New ranger part 2

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Madelyn's POV
"Now you feel my true wrath." The monster said.
"Minions attack." Then they ran straight for us.
"Let's go guys." I said. Then we attacked. Troy and I were watching each other's backs. So did Emma and Noah plus Gia and Jake. But when battling I noticed something. Sure the green aliens are attacking us but when were knocked down they tried grabbing us too.
-she is up to something- I thought
-I know it- While fighting the oggolies I formed a plan in my mind. As soon as I was finished I came back to back with Troy.
"Troy can you cover my back with these guys so I can go face miss drama queen over there?" I whispered.
"But what if she kidnaps you again?" He asks
"I don't want to lose you again." I gave his hand a squeeze.
"Troy. I will be fine. I promise." I said. He gave a squeeze back giving me the ok. I ran after miss queenie over there while Troy faced the oggolies by himself.
"Already back for some more." She taunts.
"Yeah I'm ready for a round two." I answered then I summoned my whip.
(A/n: mrcs2578 I hope you don't mind me using a whip as your weapon. It's the only other weapon I thought on the top of my head. Anyways continuing)

"On guard. Purple ranger." She says as she takes out a lance. We faced off I tried grabbing her weapon. We were facing off for a while until she knocked me back with a powerful kick. I wasn't even paying attention that I was in a perfect line a shot for her  until this happened.
"Bye bye ranger."  She says.
"Dream catcher lance strike." She then formed an electric L then that strikes me in the chest. I hit my head then I was out cold.

3rd POV
The rangers witnessed their teammate be knocked down.  They were all shocked. Even Nicole was shocked as she watched her friend get hurt. -I have to do something- Nicole thinks. The next thing you know without thinking straight Nicole was standing protectively in front of Madelyn.
"Puny human." She says.
"Get out of my way." She barks.
"No." Nicole says. The monster was shocked at her responses then growls.
"What did you just say to me?" She growls.
"I said no." Nicole says again.
"If you want to hurt her. My friend you will have to go through me first."
"Hahahahahaha. At least I get to destroy two humans." She was about to strike until a powerful force knocked her back.
"What. Was. That?" The monster then sits up and sees Nicole's necklace glowing. The next thing you know a morpher with Gosei's face on it and a power card.
"Nicole" a booming voice says in her head.
"You act of kindness, bravery, and protection for a friend has given the privilege to become a new megaforce ranger. Now power up."
"You got it." She whispers.
"Ready." She says.
"Go, go megaforce." She was then in a white ranger suit.
"Earths defenders never surrender." She says.
"Megaforce white."

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