Trying to Find Madelyn

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At the base
The rangers were in the base trying to track find Madelyn's location. All of them were trying there best to find her but nothing was working.
"Ugh, we are never going to find her." Jake complained
"We mustn't lose hope yet Jake, we will find her and bring her back home" Gia says.
"Gia is right. Madelyn is tough. But she is also strong she will hang out as long as possible because she knows we will find her because she has hope in us" Troy states.
"But we can't track her anywhere on Earth how will we find her." Emma asks
"Wait," Noah says
"What if Madelyn isn't on Earth? Instead what if she's in space?" He suggests.
"That is a good question Noah. Tensou check Earth's space atmosphere" Gosei says.
"On it" Tensou answers. After a few minutes there was a red dot.
"That's it. That's Madelyn's life signal" Tensou.
All the rangers sighed in relief.
"Great job Tensou. Now the question is how are we going to get there without being seen." Jake says
"Don't worry about that. I was able to install cloaking to Emma's zord because it's the smallest. You will be able to sneak in without getting spotted." Tensou says.
"Alright lets go save Madelyn" Troy says. The rangers took out their power cards and morphers.
"It's morphing time" Troy says
"Go, go, Megaforce" they all said.
"Megaforce, red" Troy says
"Megaforce, pink" Emma says
"Megaforce, blue" Noah says
"Megaforce, yellow" Gia says
"Megaforce, black" Jake says
"Earth's defenders never surrender" they all said.
"Good luck rangers" Gosei says. They all nodded and left the base.
"Oh, I hope Madelyn will be okay" Tensou worries.
"Let's hope Tensou, lets hope" Gosei says.

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