Chapter 9

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So, now you know how I became the most quickly developing student in HSSGC. In the popularity department I mean. Looking back now, I'd say I wouldn't have thought things would have gone that way if I didn't bump into Will. I never would have met him, I never would have saved him or Ghost and Jen from a late mark, and I wouldn't have gotten into The Bandits...

Anyway, the next week, Swift agreed to Ghost, about finding out more about White and I was in charge of getting him into the office, and the drawer as he stole some files without leaving traces. Yeah, it sounds easy when I just tell you the main plan, but trust me. It isn't. Either way, the plan didn't take action for some time, but some things did happen in the following week. The whole thing happened on the Wednesday, a week after Luke found out.

We were walking home again, but this time, I couldn't help but notice the colours the leaves were turning on the trees. This time, we walked Will home first. He lived closest to the school, but in the other way to us. He usually took the bus because of it. We took a detour and stopped at a road with orange and red leaved trees on both sides of it. It really was beautiful, and I only just realised that we stopped.

"So, thanks guys. See you tomorrow." Will said and we all started to continue walking, when he held me back. "Sam, could I talk to you for a second?" he said, and everyone else walked out of hearing range. I turned to him and put one hand to hold my bag's strap and the other into my pocket. He looked a bit embarassed and lost so I waited patiently.

"Come on Will, what's up?" I asked him. He looked up.

"Sam, I don't know if you've noticed, but..." He sighed and ran his hand through his hair.

Can I be honest? The fact that Will was one of the most popular boys in our year, and that he was the school catch, wasn't the thing that made me like him. No, it was things like that. Running his hand through his hair in his nervousness, the way he stood with his hands in his pockets and listening to you, heck the fact that he actually looked interested in what you were saying! I'm a girl. Can you blame me for liking a boy? For liking Will? Maybe more than I should have? But I didn't know how to act when I liked someone, so I carried on like everything was normal. Before you ask, no. It didn't exactly work... "Look. The fact that you behave like a boy is cool. In my eyes anyway. And, you are definitely not bad looking even when you're hair is down, even though I've never seen you totally and seriously in your girl version..." I stared at him, to show that I didn't understand, so he sighed. "What I'm trying to tell you is that I like you. Okay? I like you. I LIKE you! I don't care if you don't like me back but you needed to know. I'm sorry. I'm just... Sorry. Bye." he said as he turned and walked down the road. I stood there looking after him, his words not yet registering in my brain.

Then it hit me. He liked me? HE LIKED ME?! A huge smile broke out on my face as Ghost put an arm around my shoulders. I didn't even hear him approach.

"He's only going to say it once you know? Do something now. Or never." he said. I looked at him and he smiled.

"Go ahead. I'll catch up with you guys." I said as I started running after Will. I caught up with him and shouted his name. He stopped and turned, expecting the worst. "Will. It's fine. I have just one question." I said, smiling.

"What is it?" he asked.

"Was that code for 'I want Liz to become Sam.'?" I asked jokingly and he nodded. "Good. Because I want that too." I said after a little pause. A small smile of relief flooded his face as he hugged me and I hugged him back. When we broke apart, he looked into my eyes and quickly kissed me on the lips.

"I'm glad. I've got to run, my mum is waiting for me and I'm already late... See you tomorrow, right?" he smiled. I nodded and ran back to the group.

They waited for me, instead of going ahead like I asked them to, but they didn't bother me with any details or questions. I guess Ghost told them, which became a fact when we got home and Swift told me. He also assured me that it was fine with him, so we were good. Although we didn't show it as much in school, for obvious reasons, he came round on weekends more than usual. We talked, occasionally kissed, and hung out.

The whole thing caused me to be relaxed and happy when November 15th came and I was kneeling before the Head's office, picking the lock before school started, with Ghost by my side, keeping an eye out and Jen and Ginger further down the hallway, ready to distract anyone. The door gave a click and I gave a whisper of triumph. It wasn't a too hard lock to crack, but there was about three of them.

We went in and I set to work on the drawers as Ghost made sure there were no marks left from out little visit... When I finished with the drawers, Ghost rummaged through them and I started on the computer. I knew we should have gotten Tornado too, but Swift insisted on me doing it. He said it was good practice. Anyway, when I cracked the dozen firewalls, I changed my file, so it would fit the male category we made up. I looked at White's files, but they didn't tell me anything about her... Now that, was suspicious...

Thinking about the spy movies my mum was said to loved to watch so much, I tried to pull any of the books, in case there was a door we didn't know about. No such luck. So, I tried double bottomed drawers, nothing there either. Then, a thought occured to me. My mum hid a picture on the under side of her desk. So I tried there as well. Nothing. But then my mum came to mind again. I remembered one of her favourite spy novels where the victim hid a clue in a photoframe. I picked up the Head's photo of her husband, and opened it. Result!

There was a folded letter hidden behind the photograph. I sat back in the chair and read it. I couldn't hold back a gasp. Ghost looked up at me and walked over when he saw the piece of paper in my hands. He read it over my shoulder and we looked at each other. The letter said the following:

 Dear Amie,

 I am glad that you have Morgan in your grasp. I have only just got the equipment from the Base and still need to get  the guy. Sorry that I won't be home for your birthday, but I'll send you The Gun and possibly a souvenir as a present so I hope you get it in time!

 Your loving husband,


Sure, you'd think that this wouldn't tell us much, but then we found other messages that definitely spoke about guns, spies, targets and Dr Morgan. Sure, I didn't like the guy, but i wouldn't like him to be killed.

So, I looked him up on the database and it turned out that Michael Morgan didn't have a history in our world... I was feeling investigatey (is that even a word?) so I tried to hack into the FBI... Of course, my computer skills aren't that good, and we were running out of time, so we quickly made copies of the letters, put the paper count back to what it was before and cleared out of the room without leaving a trace.

We met at home. I mean, my and Swift's place. What I couldn't do, Tornado and Geek did in 30 minutes. The FBI sure are paranoid... Anyway, we discovered that Michael Morgan isn't Dr M's real name. His name is really Marcus Sampson and is from California. He's meant to be this great scientist, who got in trouble and had to be in Witness Protection Programme. He's apparently a genius, and there are people out there who want to assasinate him. Amanda and Henry White being on the top of that list.

We juggled giving them a call, but decided against it, as we would probably get in trouble for breaking and entering (school and office) and various other things, I won't mention here. No, seriously. I won't. Don't you dare try to go ahead, it won't be there. It's mine and The Bandit's little secret! Okat, big, whatever.

Either way, we tried to continue our everyday activities and routines, whilst keeping an eye out for Dr M and Mrs White. Just in case you're wondering, they didn't go near each other again, at all. I think Dr M is smarter than he seems... So, November and the first week of December was spent with surveillance on out part. Not that fun really...

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