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I knew this would happen she doesn't deserve this. I failed her. I didn't see nay alternative to saving Ara if I hadn't done what I did when I did it. A knock on the door pulled me out of my thoughts. I opened it and was surprised to see Victor covered in blood holding an unconscious Ara, also covered in blood. Fear ripped through me.  A million thoughts ran through my head. Is Ara dead? What happened to her? Is she, why what? 

"What the hell happened?" I said moving aside so that victor could come in. 

"She asked the king to rip her heart out. Luckily your mom intervened." 

I blew out a hot shaky breath. I should have known that Ara was going to be suicidal what was I thinking letting her go like that? I let her go, I let her go like that because I was in shock. This was playing out exactly as I thought it would. Ara lay unconscious because I didn't have the sense to go after her.   At least my father didn't succeed but Ara asked him to do it. Remind me to thank my mother. 

I brushed a strand of hair out of Ara's face. Her shirt was covered in blood. She would be hungry when she woke up, but her taking blood now that's another story. Maybe it was better for her to stay asleep. I mean this way I could keep her alive by hooking her up to a machine and feed her blood that way. No! What was I thinking. I can't do that to her there are so many things about her that I would miss. Her smile, her laugh, the way she rolled her every time I called her Barbie doll.  The third one I know she do but I would be lucky if she talked to me when she woke up. 

I plopped down in a chair next to my bed. I put my head in my hands. I blew it, I know I did. 

After a couple of minutes of thinking what went on between Ara and me , I heard her move. I looked up and she bolted up right in bed. Her eyes were the color of coals. They had terror in them, boy would I be glad when they turned back to their normal blue color. they're only like this now because she hasn't fed yet.

"What the Hell!" she said looking down at her shirt.  She started breathing heavy, the look in her eyes said everything, she was hungry. She looked at me reaching up to her throat. "Andrew," she breathed. 

"I'm right here Barbie doll." I said holding my arms out. Ara came closer so I could wrap my arms around her. 

"I'm so hungry," She whispered. I didn't answer, she didn't wait for an answer. Before I could blink she had me against the wall her fangs in my neck. I was surprised but it felt good, I would be lying if I said it wasn't. I closed my eyes imagining me doing the same thing. That couldn't happen though. she's a new vampire and you can't drink from new vampires.  I heard Ara groan as I stroked the back of her head.

"Take as much as you want." I encouraged her. She could take all of it if she wanted to it wouldn't be harmful to me. she needs it anyway.

Resting her head on my shoulder she took deep breaths. "Do you feel better?" I asked. 

"Yes," She said. "That was disgusting I don't want to drink blood ever again." 

"You seemed to have enjoyed it." I said remembering her moans. 

She looked annoyed. "I only did that because you said it would stop the burning feeling in my throat." I sighed sadly.  

"Ara why did you go to my dad?"  Her anger seemed to ignite.

"You want to know why!" she yelled.  "I want to die Andrew! Do you know what your mom told me when she came in and so rudely interrupted, She told me now that I was turned I needed to marry you!" I took a step forward but she took a step back.  "Stop, I'm not done. Your father he had my heart in his fist," 

Okay now that triggered something whether it was my feelings for this fragile little girl or my hatred for my father  I didn't care all I new is that I didn't want to hear this.  

She made a fist with her own hand, continuing. "Right there in his hand. At first I didn't think he was going to go through with it but I looked into his eyes and there was murder. He never got the chance to finish." That was it with every word out of her mouth I kept getting Angier and Angier. I growled pinning Ara to the wall.

"You are mine Ara! Never forget that you are mine and you're never going anywhere without me, do you hear me!"   She didn't even flinch she just stared at me with coal black eyes. SHe did something I never ever thought she would do .

"Well then your highness. You can die with me or you're going to have to start calling me and treating me like you slave again. I am never going to forgive you for this, ever." She seethed. 

We stood there for a very long time, none of us blinking or showing any fear. "Ara you know I can't do that,"  I said breaking the silence. 

"Let me go," She said pushing against me. I didn't want to but after a couple of seconds I did just that. She disappeared out the door.

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