Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

The rest of the month went smoothly. No trouble, nothing out of the ordinary. By the end, it got kind of boring. But, my birthday was just around the corner, and Swift made sure that The Bandits knew about it.

I never knew why birthdays were such a big thing, but I guess it just comes with being a Fletcher-Saunders kid. Well, really just Fletcher. But we called our trio that ever since the car crash. October 2nd came faster than I liked and a week before it, the group was buzzing from excitement. I of course, didn't know why at the time. But when the 1st of October came (it was a Friday), the last thing I heard from the group when they left me so I could go home, Swift took the bus as always after That day (when I was officially a part of the group), was
"See you tomorrow!" they shouted as a group. I just shook my head and didn't think much of it, until I got home from a quick walk to the shops to get junk food. I thought we were going to spend the night by watching action films, listening to music and playing video games, like every Saturday.

What I didn't expect was to open the door and find a chocolate cake, with

 Happy Birthday Sam!!!

iced on it with buttercream icing on the table. I also didn't expect to see The Bandits behind it, or the whole house decorated with a banner and balloons and string on the inside. It looked great and as I put my bag down, I looked around in awe. They all shouted "Happy Birthday!" when I turned around and I was speechless. I took off my hat and uttered the only words I could:

"I have to say, hats off to you guys." I looked at them with a smile as they laughed. Swift walked over and gave me a proper hug that I gladly returned.

"Happy birthday." he whispered in my ear. When we broke apart, I looked at the rest of them as they all walked up to either hug me or grab my hand and bump shoulders. I said thanks about a million times to all of them and when we finished, we sat down, like the last time they were around and we sat in the kitchen/dining room. Except this time, I sat at the table.

They told me that they planned a whole celebration and that at first they were planning a huge party but then changed their minds to celebrate with a cake and then films and junk food. I was relieved they decided on the latter and we ate the cake that, even thought the boys made, was actually really nice. It was exaclty what it looked like. Chocolate cake with buttercream icing. We left a slice for Chris, who had to pick up something and let them use the house, and then went to get their bags.

It turned out they all got a present for me, which I thought was really nice of them. I got posters, chocolate, picks, some pencils and a new notebook/sketchpad from Will. To me, that was one of my favourites.

"I saw that your other one was close to full, so I thought you might need a new one soon. Thought this time would be good as any." He shrugged. I just smiled and reassured him that it was a great present and when that finished, we watched films.

Chris arrived in the middle of the first one and wished me a quick happy birthday before going upstairs. He stayed up there until the first movie when he came down to give me my present. I ripped the wrapping paper to find a beginners guitar book which I just smiled at happily. It was Swift's present that Chris had to pick up, but then he led me to the garage and to a cardboard box. Everyone else followed, as even Swift didn't know what was happening.

There was a ribbon tied around the box and it was tied in the top right corner. I just looked at Chris weirdly who smiled and nodded to the box as he put his hands in his pockets.

"Are you serious?" I asked him as I moved to the huge box. It was so big, it wouldn's have fit through the door, except if it was tilted. I moved to it and walked around it once. When I came to the same place again I looked at Swift. "Could you help me?" I asked. He nodded and put out his hand so I could step into it. He lifted me up and held my legs so I took the ribbon down at the top and then looked down to him. He saw what I needed so he looked to the group.

"Could someone get something sharp? Please." he said. Tornado was closest to the tool cupboard and he took out a screwdriver and passed it up to me. I took it and cut the cellotape to open the top of the box. I then started to to the same to the sides, so Swift put me down and when I got to the bottom of it, Swift held the side of the box that was going to open. I took the flap and peeked behind it. That's when I realised what was in the box. I immediately turned to Chris.

"You didn't!" I said. His smile just got bigger and he nodded. "No way!" practically jumped to hug him. "Thanks so much!" I said as he laughed into my hair. I went to the box again when we let go and everyone looked at me questioningly. Swift was still holding the box's side and when I told him to let go, he did. The box didn't move, as the thing inside was smaller than the package itself. I opened it to reveal a blue woven chair and metal cords that fix it to the ceiling. It looked exactly like the one my mom is photographed in on my 3rd birthday. She'd holding me and it's the last picture I have of her.

It's my favourite one, and you can see how similar we are. Our eyes and hair match and it's the last time I saw her so happy. She died a week later. She picked up Swift's parents from the airport from their anniversary holiday, and Swift was staying with us. Chris was left to baby sit me and Swift while she went to the airport about one hour away. We never saw them after that day... It hit us like a nuclear bomb and that day, Chris got an extra kid to look after as a single parent.  Swift was 4, and
he felt he had to help. He never got a real opportunity to be a kid, or teenager. He always had to look after me, so I owe him a lot. But I said that before haven't I. I'm just repeating myself, over and over again. But I don't care. It's my life.

I opened the present and Swift immediately knew how much it meant for me. He helped me move it and so did the rest of the group. The boys took the chair and the girls and I took the tools and other equipment to put it up. We worked on it for some time in my room, but in the end, we put it by the window. It hung from the ceiling and as we watched it turn, everyone wanted to know what made it special. So I happily filled them in.

They went home, after a bunch of movies and junk food, at about 9pm and I went ot sleep with a smile on my face.

It was definitely one of the best birthdays I spent at home.

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