Welcome to the team officially

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3rd POV
After Nicole beats the monster Madelyn wakes up. The rangers were relieved that there teammate was ok now and gained a new one. Madelyn looks in shock as she sees a new ranger stand in front of her. What she doesn't realize that was Nicole. There victory was short lived when the monster grows into a giant. Nicole takes it on her own as she summons her zord which is a white Tiger and destroys the monster once and for all which also officially gives Madelyn back her dream. They all regrouped back at base. When they get there Madelyn becomes more shocked when she figures out her best friend was under the ranger mask.
"Welcome Nicole" Gosei's voice boom.
"We want to officially welcome you her to our secret base and team. You must promise to become another one of Earth's greatest defenders and work together as a teammate with the other ranger." She nods and says
"Yes Gosei. I will not let you all down." Gosei hums in agreement. The other rangers cheer and put her in a group hug, meanwhile Tensou was cheering "New friend" in the background. This is going to be one heck of an adventure for Nicole to get used to but... at least she has friends.

There, another chapter completed
Hope you like mrcs2578
And Thanh_athleticgirl

Troy Burrows x OcNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ