Meeting Nicole Part 3

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Madelyn's POV
After the bell rang I decided to take Nicole to sit with my friends and I for lunch. After getting our lunches I took Nicole to the usual table I sit at and already saw everyone else sitting there waiting for me.
"Hey guys." I greeted as I took my seat (which was obviously next to Troy) and then Nicole sat on my other side.
"Hey Maddy." They all greeted.
"Who is this?" Noah asked referring to Nicole.
"This is Nicole" I said.
"She is new here and also my childhood friend." They all looked surprised and then calmed down.
"Well Nicole, it's nice to finally to meet you." Troy says. After that we talked a bit to let Nicole get to know us better and she let us get to know her better. I smiled -she is way more energetic and friendly than I remember- I thought. But at least I have all my friends here + my boyfriend and I wouldn't change it any other way.

3rd POV
But little did she know her friend would also be added to her hero group

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