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This is getting beyond ridiculous. Ara has had enough time to herself but still she never came back to me. I guess I really messed up. I'm sorry for it. Ever since that day, she's been acting weird she won't even answer my thoughts.   Didn't I apologize to her  once before, I thought I did and I thought she had forgiven me. 

No, she didn't because all she said after I apologized was goodnight. Oh,  I can't remember it was a while ago. 

I got things to do. Getting dressed in clean pants and a button up shirt, I put my shoes on and stood up from the bed. Sauntering through the lounge I exited into the hall.   I still had things on my mind that related to Ara. The fact that she felt so close last night and yet when I opened my eyes she was nowhere to be found. This may seem weird but, she wants to see me again know she's staying away, maybe that anger wore off.... I don't know; all of this seems like wishful thinking.  Maybe that dream about Ara coming to see me, warning me about Desmond mind controlling her maybe that was true.

My eyes widened in horror as realization hit me, hit me right in the gut.

That day I asked Desmond about hit powers, what he could do now that he is a vampire; he had lied straight to my face. I had to see my brother and if I was right I know exactly where he'd be. 

Running at vampire speed down the hall I didn't stop until I got to Ara's room. This time I was about to knock on the door, which is something I rarely do, Desmond came strutting down the hall. Running up to him I pinned him to the wall gripping his throat. 

He seemed surprised at first but then seemed to relax, he knew it was me. The fact that my hand was around his neck didn't seem to faze him at all. He laughed easing my hand away from his throat. 

"Tell me," My older brother starts. "What made my brother so mad?" I ignored the smirk on his face. He knew very well what I was mad about. 

"What have you done to Ara?" I seethed. My hands are balled into fists at my side.  

Desmond's brows furrow. Somehow I find this annoying but let out a forced laugh. 

"I know not what you speak of," He says all innocent like.

"Cut the crap Desmond, you know exactly what I mean. You lied to me the day you first showed up."  I spat. "Where's Ara?" He clears his throat, doesn't say anything but simply nods his head in the direction of Ara's room.  Reaching for the handle, I freeze turning back to my brother.

"Just tell me this," I pause. He nods again telling me to go on.  "What are you really capable now that you are a vampire?" He leans down closer to me and whispers.

"I can make people fall in love with me," My face took on a look of "What".   Desmond burst into laughter.  "I'm kidding brother. You should have seen your face." He slaps me on the back.  I join in with a bit of fake laughter. He lied to me last time, he clearly doesn't want to expose his true abilities, that is not comforting at all, this is not the brother I grew up with. 

Turning back to the door I knock. 

"Come in," She says. She sounds as if she's just gotten up. Opening the door I step in the room, closing it behind me. I turn to face Ara with a calm demeanor. 

"Hello," She smiles. I love her smile, I miss her smile.  

"Hi," I answer with my own smile. Her smile only got wider.   We stared at each other in silence. Her smile slowly disappeared and I found my self wishing that it was still there.  I saw hurt replace the happy glow in her eyes, frustration, sadness. Just by looking at her; we were really connected; sometimes I hated it and sometimes I was very happy that the connection was there.

"Andrew I'm so sorry," She said as she ran up to me throwing her arms around my neck, hugging me. My arms automatically encircling her waist.  I knew what she was sorry for, I was going to play dumb thought. 

"Can you elaborate?" I asked.  There were tears in her eye as she looked up at me.  I was taken back, okay maybe this wasn't anything to joke about. I could see this was hurting her badly. 

"I'm sorry I've made you wait so long, I forgive you for what you did that day you .... proposed... It's just I've been dealing with your brother and ..." I stopped her in the middle of her sentence. I still had my arms around her waist, I let the tight grip go slack. 

"What about my bother what's he doing to you? "  She looked at me, she was mad that I interrupted her.  "Sorry go on."  I ran a hand through my hair.  

"He won't leave me alone. He keeps asking me questions, like, do  I really love you. I can tell he doesn't like the idea of us together." She said stopping to take a breath.  There was a short explanation to all of this. 

"Well, He is the oldest and it's been known for many generations that the oldest gets the girl and the crown whenhis parent's abdicate,"She gasped putting a hand to her mouth. 

"No, I don't love Desmond, I didn't even know he existed till a little while ago!" 

"Hey, it's okay," I said putting my hands on her shoulders. "I'm going to stop this." 

"How," She looked at me with worried eyes. I thought about this. 

"I don't know I just will, you'll see."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2020 ⏰

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