nobody looked startled im surprised your not scared that much i live with him and im still kind of scared when he randomly starts yelling either at my mom or me. we were talking when all of a sudden the bell rang for lunch so me and izuku were walking to lunch until he asked me this. Deku:hey you want to hang out with me after school and maybe we can out to eat and walk to the park and after we can have a sleepover its going to be a break from school since its going to be the weekend so what do you say. Akiyama: sure i would love to hang out with you. Deku: good now lets go get lunch. Akiyama:ok.


Hello you nerds i hope you enjoyed my story it took alot of work and confidents to do this story i really really hope you like it and please if you dont than dont comment saying anything and i mean ANYTHING well again thanks for reading my story bye bye stay nerdy

word count:1119

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