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Getting to my room I slammed the door behind me, Turning around I kicked as well. I started to pace the floor. Desmond's not telling the truth I know that. Andrew just sat there and believed every stupid word that came out of his mouth. I stopped pacing and stood in the middle of the room. Maybe I'm just overthinking this. I felt something when it was just me and Desmond alone in my room, it wasn't a good feeling; maybe I was over thinking that too.

Grabbing my robe I stumbled to the bathroom filling up the tube and slipped in feeling all the muscles in my body relax.  That was short lived. I had closed my eyes for just a second, when I opened them again Desmond stood in the doorway to my bathroom. My heart skipped a beat. How the hell did he get here, in my room? Why is my bathroom door open? And why is staring at me like I'm something to eat? 

"Damn it Desmond get out!" I yelled He ignored me and in fact did the opposite of what I told him to do. I sank deeper into the tube as came closer, thank goodness I filled it with bubbles. 

"Did you hear me I said get out!" He sat down on the side of the tube, smiled dipping a finger into the water. I didn't dare move. 

"Oh, I heard you. I'm just not very good at listening." He said still smiling, those molten lava eyes of his glowing.

"Well maybe you should start." I told him matter-of-fact. He chuckled but gave no hint that he cared. I rolled my eyes moving away from him. "What do you want?"   He frowned, looking at me quizzically.  

"Do I have to want something to be in the presents of my future sister-in-law?" That got a gasp out of me.   "Can I ask you something and can you be honest with me?" He asked. Hesitantly, I nodded.       "Do you love my brother?" 

What the hell kind of question was that? Of course I love him.

"Ye..." Desmond was over to me in seconds his body fully submerged in water up to his waist; hand covering my mouth. I froze not able to breath temporarily, he was so close to me and I was naked. Before I could smack him, his hand grabbed my wrist mere inches from his face.

"I want yo to think about that for a while before you answer. Love, you may think you know your answer," He shook his head laughing as if he just got told a joke.  "But I don't think you do." He whispered in my ear. His body so close to mine I could feel his chest rise and fall with each breath he took. He moved his hand to my face tracing my jawline never taking his eyes off mine, I shivered in disgust.

""Get out!"  I screamed. He laughed throwing his head back just like someone else I new.

"You haven't answered my question yet."  I stayed silent. When I didn't say anything he repeated it.

"Do you love him?" 

Thankfully there was knock on my door that saved me from answering his question.

"Are you going to answer that?" He nodded toward the door. Rolling my eyes I said. 

"Close your eyes." That light in his eyes went away only to be replaced by disappointment.

"Fine," He said covering his eyes with his hand. Quickly I got up and slipped my robe on.

"And no peeking," I said looking back but to my surprise he was gone. the knock came again. "Coming," 

Opening the door Margret stood there. I knew that everyday she was supposed to bring me blood but this time she had a concerned look on her face. 

"Hey Margret is something wrong?" She came in, set the tray with the blood down on the table. 

"I don't like this business with the prince being back and all, you know?" She took my hand and placed the glass of blood in it. I downed it in seconds, I nodded my head agreeing with her.   "The king and queen seem to be okay with that, Andrew seems a bit iffy though." 

"Did he tell you that," I butt in,  my tone not nice at all. She seemed confused with my attitude but shook it off.

"Yes, Are you okay Ara?" Not wanting to explain to her . 

"I'm fine," It was a lie but I said it anyway. It was getting very easy to do that. 

The truth was I had not been fine since the day Andrew proposed to me. I was very closed off, I didn't want to be around him as often as I used to. Do I want to marry him? My thoughts went back to the question that Desmond had asked me. 'Do you love him?'  

My back slid down the wall. I wasn't born to be a queen, I was born to be a normal girl with a family and friend. 'Do you love him?' I had answered yes because I knew that's the answer I was sticking to but now I'm not sure if it's true.

"Ara , you in there," I snapped to attention. 

"Yes, fine , I'm sorry," I sighed.  "I'm sorry Margret it's been a long day. I think I'll just go to bed." At this she nodded.

"Yes I think you need it. you're going to need your strength for the party." That got my attention.

"Party, what party?" Margret laughed. 

"I forgot to tell you. The king and queen are throwing a party for there long lost son, Desmond." She said simply. I could tell she didn't think it was right, just a few minutes ago she said she had a weird feeling because Desmond was back.  I shrugged and, crossed the room and fell into bed.

"Goodnight Margret." I said. 

"Goodnight," She said turning off the lights. 

I loved seeing Margret when she came to visit. I remember the first time I met her, I had been hiding in Andrews closet for reasons that were unknown now. She had told me that she was half vampire half human.  I remember how patient she was. I was curious and she was more than happy to answer my questions.

'Ara,' Andrew said in my mind. I sighed and rolled over. You know some times I wish we didn't have this stupid communication in our brains. 'What do you want?' 

'I want to talk to you,'  I waited but he didn't answer after a few seconds. 'I'm listening,'   'Not in our minds, in person.' I could just imagine him rolling his eyes. 'You know where I am.'    

Why did he want to talk to me at night couldn't this wait till morning?  Andrew knocked on the door seconds later. I debated going to answer the door.  No, screw that he can let himself in, I'm staying in bed.  Opening the door he came in. He looked like he just swam a thousand miles, maybe he was upset that his brother was alive and he never came to tell anyone.

"Ara," Andrew sat down on the edge of my bed.

"Andrew I need to ask you something."  He looked concerned and seemed to forget his question. 

"What is it?" 

"Don't you think it's odd that your brother shows up out of the blue. His story wasn't very convincing."  His brow furrowed . 

"Yes you're right about his story not being very convincing. He was lying about something." I sighed in relief, he believed me. I smiled putting my head on his shoulder, his arms went around me immediately.  I felt loved, protected for the first time in six weeks.  

"Can we talk about something else?" Andrew asked. I simply nodded.  "First off I want to apologize for what I did, it was too soon and I'm sorry."  

"You're forgiven. Andrew?" I asked. 

"Yeah, Barbie doll?" There's that stupid nickname again.

"Do you think I'm queen material?" He smirked.

"I know you are." 

"How," I wasn't convinced at all. 

I pulled back out of his embrace. 


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