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Madelyn's POV
I was up after the torture. I was scars that blood is rushing out of,I most of my clothes is ripped up. The reason why I am like this is because I refused to reveal the secret location of the base.
"I will ask you one more time ranger" the monster said
"Where is your base?"
"I will never tell you" I spat. Then I got electrocuted again.
"Wrong answer. You know we can keep you alive if you just tell me and my master what we want to know" she said. I coughed up blood.
"I *cough* will never *cough* *cough* tell you" I said.
"Your choice" she says. I was about to get electrocuted again until I hear the alarm on the ship go off.
"What is going on?" She growls
"Ma'am someone is on the ship" one the oggolies (I think that's what they are called. If not please let me know in the comments)
"The rangers" I heard her growl.
"Split up I want each off you things in every inch of the ship. Stop those rangers from finding her." She barks the orders.
"I will continue what I am doing here." They nodded and left. She turns back to me.
"Now where were we?" Then once again I got electrocuted. I started blacking out again but before my vision got dark. I heard a yell, then the monster got kicked, and a familiar piece of a red suit. Then blacking out again.

Troy's POV
After kicking the monster I saw Madelyn strapped to a table unconscious. I freed her and held her in my arms. I was very worried. I can see burn marks all over her stomach.
"Please be ok" I prayed.
"Guys I got Madelyn. It's time to go" I told the others.
"On our way." I heard Emma say. I carried Madelyn out the room.
"Don't worry Maddy. We're going to get you home." I whispered.

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