Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Well, my birthday went fine, but running into trouble the next week was not in my plans...

Luke had a bad day. We could tell that much... After a month, everybody found out that I was, though unofficially, part of The Bandits. I still had a test to do, just to prove to everyone that I belong there, but Luke was furious about Swift kicking Michelle out, allowing me in and not him. He kept accusing my brother of favourtism...

"How dare you! You kick Michelle out, just to let your precious little brother in?" He walked up to our bench, red faced, the Monday after my birthday. We just looked at him like he was an idiot. Wait, sorry, he is one. So, correction: we looked at him like we normally do.

"How blind are you?" Tornado laughed. "Think what you want, but that is so not the case." he said, seriously this time.

"Okay, Hacker guy, did I ask you?" Luke didn't raise his voice, but we could hear his anger, loud and clear.

"Actually you asked and open question." I said and he whipped his head to look at me. "See? I'm smarter than I look." I smiled at him.

"Shut up." He said simply, but full of rage.

"Why should I?" I said with daring in my voice. I was waiting for the minute when he would try to hit me, because I would be ready.

"Because I said so!" Luke raised his voice. It was nearly a shout, which meant he was getting closer to hitting me. This just made me smile even more.

"Sam. Don't." Swift put his arm out, in front of me so I couldn't move to hit Luke, and vice versa. "Luke, calm down. It's not why I let Sam in, or why I had to shut Michelle out. Michelle knew what would happen, she did it while she knew. She can't undo it. That's final. And Sam isn't even in the group fully yet. He still has an initiation to do, and if he fails  that, he's out." Swift turned his attention to Luke. Luke just scowled at him until I spoke again.

"Take it or get hit. It's your choice." I said seriously this time.

"We, for one won't be stopping him." Ghost and Will said, and everyone nodded, except Swift and Luke. Luke for obvious reasons and Swift because he didn't want to make Luke more angry than he already was.

"Go on then. You got Michelle kicked out of this anyway." he replied. Everyone shook their heads this time round.

"No I didn't. It was your fault. I just told you I knew about it. I didn't tell you everyone else did, you just assumed. You got your precious little spy kicked out, not me." I nearly spat the last sentence at him and took a step towards him as I curled my right hand into a fist. It was fully my intention to hit him.

He would have deserved it.He tried to make it sound like I wanted Michelle out of this. I didn't have a big problem with her. Not this big anyway.

"Yeah, right." Luke muttered. I think he was calming down...

"It's true Luke. Now, you either leave us and Sam alone, or you know what we could do." Will stepped next to me and put a hand on my arm, as it was getting higher, ready to make contact with either Luke's nose or jaw. I didn't decide at that point so I planned to hit as I could. But that hand stopped me and made me realise that Will was good with his words. He could get us out of this, I was sure about that.

"No, I don't know. Refresh my memory. Will you?" Luke said rudely and daringly. I couldn't let him anymore. He was driving me crazy, so I broke out of my brother's and Will's grasp and sidekicked him in his stomach.

Immediately, he bent down in pain as teachers gathered around us. Will and Swift just shook their heads, but I saw the smile, hiding in the corner of their mouths. This just made me grin at Luke who looked up as he tried to stand up. I saw that he couldn't help it as he tried to punch my jaw, but I dodged as I pushed the other two boys next to me and, luckily, they immediately got my message as they ducked and stepped to the side. Luke had quiet a swing, I'll give him that! I ran to the nearby goalpost that was very firmly in the ground and he ran after me. When he aimed to punch me again, I saw Michelle and Luke's friends watching, worried. Then, Ghost and Tornado creeped up behind Luke, so I just smiled again. Neither of them got it at first, but when I grabbed the post and swung around to kick him in his chest, the two Bandits caught him and I stood in front of him with my arms crossed.

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