Chapter 12

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"I knew you'd figure it out sooner or later. Do you think I would have given that up?" he asked as he reached into his pocket while still leaving his arm under Jen's chin, in front of her neck. He pulled out the gun Swift took apart and pointed it to her head.

"No. Never. You're too arrogant for that." I said turned to the side on and got on my toes. I was ready to fight. "Anyway. Did you think that I was so naive?" I asked him. Jake opened the door and the boys came in, gathering behind me when they saw Luke and Jen. Ghost nearly growled at him.

"Tell us something, White. If you are so trained, why didn't you guess what would happen if you put a gun to my girlfriend's head?" Ghost snarled. To this, I shouted for Jen to duck and kicked the gun from Luke's hands. Jake caught it and clicked it.

He then pointed it at Luke, who still had Jen in a headlock. "Because when you mess with a Bandit, armed or unarmed, you mess with every Bandit." he said as the door opened and Swift held the last gun to Luke's head. Michelle was held by Carly and Geek, but she was struggling. I didn't see Will though. "What did I tell you?"

"You know Luke, I never liked you. And one more thing. I don't miss from this angle." Swift smiled maliciously.

"You're not the one with lifelong training. I can break her neck, quicker than you can shoot me." he said as he turned his head see Swift. My brother held his ground and didn't give in. "Drop them." Luke said seriously and looking at Jake. The two boys and I shared a quick look and they lowered the guns and put them on the floor. "Let her go." Luke pointed to Michelle with his chin. Geek had a hand in front of Michelle's mouth since they came in, so we only heard a muffled shout. "Let her go
or Jen dies." he raised his voice a bit. Geek and Carly looked at Swift, then me but both of us nodded. They let her go, reluctantly, and Michelle walked over to Luke. She gave him a kiss like on the first day, with Will. This was stomach turning and I just couldn't take it.

While their eyes were closed, I reached under my belt and started to pull out a small knife I found in Mrs White's drawer. But then saw Will's head pop up through the door's window. The others didn't see, but I did as he showed up a remote that he pushed under the door and to Geek's foot. She nodded so he could see and slowly reached down. When she got the remote, she pushed it into her belt like I mimed her to. When the other two broke apart, I lifted my head up.

"Finished?" I asked the two of them. Without waiting for an answer, I continued. "Good. Let her go Luke."

"Oh, the game's not over yet." He said as if to fill me in. "Get in a circle." he said.

"Don't." Jen said. "Let him. He wouldn't do it. He's too much of an idiot." she said as Luke tightened his grip.

"Shh." he said. He was so evil. I was sure he didn't have to act like that. You can't fake evil that much. I knew he was lying, why did I let him??? "Do it. My parents raised me well." He continued to threaten. Jake stayed where he was, and the gun, so we gathered around him. Jake, Swift and I faced them while the others faced outwards. "Michelle? Your turn." Luke said without looking at his companion.

She reached into a box under a table and pulled out some rope, cloth and cord. She made us turn around and she tied ur hands together. She did my hands last and when she finished with her job, she put a piece of paper and a small pair of scissors that still seemed sharp. They could definitely cut the cord. When I felt it's blade's cold touch my hands and turned, I looked at her; confused. She just looked at me honestly and made us sit down.

She then tied out legs together and then tied us together with the rope after Luke put Jen in the circle too. While Michelle was busy with us, he tied Jen up, so we were in a bunch.

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