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This is an unexpected turn of events. Seeing Ara in the hospital getting new blood in her system, there was no question in my mind now that I knew what Andrew had done. He had made the scar deeper giving her a new set of symptoms to deal with and all because they were fighting over me. I had gotten under Ara's skin. When I was in her room, when I almost kissed her, she gained some feelings that weren't for Andrew. I must tell the king.

I was at his door in seconds I didn't knock, I just went in thankfully he was alone.

"Yes Desmond?" he said sensing my presence.

"I've got great news." The king looked up from his book raising an eyebrow. 

"Do tell," Klaus said intrigued.

"Ara and Andrew have split up and now it's my turn to..."

"Really," My father set down his book coming closer to me. "You should wait and see if she comes to you for help, if you say what is true, she'll do just that. Did you say she loves you?"  

"I wouldn't go that far, I was about to say that I got under her skin," I finished. My father thought about this. He was thinking of the next step he wanted me to take.  Klaus threw his head back laughing.  I was doing this for one reason and one reason only. I'm the oldest, not Andrew and it's only fitting for me to be king and if I'm to be king I need a queen, Ara would be perfect.


A few days had come and gone. I had checked in on Her multiple times, her thoughts had definitely taking a turn. Like my father said, she thought about me and only me.  One night, in her dream, of course it was about me, I kissed her and she bolted awake.  I caught her asking herself why she was dreaming about me, why her thoughts no longer thought of anything else? 'stupid dream,' I caught her thinking.   After about two hours she fell asleep again.

One day a knock was heard on my door. I smiled, I knew exactly who it was. Running a hand through my hair I took my sweet time crossing the room to answer the door.  When I did I wasn't expecting what I got so soon. She pounced on me pushing me back against the wall her hand at my throat.   Through all this I couldn't help but laugh.

"What the hell did you do to me?" she yelled.

" I've expanded your mind." I said when I stopped laughing.

"No shit, Andrew's gone only to be replaced by you!" With my strength I made her release her grip. I got the upper hand and push her against the wall, she gasped when my body touched hers. I smiled.

"Do I make you nervous?" I asked running my lips along her jawline. There was tension in the room I could feel it, I liked it.

"Desmond," She breathed.

"Shh," I kissed her throat, her cheek and then finally her mouth. She kissed me back.      

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