Chapter 4

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The next day was torture. Absolute torture!

When I woke up, I was still half asleep. Like most days. I got out of bed and got changed into my combat trousers and T-Shirt. I put my hair up with the hairpins on the side and the rest under my black hat.

I opened my door as silently as I could, exactly at the same time as Swift. Though he wasn't so silent... He opened his door and walked to the bathroom at the end of the hall with a nod to me. I shook my head and walked down the stairs to get some breakfast. As I got downstairs, I heard my phone's text message alert and went to check it:

 Hey, would you mind if i skated with you down to school? ive got your address and phone number from school records...


I stared at the text in bewilderment. What? I didn't get it.

I replied that we can meet in the front of my house and went to make some breakfast. As I was eating my buttered toast and drinking the glass of orange juice I poured for myself, Chris came down the stairs.

"'Morning." he said. I nodded as my mouth was full and he went to the fruit bowl. He took out an apple as he was trying to tie his tie. He messed it up again, so I sighed, put the toast down, got the crumbs off my hands and walked to him.

"You really need to learn to do this." I tutted.

"I know. I jsut can't seem to do it." he watched me tie it with amazement. I did it slower so he could try to memorize it.

"Thanks Sam. I can't thank you enough." he said when I finished and he went to get his keys from the hook. I chuckled and ate my toast as he put his shoes and blazer on. When he finished he went out of the door with his laptop bag on one shoulder and his keys in his hand. He quietly closed the door with a quick wave. I waved back as I put my plate and glass in the sink to wash them.

When I was finished, I met Swift on the stairs as I was going up and he was going down. He was in the middle of a huge yawn and nodded and I smiled. I brushed my teeth and went downstairs again after picking up my bag.

When I got downstairs, Swift was washing up his plate and glass and turned around.

"How are you so fast? It's like I don't even know you." he said.

"I don't take ages. You've got hair to gel, and I just put it under a hat. See, I don't have to look good. I don't have girls sighing whenever I smile." I smiled at him, but not for the same reason as every girl in our school. He just shook his head, returning my smile and went up the stairs. I put my bag down to put on my shoes, skateboarding ones this time. When I laced them up, I took my zip-up jumper and jacket from their hooks and put them on.

Swift came down the stairs in his jeans, T-Shirt and open shirt. His white T-shirt was weird under his black and white checkered shirt. I haven't seen him like that in ages. Last time I saw him this happy and casual, was Christmas, last year. He only looks like that when he's at home, and happy. But it was good to see him so happy. I was glad. He took out his pair of black converse and laced them up. I didn't know why he wanted to go with me, but it was weird. He looked like someone who cared about what he wears, which is not like him.

"Wait, you want to come with me? Skateboarding down the hill?" I asked him as I put on my bag and reached for my board.

"Would you mind? I want to take my bike." He shrugged at the last sentence.

"No. But we're going ahead with Ghost. I'll race you." I smiled a mischevous smile. He just shook her head and grabbed the keys to the garage and his bag and threw it over his shoulder. He went ahead as I followed him and he opened the door. He went in and grabbed the white BMX and the black crash helmet that was on the shelf above it. He pushed the bike out and closed the door.

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