Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

The weekend was normal. And boring, as I said before. We did what we always do...

Anyway, I lived through Monday and Tuesday, and along came Wednesday with free Phys. Ed. . Yeah, the second day anyone could see me going into the girls' changing room. I mean, I didn't mind anyone finding out, but I did mind if they planned to use it against me... Either way, I got changed and I looked around as I put my gloves on. Most of the girls were dressed like me, just in brighter colours. Most of their clothes were designer and probably cost a fortune. I didn't care, I just took the money and bought Nike trousers and used a normal sleevless top from my wardrobe and normal trainers. I put my hair up in a messy high ponytail and when Ms Carter came in to do the register. We answered our names just outside of the gym and went in. No one ever goes to the punching bag, or so I heard from the whole group and especially Swift. So, I mingled a bit to see what everyone started to do and when I saw where Jen and Ghost and Will went, I went to the red punching bag hanging from the ceiling by a metal chain.

I remembered the first time I used a bag like it. I was about 7 and it was my first time in a gym. So, I started with a hard punch, and after some time, I got into the swing of it and didn't stop. I kicked and punched the bag with all of my might, when somebody tapped my shoulder. I turned quickly with the momentum I had and nearly knocked Will, Ghost and Swift over. I stopped the bag from swinging with one hand as they studied me.

"What?" I asked them. They shared a look and shook their heads.

"Nothing. You're good." Will said. "Where did you learn to punch like that? And kick for that matter."

"Nowhere." I shrugged as I turned and continued punching the bag. Everyone else was still using the machines, like Jen who was on a treadmill, and they didn't pay attention. "I mean, I just punch. There's nothing extra..." I said, still punching. I emphasised some of the words with a hit. They watched me some more and then went away as a group. No one approached me for the rest of the double lesson, except for Luke and Ms Carter.

When Luke came close I stopped punching the bag as he stopped to hold the bag. I didn't want to chat, but he seemed to be in the mood.

"So, who are you? I haven't seen you in school these days..." He said. I had a feeling he was totally honest...

"Not interested Luke. You're not gonna cheat on you're 'girlfriend'" I made bunny ears in the air for the last two words and then put my hands down again. "With me. No way. You're a pig. And anyway, I don't like to talk to losers. But thanks anyway, not in a million years either way." I said as I punched the bag so hard that I felt the bag make contact with his stomach as realisation struck for him.

"You're Swift's brother? I mean, sister?" he said as he stepped back.

"What are you talking about?" I asked him with a kick to the side of the bag.

"You know perfectly well what I'm talking about Sam." he said.

"No." I said as I looked at him from under my fringe. Will came to stand next to me and looked at Luke as I stopped kicking and punching the bag.

"Would you leave my girlfriends alone Luke? Or are you always like this?" He asked him as he crossed his arms. I went with his idea (what else could I do?), and Luke narrowed his eyes. Then he looked at me.

"Never!" We both said with Will, at the same time. Luke still looked like he couldn't believe us, so I stared back at him as Will did the only thing he could think of. He leaned down a bit to kiss me and just so Luke would believe it, I didn't object to it. I'm not even going to describe it, but I can tell you one thing; it was a definite first, and it was weird... When we pulled apart, Luke looked at us like he couldn't believe it and mumbled an apology and went back to the weights. I turned to Will.

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