Are you Ok (Izuku's Pov)

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Izuku's Pov:
I was so afraid when Akiyama passed out from the lack of air of course kacchan went to jail for how long we don't know ocacho also went to jail alongside kacchan they deserve it not gonna lie they hurt aki and I'm not going to forgive that easily but if Akiyama forgives them than I'll forgive them simple as that. We were at the hospital and when I mean we I mean my mom, Aki's mom and dad,all might, Aizawa, and all of class 1A
They all really loved akiyama alot he was really caring,selfless will stand up for others when needed or when he wants to,and is willing to save people before he saves himself and he has a great personality and he would sometimes act shy around people and I love that it makes him even cuter and his smile it's what makes me fall ten times and that's what I love about him.  two hours later the doctor informed us that Akiyama is perfectly fine and so is the baby I was relieved and so was everyone else they allowed loved ones first then friends his mom and dad went than my mom than all might and Aizawa and lastly it was me I was very happy to see him. I walked in the room the first thing I saw was him looking out the window he does that alot I don't know why but he does I went up to him and said his and he looked at me and smiled wide and ran to me and jumped on me I caught him and we both fell on the floor we both just stare at each other we didn't say a word until someone came in and wanted to check and see if we were ok we both just looked up and looked back at each other it felt like a staring contest everyone was just standing at the door waiting for one of us to blink finally after 15 minutes i blinked and akiyama laughs and gets up and held his hand out for me to take I accepted his hand and got up we looked at each other than at everyone else ida yelled out making everyone jump and look at him he just said went on talking about not saying anything and how kind of awkward it was I didn't really understand but anyway when ida was done with his lecture me and akiyama  wanted time alone so me and him can talk everyone understood so they left the room and left us alone we talked and laughed we were happy we than started to talk about the baby and how it's either going to be a girl or boy I was of course happy with whatever the gender was going to be but akiyama was really hoping for a girl I of course was secretly hoping for a girl also but whatever we have I'll be happy with whatever. After Awhile me and akiyama were just talking about random stuff I than heard him whimper it was kind of odd until he got up and ran to the bathroom and started throwing up I ran in and started rubbing his back whispering sweet nothing's in his ear once he was done I got a wet paper towel and wiped his face so he didn't have any throw up on his face. We got in the bed again after me taking care of him giving him water and kisses also because that's the way I get him to not be in a bad mood me and him saw the doctor come in and tell us that he can go home tomorrow we were happy and relieved that we get to go home instead of staying here once we told him okay he left after nodding to us once he left we both sat on the bed and talked for a little while until we got tired we laid down but before we could fall asleep our family members came in and told us that they were going to leave and that the doctor said that I was able to stay just as longer as nothing terrible happens once our family told us that everybody left after giving us hugs and telling us good night and we laid down getting comfortable and we gave each other kisses and told each other good night I was happy to be with akiyama I hope that nothing bad happens I really hope.

To be continued

Hello nerds long time no see I'm sorry guys for the wait I had writers block I was taking a break I went to write than I had writers block again so a week has gone by and I was like let me get some advice about writers block they told me to just write and think about the words than I read a story which helped me alot anyway off topic thanks again guys I love y'all for reading my story I wouldn't be inspired if it wasn't for y'all I hope you enjoyed reading bye bye and as always here's your daily treats 🍫🍬🍭🍰

Word count:876

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